A short time ago in a forum, a forum you're reading right now....

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A short time ago in a forum, a forum you're reading right now....

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:46 pm

Quick! Save this link I'm about to provide at the end of this sentence to a text file and put it on your desktop before it gets deleted again! Here it is: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2774

First, let me say that I posted the "Dear Forum Administrator" message below on every forum where I found that MEAT or Gopostal (A.K.A. Kelly) had posted any "misinformation" regarding me, my Hermskii.com website, forum and UT servers. It worked great back then until the Admins of those forum removed the topic entirely. None of the Admins ever contacted me to confirm anything as I had asked them to so i knew the fix against me and some others was in. It is very important for you to know right now that since the time of all of this way back in 2011, Hook, and I have were given and maintain confessions from Gopostal (A.K.A. Kelly) admitting that everything said here is true. He also confirmed MEAT was his cohort in everything they did and said along the way. Gopostal (A.K.A. Kelly) came clean to HOOK and I meaning he confessed to everything in writing several years ago. He also finally admitted deleting all of the files at UTFILES and SKILLZ has and maintains his copy of that confession. If i recall, that confession is in a actual post over there at UTFILES. So understand as you proceed with this history of what actually happened here with GOPO and MEAT that everything said here is confirmed and is true. I could have posted the confession but was requested not to. Note also that I'm considering re-posting this again everywhere where I still find any of the original threads and posts of misinformation on whatever forum I find them on regarding this topic. I mean, it isn't fair to delete the honest posts I made in my defense and yet keep the lies they posted right? Yeah, i don''t think so either. I still have a feeling this will get removed again on any site I post it on which is why I asked you to hurry and make a copy of the link to here. Here is what I posted on other forums back then:

Dear Forum Administrator,

Please understand that this one topic may have been linked to on your forum because I expect this to be placed everywhere that your forum members MEAT or GOPOSTAL have decided to take aim and attack me or my forum or it's members with their lies and or misgivings. Please take the time to read this yourself and also take the time to fact-check everything I say before you remove this link. I will be happy to provide any actual evidence you require to confirm that everything I have stated below is true! I'd also ask you to ask MEAT or GOPOSTAL to do the same since they posted here first and their post is still here. Thank you! Here is the link to the truth: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2774


Episode 1 of 4

"Cleaning House"

I was doing a bunch of interesting reading on a forum elsewhere yesterday. That forum mentioned some things that happened here not too long ago. I was shocked to read some of the untruths there about what happened here. I was even more shocked to read that some of the things I haven't told folks yet were already out there in the open for all to see. I had not been aware of this until right then.

I thought I'd go ahead and put it to bed now since at least half of it is already out there so here it is :

Last year I banned MEAT from this forum because he had asked me for editing permissions on the forum I had given him here to run. I said sure and granted him the moderator rights he requested. I also told him not to delete anything. He said not to worry because he would not. A couple of days later I logged in to the forum control panel logs to find that MEAT had been real busy deleting posts. Not just random posts but a great many of the posts where he made himself sound like the jerk that he is. You see, there were discussions going on at the time about what a jerk he had been and is so he had gone in to delete all of the evidence. I confronted him about it and he admitted to me that he had in fact deleted the posts. I banned him and wrote up a nice little letter saying he had moved on which in fact he did being he had no choice. So there it is.

A day or two later GOPOSTAL copied me on an email he had sent to my web provider. It was requesting that they remove all of the posts he had ever made on this forum and threatened legal action against me and my provider if I and they did not comply. It was about right at that second that I banned GOPOSTAL from this forum. At least GOPOSTAL had the decency to copy me on the email though he gave me no notice prior to me getting it that he was upset about anything and was going to send it. Still, I feel it was much better than MEAT lying straight to my face and gutting this forum behind my back after I had told him not to delete anything. MEAT will likely continue to deny any wrong doing and try to make his ban from here seem like it had to do with other people's opinions and other issues going on at the time but think about it: I asked MEAT not to delete stuff and he told me he wouldn't and then MEAT turns around and starts deleting all of the self incriminating posts as fast as he can. Yes. That is a ban in my book every time!

