MHM is up again!

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MHM is up again!

Post by Hermskii » Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:52 pm

Yes, the server is up again. After being down several weeks I don't expect it to get too busy too fast but it will return to it's previous glory sooner or later.

Until then let's discuss some differences. I have found numerous errors over the last few weeks and have resolved them. The server is still stripped down quit a bit. There is no server adds. There is no Valhalla Avatar mod and there is no keep it clean mod or a functional antiboost mod other than the one it has now that is stuck on antiboost.

Aside from all of that stuff which won't be missed too badly anyways I feel that the server may be pretty stable as is. I expect to keep adding extra mods each day until I start to see the crashes again. Then I'll rebuild again without using that last mod added before crashes started.

That is all for now.


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Post by K » Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:15 am

YAY!!!! :D :D :D


Good Job Herm

Post by DELETED » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:53 am



Post by DELETED » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:45 pm



Post by DELETED » Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:06 pm


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Post by Hermskii » Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:48 pm

Wow! This sux. The server has already registered a crash and it is the exact crash that I'm trying to fix. It is that one that says:

Critical: AActor::TestCanSeeMe
Critical: AActor::PlayerCanSeeMe
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (CreatureChunks MH-Kittara.CreatureChunks1711, Function Engine.Carcass.Dead.Timer)
Critical: AActor::Tick
Critical: TickAllActors
Critical: ULevel::Tick
Critical: (NetMode=1)
Critical: TickLevel
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: UServerCommandlet::Main
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 12/26/07 09:47:39

The good news is that this eliminates the possibility of the problem being the "Keep It Clean" mod, the "Server Adds" mod, the "451 Patch versions 1 and B" and the "Valhalla Avatar" mod. The bad news is that it points to the "BIGI's" mod and or the "MapVoteLA13" mod. Since nobody has ever complained about the "MapVoteLA13 mod and hardly anybody uses the "BIGI's" mod, I have to lean towards "BIGI's" mod being the issue.

Soooooooooo, I'm going to pull off the "BIGI" mod and add a "UTJMH" mod so I can control the health and ammo regeneration. I'll run it like that for a day or two and if I have no similar crashes, I'll know the "BIGI" mod was the issue. I'll keep you all informed. See ya.


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Post by Hermskii » Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:55 am

OK, I feel dirty but Bigi is gone and UTJMH29 is on. I prefer Bigi but if this UTJMH doesn't crash my server it can stay.

I tried to mimic the Bigi settings the best I could. To me it seems much easier to die with this mod. Ammo regens much faster but death happens faster too. Check it out and let me know what else you notice if anything.

I need input mannnnnnn!



Post by DELETED » Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:12 am


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Post by K » Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:45 am

UTJ doesn't announce "Godlike" at all.
The announcer like you said is annoying as hell in UTJ.
The main reason i preferred BIGIZ mod was the Classic announcer.

I don't care how much my server crashes, i will never use UTJ. I dispise that gd announcer. I probly wont ever be seen on MHM#1 again if the UTJ stays on there.

I may sound heated about this, and partially i am because of the way UTJ mod encourages people to play "like kamikaze idiots".


Post by DELETED » Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:01 pm


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Goodbye Kort

Post by Hermskii » Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:01 pm

Well Kort, it has been fun. We will miss you. I say that because I have not had a single crash since removing Bigi. You'll notice I have posts all over the place asking BIGI to contact me so I can get permission from him to have it modified to meet my no crashing needs. As mentioned on my home page, I used BIGI mod to avoid those stupid UT2003 announcements and especially the "Holy Sh*t" one.

The good news is the way I added it makes it so that you only see them in the message box unless you already have the mod installed on your own computer. It was the best I could do with what I had. I'm hoping to get with the owner of the SMO clan who is awesome with mods and ask him to customize BIGI to meet my exact specifications. Bigi has a family too and he has no time for this stuff as of the last few years.

I think BIGI will let us alter his code. Kort, don't make me track you down in Austin just to make you play UT with me damn it! LOL. Later!


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Stop the presses!

Post by Hermskii » Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:14 am

Stop the presses!

I just registered the error an hour ago while using UTJMH mod! That is great news because it means that the BIGI MOD isn't the issue and I can now switch back though I still want to have it modified. One of the last things he and I were trying to due was have it announce each player by name when they joined. Not just in the message box but across the screen. We had lots of other cool things in the works too but then BIGI knocked up his wife and had a second child. It was all over then.

BIGI mod will be returned to the server packages. UTJMH29 will be happily removed. My network card will be changed out too. All of this will happen this weekend. Later!



Re: Stop the presses!

Post by DELETED » Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:09 pm



Post by DELETED » Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:15 pm


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Post by Hermskii » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:39 pm

For reasons I'll let let Kort explain if she wants to, I'm more aware of crashes on my server than she is on hers. True, if it isn't BIGI and I have no other mods installed then what is going on? Answer: I still don't know. I changed the network card out last night and I still registered another crash today at around 1:00 this afternoon.

I was told before that this crash only happens on bad internet connections but there is no way that I have the only bad connection of all UT servers. Also, I should have known it wasn't the BIGI mod because I don't run the BIGI mod CG and I have seen the same crash on that server too. I'm confused to be honest. I'm about to use a different Operating System to test this though I'm sure there are hundreds of admins using XP with out this issue. Maybe they all have the issue and just don't know it? We'll see. I get an answer to all of this soon enough and when I do, it will be rebuild time again but this time, lots of other small issues will never pop up again. I have learned lots since started trying to fix the servers. Later!


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