I'm done fighting with meat and gopostal...

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I'm done fighting with meat and gopostal...

Post by Hermskii » Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:54 pm


I will no longer be a part of any negative discussions in regards to meat or gopostal. We had our differences and fought about them publicly long enough. This hasn't brought anything positive to UT. In fact it has only splintered a small portion of the UT community.

While they are both forgiven by me, their actions are not forgotten and their bans here will remain. In no way am I saying that any of my actions were wrong but I do feel that leaving this behind will more quickly make this entire episode even more irrelevant than it already is. I strongly feel that this needs closure and I'm providing it now on my behalf. I'm sorry that I let all of this get out of hand as badly as it did and let it go on for so long as it did.

meat is one of the best Redeemer Only Mod players who has one of the best Redeemer Only Mod servers and runs a popular Redeemer Only Mod forum. Dry your tears meat. You deserve that statement.

gopostal is one of the best coders in UT. He has contributed a vast amount of work and effort to improve UT and nobody can take that fact away from him. His work can be found everywhere and likely is already in use in some capacity wherever you play MonsterHunt. Give him credit when and where it is due. I just did (again!).

I invite all of my UT associates to fall in line with me for this gesture of.... I don't know what to call it......goodwill? Anyways, I both hope and expect that I and my UT associates will aim to never again quarrel in any fashion at any place with meat or gopostal again about things of the past. It is with my final parting words to each of them that I wish them the best of luck, health and success in all that they do in UT. Goodbye meat and gopostal. Good luck!

I will now focus solely on future of the House of Hermskii {HOH} and the websites, forums, admins and the good UT servers that I support. Peace!


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Re: I'm done fighting with meat and gopostal...

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:55 pm

For the record, I've never had a problem with meat. The player or the food.


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