Neither thing was a really big deal but they were certainly big enough issues to me to ban them. I just wanted to set the record straight. GOPOSTAL has already admitted to his part in public. I have to give him credit again there for being open about it though not exactly honest about the actual event. I'll discuss that later. I never knew he had admitted anything until the recent reading I had done.

I should have just let this all out right then but I was trying to let MEAT walk away with "some" dignity. Read the next reply to this where I write all about MEAT and you'll see what I mean. MEAT should have just walked away with his tail between his legs in shame but instead he actually suckered someone to his cause or fell right into their hands for their cause and then turned around and started attacking me. I was trying to take the high road and feel I pretty much did.

With GOPOSTAL, I just wanted to keep watching him do what he does and just be grateful I never fell for his routine and never gave him any access to anything of mine. I always thought it odd that he would try so hard to take over my UT work load for me but I knew that letting him would mean I'd have to give him near full access to my website, forum and game servers and file server. I never gave it to him but I know someone who recently did! Good luck with that MEAT! LOL. I had been warned about GOPOSTAL by several other forum admins and server admins too and thus knew to distanced myself from him during his last year on this forum.

I have talked a lot about taking the high road here and not lowering myself to the level of lying and doing whatever is needed to sway others towards my side of the issue and I also feel I have done pretty good doing that but it hit me that I'm not doing any poor suckers any favors by not bringing this information forward so they might be able to protect themselves from behaviors like the ones I described above. With that said, I will close this post and expect to lay down another one dedicated to MEAT alone and a day or two after that GOPOSTAL will get his own right here for your eager eyes to read. After that is done, I'll address the folks who bailed out of here or were banned out (LOL) after I banned MEAT and GOPOSTAL. That one will be real special. Any questions??? Have a great day!


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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by ZippityDooDa » Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:19 pm

Nicely said, thanks for the info Herm 8)

p.s- Your avatar has been redone and should be working over at HUTP, any issues let me know. Thanks buddy.
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Biting the hand that feeds you...

Post by Hermskii » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:04 pm

Truth Wars

Episode 2 of 4 (You should re-read Episode 1. I added a paragraph to the top of it)

"Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!"

OK folks, this is the post about MEAT and his activity on this forum and servers and other forums and servers over the years. You already know that I BANNED him for deleting forum posts here right after I told him not to and he had even told me he would not. I just want to give you a little more insight in to who MEAT really is! First, it is important that I give you some background information about him since most of you don't know him. I along with many-many others once all played on a Redeemer Only Mod Server called "Schwantz's Redeemer Arena" also known as <SRA> which was fully loaded every single night with players. You had to try to get in between map cycling it was so busy. We all had a great time there for several years. Schwantz's himself is the Godfather of Redeemer Only Mod Arena's as I have said many times on his forum which has now been gone for a while and also in the forum that his forum was partially merged into which still exist at http://www.RedeemerInsanity.com and my forum at http://www.Hermskii.com/forum . MEAT showed up one year around 2004 or so and started trying to play with us. We worked hard with him to improve his skills. We worked with him on the server and on the forums over the years. Something you need to know about MEAT right now is as soon as he wins a game, he takes a snapshot of it and files it away for later reference. You can go on my forum at anytime and search for posts by MEAT and you find several where he has posted images of results of games from years and years back in order to prove that he had in fact beaten someone at some time even if it was years and years back in the past. LOL.

