NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

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NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:01 pm

Well, I just set up yet another "Experimental" or "Trial" Configuration for the PirateDeemerCMM006 mod.

I call it The "German 88" as in the infamous German artillery unit that was used by the Germans during World War II.
The "German 88" was highly feared by the allies as it was a very deadly weapon indeed that was well at home in different configurations and settings.
It was a high velocity, armor piercing deadly shell that often was not even heard until it exploded because it came in so fast and stealthy. :shock:

I configured this new "German 88" configuration of the PirateDeemerCMM006 mod without being able to try it, so there may be some tweaks coming after I am able to try it tonight.

It is in Column 4 of MapVote with the MapVote prefix of "88DM".
Let me know what you think.
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:48 pm

Well, SilentBob and I had a chance to try out the New "German 88" Configuration of PirateDeemerCMM BETA 006.
It looks Very Promising indeed as it was a LOT of FUN for us.
Of course, being that I "blindly" :roll: configured this one, SilentBob and I concurred that it needed a few adjustments.

So today this is what I did based on SB's and my observations last evening...

* We found that the firing rate was a tad too slow, so I upped it a notch to the standard, default firing rate.
* We also noticed that the Damage Radius was a bit too small from the blast - so I upped the blast damage radius a bit.
* I also upped the Damage amount just a tad just for good measure.
* I adjusted the Shock Wave radius (size) UP a bit too so it is a bit bigger.
* I swapped the primary Shock Wave's color with the Secondary Shock Wave's color - cool! LOL
* I also upped the primary Shock Wave's and the Secondary Shock Wave's Speed a bit for a more "snappy" blast - also cool! LOL
* I upped the size of the inner Firey Explosion for a cooler more realistic 88 mil. shell explosion look.
* And lastly, I removed the smoke trail of the shell because the real 88 mil. shell had no smoke trail which now makes our new "German 88" configuration even more stealthy indeed.

I (or we) will try this one out again tonight and see how it is now.
It just may need some more tweaking, but we will see.
It WILL be ANOTHER Winning Configuration I am sure, as I already love it! :P
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:03 pm

Well, I tried out the New "German 88" Configuration of PirateDeemerCMM BETA 006 again last night...
... and YEP, it is getting even better still.

So today this is what I did based on my observations last evening...

* The Damage Radius was still just a bit too small - so I upped the blast damage radius a bit.
* I also upped the Damage amount just a tad again just for good measure.
* I again upped the primary Shock Wave's and the Secondary Shock Wave's Speed just a bit more for an even more "snappy" blast.
* I upped the size of the inner Fiery Explosion even a bit more for a cooler more realistic 88 mil. shell explosion look.

We can ALL try this one out again tonight and see how it is now.
It just may need even more tweaking, a few last adjustments - but we will see.
This New "German 88" config is becoming yet ANOTHER Winning Configuration, as I already love it! :P

ENJOY Folks! :wink:
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:01 pm

So today this is what I did based on my observations last evening...
This is for the "German 88" Configuration.

* The Damage Radius was still just a bit too small - so I upped the blast damage radius a bit - Again.
* I also upped the Damage amount just a tad again just for good measure.

Seems much better now.
Try it out again and see how it is now. :wink:
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:55 pm

Hey Folks...
Well, the Name of the New Trial Configuration will be changing because "someone" (on another forum) took it all wrong and twisted it and put an evil "Spin" on it to make it look bad of course. :roll:
In his post over at he said I was "Glorifying" the Nazis - long story short - by naming it what I did.

No, it was Never my intention to glorify anything Nazi - that "Spin" all came from his post and his twisting of all of this.
I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused and I assure you it was totally innocently or rather more objectively named what I named it.
I was being totally objective in using that name and I never wished to "tout" its use by the Nazis, ever, and I do not think I did that at all!
That is why I called it what I did and not something with "Nazi" in it.
My own stepfather fought in WWII in the US Army's 5th Armored Division and he well understood how well the "88" functioned.
They all did and many talked about it without anybody spouting off that they were "glorifying the Nazis" because they were not.
They were merely objectively stating some facts about an artillery piece that the Germans used.

