How sad and funny...

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How sad and funny...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:01 am

I just checked the servers and saw that MHM was down. When I started to think what I needed to do in order to restart it I realized the PC all of my servers is on has no mouse, keyboard or monitor. Normally i guess I would have rebooted the computer but I haven't had to in so long that I had to sit and consider that for a moment.

Then it hit me to remote in with Remote Desktop so I started to do that but could not remember my own username and password into that computer. I was finally able to guess it and get in to find it had run out of memory and there are a million updates and all sorts of madness going on in there. LOL. I am doing all of the updates now and will reboot the whole thing for more and more updates until it is current.

I also realized I'm running all of these servers on XP which is not going to be supported by microsoft much longer. Daaaaang! I can't recall how to build all of these and couldn't if I tried in order to run them from Win 7. I guess I'll just have to hope for the best with my XP and never ever go out to the internet or do squat with this PC except run it as I have. As a server box only. This is the first time now that I see an real advantage to having a rented server compared to my run them from home solution.


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Re: How sad and funny...

Post by Nelsona » Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:56 pm

Hermskii wrote:I also realized I'm running all of these servers on XP which is not going to be supported by microsoft much longer.
Intro... First "Happy New Year!". Second: "I guess I still have some beer in my head..."
If you have seen that story with PC used at my job posted at Hook. I just brought that machine to my house to mind it more time.
Surprise ? Possible yes! I am guessing that if Master Server from Epic is not cooperative at all, I think is a disease spreaded at "Mic rosft" too. Except a hard Svchost process lagging machine I couldn't see a bunch of update activity. That thing challenged me to see logs (I saw them posted in other forums like copied from me) which means XP has no maintenance team last time. I think a pure install won't start updating because Update Module itself Needs an Update which isn't granted last time for ... Unknown reasons. I'm telling this after installing 4 times XP trying different formulas related to accounts and horrible heavy helped by "AutoPat cher" I installed some frameworks and a few important security things and I still don't trust in these "forced tweaks" as long as the cronology of chain updates wasn't respected related to updating, patching. I simply did a guess work because I don't have 10 years available free time to check all things in a XP Sp 3 OS. Sooner or later I'll go to Linux even I cannot manage it so well. Thank you, M$ for helping XP SP3 so much and I'm not interested in any other OS, you could update well XP but you want only sales for other new unsecured craps (example: 151 updates for win 7 at first scream). I think is time to STATE FALLBACK, 98SE is waiting me in the bathroom. My daughter (age=2) is playing on a iPhone and maybe is my turn to buy an iPhone and to spent time like other the most of young guys in a bar ignoring all people around and fingering the screen and without to give a fa..rt on Win systems. This is probably what we can call Evolution: small devices, ruining eyes, isolation from real world, and so on.

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Re: How sad and funny...

Post by Dr.Flay » Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:29 am

Create yourself an Autopatcher XP distro and make sure you update it in the last week of XP support.
You will then be able to re-install fresh XPs and have access to all the updates and recommended extras.

You can use this on a network and save time and bandwidth.
The program "APUP" is used to download Autopatcher and the components you require.
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Re: How sad and funny...

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:00 am

Very interesting. I did lots of reading on this and saw too many folks with issues to trust it outright especially on my server. I will just have to stay on top of the updates until the end. Just because they stop support for XP doesn't mean the updates to the point they stopped won't still be available. I think I can still update WIN98 using the old update site but the updates stop on July 11 of some certain year.

Am I wrong?


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Re: How sad and funny...

Post by Nelsona » Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:45 am

Doc, I have all updates twice. 1 set comes with Autopatcher, 2nd set from other app WindowsUpdatesDownloader or such (maintain date of files so I set a BAT file to respect order), 3rd option was Wsuoffline or such (I removed that), that one I think tried to install more things than for a 32 bit system and... without to mind cronology of updates...

That small thing (XP Updater) original downloaded seems important, else that win-update module will lag a new installed system. Latest OEM installs were succesfull (source being now on stick-drives) but I don't know about NON-OEM if are executed well. Something for sure needs to be properly set in registry and these magic apps still lack important details - I guess. At this moment I have all updates. Ah... I remembered something: Autopatcher added a security update at HOT-Fix section... so... it still needs some love. or is an Original source description failure.

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Re: How sad and funny...

Post by Hook » Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:08 pm

Ah, pffftt - I still run my old PIII from 1999 using ME.
Still runs great and no problems.
They quit supporting ME back in mid 2005.
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