MEAT was very frustrated in the early years because even though he tried as hard as he could, he could never win on Schwantz's server against us seasoned players. He would show up on the forum and gripe that he needed spawn protection though none of us needed it to win regularly. Then he'd post about how he needed the maps to be bigger because he couldn't react fast enough to spawn, live, run and hide and begin guiding. We even made a section on a web page to help people learn how to play this type of game. Check it out. It is all listed in the "Schoolin" section right here: http://www.redeemerinsanity.com/arenas.html . Take a real good look around!!! I haven't been there in a long time until just now and see that MEAT's server is still advertised there! That will be brought up again in a second. Anyways, He also didn't like being telefragged at all. here is where it gets really good!

MEAT cried constantly about how we needed Schwantz or I to change our servers to meet his needs like adding spawn protection, bigger maps, removing the translocator reducing the amount and skill of bots or reducing the max player load that he would do better. We all got so sick of listening to it, that I suggested that he go ahead and build his own server. Check the forum. I'm telling the truth and I doubt even MEAT would deny it being so many people then were so sick of listening to him. He said he didn't know anything about computers. Get ready for it! Here it comes...I offered to help him. I remoted in to his computer out there in California and talked him through a full UT install. I then set up his entire server based on his desires. I located and installed spawn protection, we removed the translocator from the game, He and I found larger maps for him to cycle. Everything! I did everything. I even taught him how to compress files for redirection and how to make sure not to double up mismatch files on the redirect. Get this! I even provided the redirect web space for him for free and uploaded all of the files initially until he learned how to do it. I set up the MapVote, I modified the bots to his liking. I did all. I built the MEAT's Redeemer Screamer server. Then I had to listen to him complain about how dead it was compared to mine being the "Curious George's Redeemer
Insanity" server. I and everyone else being the wonderful people we are told him to just keep it going and people would come eventually.

Get ready again! Here it comes again...I even built out a section of my forum so that his server would have a voice in the community. A place where his players could come and
mention what they liked and didn't like about his server. A place to suggest maps and talk fragging methods and the sort. A place where he could advertise his server which reminds me that I also installed server adds on his server so it could advertise his forum and such. There was a small group of Redeemer Only Mod server admins and to grow the game we all advertised each others servers on our Server adds mod. That should have been a clear indicator. MEAT would never advertise ours on his though we advertised his on ours the whole time. I shake my head in disgust when I sit here recalling on the loft of Deck16][ where I had to slowly teach MEAT how to telefrag. It is clear as day to me just as everything else here I've mentioned. yep. I even taught MEAT how to telefrag! You can ask any regulars if it is true or not or read the forums for yourselves and see where I used to password protect the server just to teach players how to play the redeemer only mod. I even made a whole other server at one point that we called "The Training Grounds" where it was understood you didn't show up to play but you showed up to be taught. I see MEAT now has another server running called "Meat's Redeemer Training Server" LOL. What is that phrase about how copying someone is the purest form of flattery? All I can say is thanks MEAT I appreciate all of your copying! Let's see, You copied my server though I was the one who built yours for you since you didn't know how. You copied my forum since I BANNED you from mine and you no longer had one.
When will you be copying my website? It shouldn't be hard. Mine sucks but I did do it all by myself thank you! It can be found at http://www.Hermskii.com . You even copied my training server! Stop! You flatter me too much! Too bad you didn't copy my giving back to the UT community. Anyone reading this can google "Hermskii" and just read what you find. I ask questions. I answer questions. I promote anyone willing to give UT Redeemer Arena an effort. I support folks all over all of the time. I even supported you for many-many years and those post are available for all to see as well. But you....you have only supported yourself. It seems every post I see by you on any other forum is about your server and how it is more popular than mine. I'm fine with all of that but I do want people to see and know what kind of a person you are. By the way, notice that MEAT likely doesn't have a picture of himself ever winning on the <SRA> server. If he does, it wasn't a full house and or I'm sure hardly any of the seasoned regulars were there. LOL. MEAT had to have his server built to his specifications so that he could start to win games. I was proud of the work I had done for MEAT because it was growing the Redeemer Only Mod Community but now I am ashamed. His server is very popular but the lengths he has gone to make it that way are despicable! He and GOPOSTAL had been given a free pass to talk smack for over 7 months now. I had hoped it would fade out and go away but no. It got worse. Now I'm here and I'm setting the record straight!