This, UT99, is a GAME that uses a good number of weapons, but isn't meant to be taken as "real life" weapons.
Several military war games out there use authentic weapons and their names, but it does Not mean that these games are touting and glorifying the Nazis!!!
Even in UT, the "Redeemer" is a Nuclear Warhead - an Atomic Bomb for crying out loud!!!
In real life, this is a far Nastier (worse) weapon than the "88" ever was and gruesomely killed far more innocent people, but yet that is OK to use according to this person?
He even codes a lot for this weapon, the Redeemer, but that is perfectly fine in his book too?
A Hypocrite he is. :o

The Actual Name for our new Redeemer is "PirateDeemerCMM", as everyone knows, and this "88" one is merely a trial side configuration of this main mod.

Anyway - long story short - I will change the name of that new trial version to something else, just to appease this person and avoid any other trouble with it that he/they, or anybody else, may dream up.
The problem is, this version acts most like an artillery canon like the "88" was, and if I name it after ANY artillery canon, it will have the same problem associated with it to someone, somewhere, possibly. Darn!
These weapons ALL killed a lot of people - in real life!
He will probably rant about whatever I call it though just to cut it and me down. :roll:
By his doing this, he has effectively prevented me from naming this configuration after almost ANY weapon out there - pretty clever of him!
Any roadblock or bump in the road they will look for and send our way.

Anyway, as a result, I will change the name to reflect a new name as soon as I can find a new name for that trial version - that would be good.
This New version will remain a Very FUN and Exciting New Configuration that we are still fine-tuning, no matter what we call it, so do not worry - it will be here for us to play! :P

And Thanks for your understanding. :wink:

PS: For a more in-depth posting of this go to...
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:58 pm

The "Howitzer"
The NEW Name in place of the "88" will be The "Howitzer"!
A very good name to describe a high velocity war shell artillery piece! :wink:
And it is Even a much better name than what it was!!! :P

Thank YOU person who complained! :wink:
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:03 pm

Hook wrote: The "Howitzer"
The NEW Name in place of the "88" will be The "Howitzer"!
A very good name to describe a high velocity war shell artillery piece! :wink:
Just a tid-bit...
I am trying out Another New Configuration of PirateDeemerCMM006

For lack of a better name I called it "KABANG" - for now anyway.
(I sure hope that gopostal doesn't find some way, some how, to associate THIS name with Nazis again - ugh)

I set this one up "blindly" again without being able to try it out yet.
I will try it tonight if I am able.

Some "KABANG" information...

KABANG's firing rate (how fast you can fire it) is about the same as a normal redeemer.
The Speed of the Missile traveling is a bit Faster than The CREEPER, as an example.
The Size (radius) of KABANG's shockWave(s) are Larger more like The CREEPER's but yet not quite near as big as The CREEPER's are.
The Color of the Shockwave(s) are Yellow with a White aftershock.
The Large Explosion coupled with the Larger Shockwave(s) are very fast, lasting only a fraction of a second. (Snappy)
The Explosion's Damage should be fairly Devastating as I set the Damage a tad higher than The CREEPER's is set.
KABANG's Alternate (right-click) firing is Ride-N-Guide <-(with normal deemer Explosion of course)

Well, when I (or you) try it out we will see how this all works.
It is in Column 4 of MapVote with a Prefix of "kbDM-" with about 7 maps for trial.

ENJOY - and Let me know of any ideas. :wink:
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hermskii » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:32 pm

Give me a vector Victor. Roger...Roger! KaBang huh? Good enough! I'll give it a shot Friday night around 10:30. Peace!


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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:04 am

Just an FYI (sneak-peek a "birdie"man told me) ...
There just MAY be a new (UP Dated) version of PirateDeemerCMM coming soon...
The Current version is version "006"
The new update will skip ahead to version "011" it is rumored. :lol:

Stay Tuned! :wink:
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:00 pm

I just took Delivery of the New PirateDeemerCMM mod - New Version "011" :P
More Later after I unpack it and read up on its use. :wink:
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Madcow » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:46 pm

The new tweaks are nice. Makes the mod much more playable. Great work :D
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:02 pm

Madcow wrote:The new tweaks are nice. Makes the mod much more playable. Great work :D
Thanks for the comments on the "006" version. :P

I am just about to (blindly) install version "011" on {CMM} now.
Just as soon as YOU are off of it anyway - LOL :lol:
Hopefully I set it up correctly, as I will not be able to test or try it until tonight. :roll:
There are quite a few more nice features.
One that is nice is that it TELLS you on screen which Configuration you are currently "Dialed" into. :D

