Possible fix?

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Possible fix?

Post by Hermskii » Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:18 am

Take a look at this. As near as I can tell, it will make it so that you can't get MH file mismatches when joining different MH servers that use different versions of the MonsterHunt.u file. Maybe it isn't that file but to make it so that you avoid the whole mismatch file issue that happens depending on which version of the MH patch someone has installed on the server is a big deal! Read about it here:

http://www.planetmonsterhunt.com/viewto ... 636#p10636


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Re: Possible fix?

Post by Nelsona » Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:07 pm

Thanks for posting this, if you can host this little tool I'll be glad about that. Sometimes my provider can stop Internet and link will be lost for the moment, 2nd trouble - I saw a post with some closing PMH.

Sometimes I just wander if that admin didn't recompiled MonsterHunt.u to be a clear one, a fixed one. We all know issues from MH. For this reason MonsterHunt2v.... any version was hardly worked to deliver some quality. At Gopostal's suggestion I did the same thing but in my own way. Indeed, a server can work more stable and accurate with a better MH than default 503.

With MonsterSeeker I tried to help people (players, admins) to develop a MonsterHunt.u without creating mismatch problems. Also that little browser is asking 3 MasterServers about MH and other games, is a backup if the default 1 MasterServer asked by players with MH503 is down (happened 2 times last year). If is a bad ideea, remove the file and job done.

Now, I want to tell you that I can host some files without troubles, but I have a major problem, I don't have a faster connection. Also I saw what is happening with Internet bots, so I don't mess the things up using port 80. Maybe if the situation will be much better in the future, I will pay for a better connection, a bigger HardDrive and then I'll be able to host more things. Usually I don't really love to use those free services not really guaranteed.

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Re: Possible fix?

Post by Hermskii » Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:33 am

No problem Nelsona. I'll host it. Give me to this wekend and then remind me. I'll put up a link to it. Nice work.


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Re: Possible fix?

Post by Nelsona » Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:46 am

I don't think I bump this too much.

At UT-Files site and forum I posted a few months ago something about a browser for players to explore a few games with monsters. Nobody answered in that time at question related to any other game with monsters and I completed it for a few categories. The purpose was especially MonsterHunt games without to install MonsterHunt.umod or non-umod in client game, just for avoid mismatches related to MonsterHunt.u. Yeah, you read this well, MonsterSeeker will browse 3 Master-Servers for MonsterHunt game-type without to install this mod and not only MonsterHunt.

Well, after some months (almost 1 year) I noticed other interests related to this game.

About last post there related to this subject I want more details about screenshots requested (- Messed servers ? or - MonsterSeeker collecting list ?).

I also can inform people that I don't have installed in my usual client any MonsterHunt version, I'm just using this tool to spy games and to join (or more exactly I used this until now).

Anyway I think I'll stay away as I promised, yesterday I turned off the server first time in last year for more that 40 seconds like usual. I stopped host, I really don't have reason to look at logs what was downloaded. I noticed files downloaded some of them even not recommended to be used in mapping and/or modding, and I won't support the destruction of this mod with files - the most of them are just trashes throwed which prove a bad modding.

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Re: Possible fix?

Post by EvilGrins » Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:40 am

To date I've never run afoul with any version mismatches with MH. Which is saying something given I'm still running the initial release of it.

Anytime I come across a server with a more advanced version, it just loads up whatever I need to play into the cache folder.

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Re: Possible fix?

Post by Nelsona » Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:11 am

To date I've never run afoul with any version mismatches with MH. Which is saying something given I'm still running the initial release of it.
Initial release is only in your opinion, exists 5.00 and 5.03 which is not the same "initial release" as long as we talk about version 5.xxx. I'm not curious to see the crap 4.xxx, I guess nobody has it any more.

Was last year one or two servers but you didn't noticed this, even playing since 1999 LOL, with a different version (I meet this). To avoid any error like mismatching, I coded a simple browser without to require any file involved in MH.

Also as I said tens of times, if an admin will want a fixed version of MonsterHunt.u file assumed to be version 6.00 or whatever, nobody have a mismatch as long as don't hold the same file in system folder. Without such a file nobody can browse MH TAB. My browser is usefull to browse this WITHOUT any MH file in system folder. Anyway, I won't waste time with so many explanations because not so many people are reading.

JUST as a conclusion, I won't support this any more because I didn't saw any result, and nobody asked for an updated MonsterHunt.u, and I repeat, more people are busy to make this MH a lame circus not a shooter game.

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Re: Possible fix?

Post by Nelsona » Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:41 am

Continuing for MH default requirements in any potential future release

1) Talking about a team of hunters - Removing a stupid ELSE condition from controller because we don't need to see EPIC codes just copied without to think to much;
2) Fix that bright ideea according to Nalis and Cows to decrease score but they are hunted by Bots as well - not really necessary but is a note;
3) NaliRabit is not a ScriptedPawn as described after some whisky - is hating human even without fight code just spaming servers;
4) RazorJack is missing ruining any default SkaarjOfficer and also replacements incorrect done;
5) Green cubed trash QuadShot need an adequate replacement;
6) Throw monsters in a team to remove an ilogic server spam;
7) Options for sucks classes from UnrealI and UnrealShare;
8) Fix the deliberated Tentacle error to avoid modding mutators related to MH;
9) Monster Projectiles must be decaled and recoded all dumb classes with incorrect RemoteRole;
10) More A.I. codes to enhance party (a keypoint is really stupid for a bot), other thing can be added to this in map by controller to keep compatibility with all old maps - even implementing defence A.I. code;
11) Fix friendly fire between Monsters exactly like for humans (even optional);
12) Fix respawn time for ammo, is nasty to see player without ammo fighting with Tentacles Gasbags, etc. with chainsaw LOL;
13) Rewriting OLD weaponry code to be handled well by any computer controlled pawn without accesed nones;
14) Bring the shadows ON-LINE - find other solution for the stupid so called SKILL which for the most of monsters is 0 and in my maths 0 × something = 0, so, our monsters are wick;
15) ETC - maybe I forgot a lots of things and for this reason I appologise in advance.

If nobody is interested to take responsibility for this then is OK, I already archived server on a USB-Stick and I removed all files from HDD. Will start a server when I'll miss MH. But will be AN IMPROVED ONE, if will be...

I posted these informations because maybe some dudes are wandering where is my server. Well isn't any more - I don't keep for 10 years an old file with a bunch of known issues.

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Re: Possible fix?

Post by Hermskii » Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:41 am

Send me Seeker.


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