Activate User Account...

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Activate User Account...

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:52 am

"Activate User Account" is the message I get when a new forum member applicant tries to register at this forum. I think I have stressed it before but if not, here it is:

Maybe they got to this point by themselves but more hopefully they got here because one of you befriended this person on a server or other forum and motivated them to be part of one of the "finest forums" on the Internet. If so, thank you for that!

My main point here is to stress to you and any forum applicant to tell potential members to please apply to join us using their UT Player Name. If the name I get in the "Activate User Account" message even looks a little bit like a Spam-Bot (which happens often), I will not even reply with the current "New Forum Member Applicant Form" which is very cumbersome yet required to ensure we only get the folks we are most likely to socialize well with.

The short of it all is this: Tell new member applicants to use their UT Player Name when they try to register here and it better not sound like a Spam-Bot Name or they will never get in. Thanks all and as always...Peace!


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