Here goes...
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:12 am

Well - So far, the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM has been running Awesomely! :P
That particular New Feature that TELLS you On Screen which Configuration you are currently "Dialed" into is Really a Big PLUS and works Great!
Currently the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM is in all of Column 2 as the ever popular "STINGER II" Configuration - all converted now.
And Also in Column 4 - the "11DM" map prefix.
I will be converting ALL of {CMM} over to the new version "011" very soon. :D

The New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM is becoming even a Bigger Hit with the players.
Just wait until we try out the All New (Player Requested) "ARENA" Settings for the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM - it will be a ground breaking FIRST and Supper FUN I think!

=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:48 pm

Hook wrote:Well - So far, the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM has been running Awesomely! :P
That particular New Feature that TELLS you On Screen which Configuration you are currently "Dialed" into is Really a Big PLUS and works Great!
Currently the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM is in all of Column 2 as the ever popular "STINGER II" Configuration - all converted now.
And Also in Column 4 - the "11DM" map prefix.
I will be converting ALL of {CMM} over to the new version "011" very soon. :D

The New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM is becoming even a Bigger Hit with the players.
Just wait until we try out the All New (Player Requested) "ARENA" Settings for the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM - it will be a ground breaking FIRST and Supper FUN I think!

We will also SOON be doing the BUILD YOUR OWN Super Redeemer! Yep!
EASY too! :P
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: NEW Configurations for the PirateDeemerCMM mod...

Post by Hook » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:38 pm

Hook wrote:
Hook wrote:Well - So far, the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM has been running Awesomely! :P
That particular New Feature that TELLS you On Screen which Configuration you are currently "Dialed" into is Really a Big PLUS and works Great!
Currently the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM is in all of Column 2 as the ever popular "STINGER II" Configuration - all converted now.
And Also in Column 4 - the "11DM" map prefix.
I will be converting ALL of {CMM} over to the new version "011" very soon. :D

The New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM is becoming even a Bigger Hit with the players.
Just wait until we try out the All New (Player Requested) "ARENA" Settings for the New "011" version of PirateDeemerCMM - it will be a ground breaking FIRST and Supper FUN I think!

We will also SOON be doing the BUILD YOUR OWN Super Redeemer! Yep!
EASY too! :P
OK, I finally tried the MULTIPLE Redeemer Test last night and loaded up 4 Redeemer Configurations at once in a single map game, just to see how it goes.
It went "pretty" well indeed, but with only one (1) small "glitch".
I rotated my redeemers and fired the different shells and all worked good, but I noticed that I was rotating only between 3 of the 4 available redeemers, and not seeing the 4th, the "Stinger II".
I also noticed that the Bots were choosing redeemers with ease and were using ALL 4 of them, including the "Stinger II" without any problems. hmmmm :? :roll:
Our server bots are very good but they knew something that I didn't LOL! :lol:
Well, I realized that I had been rotating weapons only in 1 direction using the "0" key on the number pad.
So, I then tried rotated weapons using the "1" key and voila, I could bring up the "Stinger II" also.
* Maybe I was in the center of the rotation? - more tests needed to see! *
* Is it the order they are set up in the ini file? - more tests needed to see! *
* Is it the order in which they are loaded into the server in MapVote or whatever means? - more tests needed to see! *

In conclusion... (so far anyway)
Using multiple Configurations of PirateDeemerCMM 011 was very successful.
The only hitch I found so far in the 1 test was that you had to scroll through the weapons in both directions to display ALL of the Redeemers and the Custom Translocator.
Not a huge problem at all though, if it even is a problem. :wink:

I am thinking of reasons why this is happening and will continue testing and testing different ways to load them up.

But, this is a really Cool and Innovative First - and it Does Work good!
It is kind of neat to see several different missiles flying about at totally different speeds, etc., and also several different explosions happening! COOL! :o

I also tried out the New Configuration I have been working on called The "Thompson".
What a Gas!!! :mrgreen:
If you Love the "Stinger II", you will Really Love this New Configuration, The "Thompson"!!! :P
It is Much Faster Firing and the shells fly Much Faster than the "Stinger II" and very hard to detect the speeding shells! :o :mrgreen:
More Tweaking is need but it will be a very good new configuration I am certain. :wink:

Stay Tuned Folks! :D
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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