Ping Opinions

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Re: Ping Opinions

Post by 5i1ent/3ob » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:08 pm

I agree that great players are great players with or without a low ping. I used to play tournament Q2 and I've seen some players who were fantastic at it. My only issue was the fact pertaining to latency. You see, it's no less bothersome for some to hear the claim that ping makes no difference than it is for others to hear that it doesn't, but one point of view is correct and the other is not. Truth is, ping does make a difference and everything else is a variable. I was only interested in establishing the fact that ping is a consideration and the difference can be measured and felt, that's all.
A couple of years ago I ran a little experiment with a friend and fellow UTer. He was still on dial-up at the time and I had just gotten cable. He couldn't beat me no matter what he tried whereas before, the matches ran closer to 50/50. We decided to swap locations one evening. I played from his computer and he played from mine. The change was astounding. I was able to beat him, but it took considerably more effort and I had to alter my playing strategy in order to do so. His win percentage went way up on my connection. We did this for a few nights off and on and the results were the same every time. SO dramatic was the difference that Greg got himself cable the following month. I promise you if you take two equal players and give one a 25 ping and the other a 200 ping the difference will be clear as a bell. I don't like to hear that ping makes no difference because it's simply a false statement which has no foundation in logic or fact. Again, the rest is variables, but ping in and of itself does make a difference, period and anyone who says otherwise has issues that go beyond the available facts. When I play DOU Moon he used to say often that he wished he had my ping. In other words that's why I beat him. I certainly don't think that's the entire reason, but I can't disagree with him because the whole f'n world knows that ping is an issue. Watch the order of completed matches and their scores as they relate to ping and more often than not the scores will follow order of ping. I didn't say always, I said more often than not. Ping is easy enough to prove by pitting two evenly matched players against each other on connections with greatly varying pings. The low ping player will do better almost every time. The difference might be slight, but when it comes to dodging bullets, switching weapons, translocating out of harm's way, makes a difference.
Again, I stress that the issue isn't an issue to me, but when I am challenged on a subject filled with fact and available proof, told that I'm out of my mind when I know I'm not, well, I feel duty bound to prove that I'm not insane lol. The question was does ping effect game play, and although the answers were varied, they all state pretty much the same and most seem to agree that latency is a factor. So, in your face, you know who you are:) So do I by the way lol. Peace!

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Re: Ping Opinions

Post by Scify » Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:44 pm

5i1ent/3ob wrote:I agree that great players are great players with or without a low ping. I used to play tournament Q2 and I've seen some players who were fantastic at it. My only issue was the fact pertaining to latency. You see, it's no less bothersome for some to hear the claim that ping makes no difference than it is for others to hear that it doesn't, but one point of view is correct and the other is not. Truth is, ping does make a difference and everything else is a variable. I was only interested in establishing the fact that ping is a consideration and the difference can be measured and felt, that's all.
A couple of years ago I ran a little experiment with a friend and fellow UTer. He was still on dial-up at the time and I had just gotten cable. He couldn't beat me no matter what he tried whereas before, the matches ran closer to 50/50. We decided to swap locations one evening. I played from his computer and he played from mine. The change was astounding. I was able to beat him, but it took considerably more effort and I had to alter my playing strategy in order to do so. His win percentage went way up on my connection. We did this for a few nights off and on and the results were the same every time. SO dramatic was the difference that Greg got himself cable the following month. I promise you if you take two equal players and give one a 25 ping and the other a 200 ping the difference will be clear as a bell. I don't like to hear that ping makes no difference because it's simply a false statement which has no foundation in logic or fact. Again, the rest is variables, but ping in and of itself does make a difference, period and anyone who says otherwise has issues that go beyond the available facts. When I play DOU Moon he used to say often that he wished he had my ping. In other words that's why I beat him. I certainly don't think that's the entire reason, but I can't disagree with him because the whole f'n world knows that ping is an issue. Watch the order of completed matches and their scores as they relate to ping and more often than not the scores will follow order of ping. I didn't say always, I said more often than not. Ping is easy enough to prove by pitting two evenly matched players against each other on connections with greatly varying pings. The low ping player will do better almost every time. The difference might be slight, but when it comes to dodging bullets, switching weapons, translocating out of harm's way, makes a difference.
Again, I stress that the issue isn't an issue to me, but when I am challenged on a subject filled with fact and available proof, told that I'm out of my mind when I know I'm not, well, I feel duty bound to prove that I'm not insane lol. The question was does ping effect game play, and although the answers were varied, they all state pretty much the same and most seem to agree that latency is a factor. So, in your face, you know who you are:) So do I by the way lol. Peace!
I agree with you I have play with Very ping one time. I learn how deal with.Just stay learn how play. Some time high ping people download map they don't have.
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Re: Ping Opinions

Post by Hermskii » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:04 am

This discussion reminds me of DeadMan_Walking. I recall he played SRA and won often while on a 56K connection. He later got high speed I think and loved it. Note that I'm not saying that PING doesn't matter. It does but use Deadman_Wlaking as an example. Some people get used to the lag or figure out how to time it and do well. Yes, lower ping is better but no, it doesn't make that big of a difference unless it is just a really bad ping. I find UT unplayable from a celeron I have in the garage over a wireless network. Could I get used to it. Likely not but could I try with it and win? Yes.


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Re: Ping Opinions

Post by 5i1ent/3ob » Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:45 pm

Hey, if you ever want to relive those glory days of 3-digit pings just use some prog like TCP optimizer or Dr.TCP and set your RWIN window to a really low value, say 150. Go into a UT server and relive baby relive lol. Because of re-sends and huge loss you'll have a nice fat 300 or so ping and the memories will flood back like a stopped up sink lol. You'll even see the good old red flag telephone jack icon flashing on and off as you fly around like a rhino running through mud:)

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Re: Ping Opinions

Post by Hermskii » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:23 pm

OMG! I had forgotten about the "Flag of Laggg" as I used to call it. I actually couldn't see back then that it was a picture of a jack. Now the bad dreams will start all over again. Thanks SB.


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Re: Ping Opinions

Post by Fuzz_Ball » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:36 pm

The Lag Flag?
Never thought of calling it that.
Ya know, I actually still see it from time to time.
Although I get a good ping, it shows up once or twice a game.


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Re: Ping Opinions

Post by Hermskii » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:09 pm

I correceted my mistake. I used to call it the "Flag of Laggg". I have not seen the dreaded thing in years.


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Re: Ping Opinions

Post by Hook » Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:31 pm

Hermskii wrote:Some people get used to the lag or figure out how to time it and do well.
I know - I had 56k dialup for all but the last few years.
I got pretty good at "Planning ahead" with my projectiles.
Aim where you think your opponent will be in a sec or 2 from now!
Also, the high ping could actually hide your real whereabouts sometimes, especially if your ping was very high.
It kinda cloaked you from the low ping players - you just had to get a feel for it.
Like playing in a slightly different dimension if you will. (The Twilight Zone) :lol:
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