That reminds me too. You and your buddy seem to like using aliases. Yeah, I have post all over my forum where you deny it but I still have a screenshot I took of your Game-tracker page showing you logging in to play as other names. Yes, I kept the email you sent after I banned you off my forum where you explained I'd have to ban several more accounts before I had removed all of your aliases from my forum. I'd be happy to posts them to anyone who wants to use a program to determine if I have photo-shopped them or not. Maybe someone would like to see my forum logs of pages and pages of you deleting post from my forum! Yeah, I still have that too! MEAT was the single most complained about personality on my server and on my forums but I felt he was growing the Redeemer Only Mod following and so I weakly overlooked his behaviors. It cost me losing many-many of my better forum members and no, I'm not speaking of the ones I banned with you! That was my fault for thinking that growing this mod was more important than protecting the folks from you and your rants about how great of a UT player you are and you posting pictures to prove it! That is my shame but everything above this one line is your shame. I taught you everything you know except this behavior of yours. I built your server, I taught you how to take care of it yourself. I hosted all of your redirects for years and I even gave a you a section on my forum for years and advertised your server on mine and you bit that hand that fed you. I even have logs of you joining my server and telling the people to go to yours. I have more witnesses and emails from witnesses than you expect.

I think it is interesting that Kelly A.K.A. GOPOSTAL told me the night before I banned you that he would have banned you years earlier. Funny thing here is that he was right and at the same time by banning you, you fell right into his waiting hands. I suspect MEAT and Kelly were slowly working on trying to destroy my UT accomplishments over the last year they were still on the forum before I BANNED them. Things that make you go hmmm?

Stay tuned folks. The section on Kelly or GOPOSTAL depending on how you know him is coming up next! I imagine when I expose him tomorrow he will well... LOL, he will GO-POSTAL! Yes, you'll certainly want to stay tuned people! If my forum suddenly goes down it is likely due to GOPOSTAL trying to stop me at all costs from posting what I'm about to post. If that does happen somehow don't worry. I'll give you a link to any other of many forums this will be posted on!

Edit: Just now on 07-20-11 I did find a forum today with a post from MEAT where he did actually advertise 3 other Redeemer Only Mod Arena servers besides his own. It was dated Feb of 2009. See that! I can and will admit when I'm wrong!

So keep in mind here that GOPOSTAL not only did everything I said he did but he also supports and most likely even funds MEAT who straight out lied to me and destroyed portions of my forum behind my back.


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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:26 am

"Truth Wars"

Episode 3 of 4

"The postman always rings twice"

(Edit) I just now added this section becasue I know many of you don't like to read this much stuff. Let me make sure of some things here real quick just in case you don't read the rest of this. GOPOSTAL will offer to help you do things in UT that nobody else will offer to help with or know how to fix. He'll usually fix it for you or build it for you but at a hidden cost. He will usually create some website or mod in support of your efforts. Then He'll be sure to grant you full admin access to whatever it is that he is working on. He'll then at some point want full access to your stuff so that he can properly apply his work or correct what you're working on. At that point, he'll copy every single thing you have and WHEN, NOT IF, you ever piss him off he'll try do destroy everything you have.) Keep on reading now but don't say I didn't warn you! If you already have him in your stuff, you better start changing passwords now! OK, now keep on reading.

Just like MEAT, GOPOSTAL has several aliases. He goes by GOPO, GOPOSTAL, Kelly and Jack Griffin just to name the ones I'm sure of so far. Solely based on the way he turned on me as fast as he did with no explanation at the time, I suspect he may have as many personalities as he does aliases. I haven't ever actually heard an explanation from GOPOSTAL as I will refer to him for now on as of yet. GOPOSTAL's story is far different from MEAT's.

