Back to the Future part III (Doc and gopo)

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Back to the Future part III (Doc and gopo)

Post by Hermskii » Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:31 am

I was watching Back to the Future Part III last night with a nephew of mine. This would be my nephew Matrix's older brother.

I watched about the first 40 minutes of this movie with him which I have watched at least 10 times in my life time since I can never turn it off if I ever find it or any of the Back to the Future movies while channel surfing.

I was watching Doc talking out loud trying to explain to himself how he thought he recalled that he visioned Marty coming back from the future he had just sent him back to. Then I was watching as he had written a note to give to Marty to give to himself in the past from a farther part in the past telling himself how to fix the broken time travel car (Delorean) so he could send Marty back to the future again. Yeah, it gets a little confusing at the least and real confusing if you actually try to make sense of what Doc is saying just like when I listen to or read something from gopo too closely. LOL.

Anyways, It hit me last night that The DOC character is close to how I picture gopo sometimes. LOL. I can see Kelly pacing around, head tilted sideways, a hard gaze locked looking into space holding and scratching his chin, squinted, thoughtful eyes darting back and forth, mumbling all of these theories aloud as he tries to work out the Monster Hunt coding issues in his head nodding his head yes or no every once in a while. I can even picture the aha moment when the solution presents itself to him and he says "Aha" and quickly turns to run to his computers to quickly test his solution before the solution escapes him.

Yeah. I don't know if I'll ever look at Doc the same while watching back to the future in the future. LOL! It does make me smile when I think of it though. LOL. How could I have missed this for so long? Doc had a lot of failures before he finally got on the right track. I think gopo has too but from all the reading I've done lately of all the things he getting into or getting done now, it seems many ugly issue in UT are soon to fade away. That is good for all of us! Way to go gopo. In the last movie DOC had a happy ending too.


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Re: Back to the Future part III (Doc and gopo)

Post by Hook » Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:30 am

OK - How many BEERS did you have bro??? :P
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Re: Back to the Future part III (Doc and gopo)

Post by Hermskii » Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:15 am

LOL. None Captain. I have not had a beer since the Superbowl. I am really beginning to miss smoking even more now. Bad nic-fits here and there still.

You don't see it? Maybe it is just cause I know him better than you do. You have to fit some Clifford (the postman from Cheers) in there too. The guy with all the facts whether they are true or not but they sound good when he says them with such conviction. Overall I think it is a compliment of sorts. In the discussion of going back into time, it reminds me about a uncle I have. He was a well known eye-surgeon. At family events we'd play that game Trivia Pursuit. It would be the whole family versus him. He would always win. I once decided that if I could go back in to time and take any person of my choosing it would be him because like Doc in the movie, my Uncle would quickly bring many of the creature comforts of the industrialized to the past. Yeah, my uncle would figure out a way to make ice in an old western town in the middle of summer. We'd be rich!


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