{CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hermskii » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:07 pm

Redirecting? How is that done? I'm imagining that a player connect to your server and ends up on Mars' server instead if yours is full.


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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hook » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:36 pm

Is it in NexGen?
I know NexGen has a part you can put in alternate server addresses that when a server is full that player is given a choice of some other servers that are in that part.
Or, is that also in the MH mod you use Sir Mandrake?
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Sir Mandrake » Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:46 pm

Its in nexgen under server addons I believe. You can configure up to 3 servers they can choose from or set up one server and automatically redirect them to it. The latter would be usefull if you have a mirrored server I suppose. Its the 1st time ive set this up so I assume its working when the server gets full.
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hermskii » Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:04 pm

I hear about too many issues with NexGen so Ihave not tried it. I have heard good things too though.


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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Sir Mandrake » Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:07 pm

The only problem Ive had with Nexgen was it would get screwy if you tried to switch maps with it, otherwise its worked great for me and really add flair and functionality to the server.... But I guess that would be a topic in another thread lol

I have a map called revote... its a large room with about 16 spawn points....everyone runs to the end of the map and you see a sign that says welcome, thus ending the map and mapvote appears. I always thought it would be cool to come into a map like that, click a poster of Curious George or a Pirate and you'll automatically go to that server.

Edit: Spelling - Typed that one too fast and had errors... blah!
Last edited by Sir Mandrake on Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hermskii » Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:55 pm

It's very possible. I used to discuss this a long time with someone. He got it to work but we never went forward with it. Our plans became real grand, too grand and it just stopped. I think it is in use out there already. We had planned to have a server listed in the DM section but when you joined it would take you to an actual MH server that just ran one map. A tutorial map of sorts that welcomed the player and walked them through the ins and outs of MH. At the end there was going to be several doors with server's names and a avatar on them. The player could then just touch the door. End the game and get portaled to that server.

Genius huh!

Helen! Oh Helen...........

PM me when you get a chance. Thanks!


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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hook » Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:08 pm

WOW - it certainly has been a while since I updated this CMM NEWS thread...

Well, we have installed the New PirateDeemerCMM013 version on CMM now.
(old/last version was 012)

We will now work from here on out to tweak and adjust it for the better as time goes on.
This was made way easier now with this new version, as we can do changes to even many of the graphics without recoding.

Also, the trans-radar and the guide-radar has been fixed so we can turn either one on or off and adjust its range, etc., - it wasn't working in the 012 version (we couldn't turn on or off) - now it does.

Stay Tuned folks! 8)
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hook » Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:19 am

WOW - it certainly has been a while since I updated this CMM NEWS thread...

Anyway, as most of you may already know, the SEEKER-Redeemer has come back Home, full circle, Back to us at {CMM}, as HUTP was its place of Conception, Original Testing and its Birthplace.
The Newest versions of it anywhere are now on CMM for you to play and enjoy.
It is in the 4th Column of MapVote on CMM - Map Prefix: "SeekDM"

As you may guess, it is a Missile that can Lock On to its target and attempt to follow them - lots of fun indeed.

Enjoy! :wink:
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hook » Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:40 pm

We are slowly upgrading the several redeemer configurations on CMM to the New 014 version of PirateDeemerCMM - (last version was 013)
The new 014 version Tests have been working great and, as I post this, is in column 1 of MapVote now on our CMM server.
ALL of "BIG BOOM" configuration is now the new 014 mod. (map prefix: bbDM)

This new 014 version adds the best of any good redeemer mods to it, including the Seeker mode from the renowned and well-liked Missile Mania mod. YEAH Baby!!! :mrgreen:
Also - Where can you Guide a Redeemer Missile and also use the Seeker missile in ONE map or game?
Answer: Only on CMM with this new 014 version of PirateDeemerCMM. :P
Makes for some Real Interesting Redeemer Missile battles - Think about it!
This new 014 version is also enhanced for better game play better than any other redeemer mods.
A lot less blowing yourself up in tight places, around corners and over ledges, etc.

ENJOY Folks! :wink:
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hook » Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:02 pm

ALL Deemers (except Missile Mania mod) on CMM are now the New 014 version. :mrgreen:
LOL "GUIDE and SEEK" :lol:
(See above post for more info)
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hook » Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:07 am

WOW - I haven't updated this thread in 2 years! :o

Now for something totally NEW...
NOTE: We Have Added FOOD FIGHT to our {CMM} server!
MapVote Column 4 | Map Prefix = ffDM
Also FRYING PAN Arena - a Real Hoot with a group of players!
*(((BONG)))(((BONG)))(((BONG)))* :P
MapVote Column 4 | Map Prefix = fpanDM
Along with the Other Goodies! :wink:

Food Fight Seems to be quite addicting.
We get a good group playing each night! (and day too)
Side effects? - I get real hungry while playing, and fatter too! :roll:
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hook » Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:52 pm

Server Name is Now ...
CROSSBONES Missile Madness {CMM}
(was: CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness {CMM})
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hook » Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:35 am


NEW CMM Server Name is Now ...
(was: CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness {CMM})

IPs have Not Changed!
You can always check a number of servers for current information here ...
:arrow: http://hooksutplace.freeforums.net/page/hutp_servers
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: {CMM} CROSSBONES Lucifurs Missile Madness - NEWS

Post by Hermskii » Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:15 am

That link to your servers listings helped.

I now know Sir mandrakes server is still up with a new IP so I updated his stuff. Still wonder about my listings for MARS and then I will try to fix Hitman's stuff last.


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