Let's get this started the right way. GOPOSTAL is both far better than MEAT and far worse. Let me explain. GOPOSTAL has a process you see. I call it his M.O. like when detectives profile a criminal based on his known or likely behavior. In the movies, they call that an M.O. which wikipedia describes like this: Modus operandi (plural modi operandi) is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as "mode of operating".[1] The term is used to describe someone's habits or manner of working, their method of operating or functioning. In English, it is frequently shortened to M.O.

So here is GOPOSTAL's M.O.

Stage 1: Gopostal first locates a server or a forum that offers something he wants or needs. He studies the players and the forum members closely and slowly begins playing on the server or posting in the forum or both. He then quickly begins to identify issues that all servers, forums and members have. Things like they can't get skins to work or a map is messed up and needs repairs. Often it is mods that conflict and or coding that is needed for some functionality. Maybe someone wants a mod that nobody has ever made yet or they have one they need modified. This type of issue is his specialty! Just check
my forum. Search for GOPOSTAL and look around. I still have all of his posts there even though he tried to have them removed as I mentioned in Episode 1 of this topic. We'll come back to that in a few. Stay with me as I continue with GOPOSTAL's M.O. He looks for anything he can use his substantial skills towards to create and offer a fix to that community such as a desired mod or a mod repair or rework. During this phase he is extremely helpful and seems like a god-send. You see, GOPOSTAL is a insomniac. He can't get sleep so he stays up and does PC stuff that is mostly related to UT all night long usually. It is during this stage that GOPOSTAL is far better than MEAT in that GOPOSTAL is contributing to the community. GOPOSTAL spent plenty of time with me and my forum and server members working out little issues and big ones. I still use a mod now that he helped modify. I still say so too on my webpage here:

http://hermskii.com/page3.html .

GOPOSTAL is truly awesome to have around in Stage 1. He is unmatched in UT when it comes to figuring out these little issues. The main point here is beware GOPOSTALS bearing gifts.

Stage 2: GOPOSTAL then identifies things that could be better but usually take time or effort and or money to resolve and he offers all 3 things being his time, effort and money. A great example of this is something like when he offered to have me send all of my server stuff to him so he could set it all up on a server he'll pay for while you keep full control of it. He always says he just wants to sit in the background and watch and enjoy your work on his server. He offered this to me many times and I'm sure to many others as well. I think MEAT even recently gave GOPOSTAL all of his server stuff and thus MEAT's server's IP changed from an IP MEAT had to an IP that GOPOSTAL uses. I know he made this offer often and many folks took him up on it at my forum except me. GOPOSTAL stayed in the dark background while different folks complied with his wishes and started up servers. I offered up space on my forum to assist these upstart servers to make a name for themselves and like MEAT's forum on my forum to give these servers a voice for the community who played on them. I only asked that since they were part of my forum that they keep it clean language wise and follow the other rules I had set years earlier and not delete anything. I stressed that I was the only person to ever delete stuff off of my forum. It is during this stage that GOPOSTAL started to lean into stage 3 of his routine transformation.

Stage 3: By now, everyone on the servers and the forums knows GOPOSTAL. Everyone will have already been aware that he is the one secretly managing those upstart servers since he is the one complaining to people about them requesting too many changes and making too many stupid changes as admins on the server. My forums are riddled with GOPOSTAL getting all kinds of mad that an admin of one of the servers he gave to someone had given admin rights to another person on the server and the other person came in and messed it all up. Oh those were good times to watch GOPOSTAL freaking out about it. I warned him to not give people access to admin tools but he just kept on doing it. During this stage he also likes to start making heavy suggestions if not plain demands. Things like that if the admins don't stop screwing up everything he will turn it all off because he is sick of being the only one to fix it. He'll make suggestions to the way they run their forums and suggest or deny mods and maps to be installed or removed on the servers. I lost count of the amount of servers that started up and were gone a few months later due to total meltdowns based on the way they were run. GOPO was always the man behind the scenes of those servers. When the server was dead, their forum was no longer needed and I would merge all of the posts into my forum since I prefer not to delete stuff. I still have all of these meltdowns and my forum is open for you to search it. Also during this stage GOPOSTAL will start not only not being helpful in questions being asked of him but will instead tell them to google it or cut them to pieces for not knowing the proper terminology to use when posting the question. He'll belittle the person asking the question even if it wasn't directed at him. He'll go down to a granular level in making it seem like whatever he has been asked is way too much work and that he already tried it and it failed in the past or it just isn't in his list of things to do right then because he is too busy or he is not interested in that particular request. This pretty much covers stage 3.

Stage 4: When Gopostal is totally tired and frustrated of dealing with all of the idiots that didn't listen to him and that didn't give him enough credit for his efforts, he sends out an email or a post on the forum saying he is all done with UT and that it is an old and stupid game that is well past its prime and is dying if not totally dead already. Usually, he'll also mention how the forum he is on is going to die if the admin there doesn't follow his suggestions and thus is contributing to the death of UT in general. He sometimes claims to just want to take a break and sometimes he claims to not want anything more to do with UT and sometimes even ask that you delete his account and all files associated to it and posts. I have several of these type posts on my forum where GOPOSTAL had hit rock bottom with one of his failed server efforts and blames everyone for not listening to him. Several times I say. Search for it on this forum. You'll see. I always explained to him that I didn't want to deactivate the account of anyone but would instead invite them to not come back if they were truly done but that I'd leave the account active in the event they changed their mind. GOPOSTAL changed his mind regularly. He leaves often and comes back more often. I also point out that I try not to delete posts because I feel all post add up to the next one and there is far too much good information to be broken up by removing random post through out topics because someone got banned or no longer wanted to be active on the forum.

Stage 5: Time for revenge according to GOPOSTAL I think. This is where he tries to do stuff to make it hard on the people he is no longer working with. At this stage, you are either with him or against him and if you are against him, good luck ever getting back on his good side. The folks that didn't comply with his requests or demands he may have made back in Stage 3 become his targets. You must understand he feels he deserves to be able to do this to you since he had done all of that good work for you or your server or your website or your forum before and he never got enough credit or mention for it. I suspect that if he paid money into the effort he gave that this really gets him mad and destructive. Did I mention what GOPOSTAL is accused of doing at Skillz's forum and website? We all know Skillz and appreciate the massive collection of UT stuff he has for all of us for free. It can be found at http://www.ut-files.com .
Skillz also built and maintains the MH server and Forum called Planet Monster Hunt. Take a look here at what GOPOSTAL did there:

http://forums.ut-files.com/planetmonste ... ilit=Kelly .

This was a nother case of him trying to shut everything down as he walked out the
door but do notice he did do tons of work over there first. Maybe that was his motive. I didn't think this was GOPOSTAL when I first heard about it but now I have no doubt based on his M.O. After I started banning everyone off my forum who actively defended MEAT and GOPOSTAL and broke the rules on my forum too, I was notified of a script that had started running from my webspace. It turned out to be a file that GOPOSTAL and I had worked on previosly for a big project I was working on. I don't know how to script and nobody else ever touched that file before except GOPOSTAL. I'm NOT saying it was him who put the script into the file. I'm saying it could not have been me. I then locked down my server at first to stop and see what all was going on there and to validate security. I also didn't want non-wanted, non-members of my forum logging in as guest and feeling at home again. GOPOSTAL claimed it was because of the email he sent my provider and that I had to lock down my server for legal purposes so they would not shut it off or something like that. WRONG! My server is wide open as it has been for several months since I confirmed it's hardened security. Not to metion I have no shame in what is on it. How long has your forum been totally locked down now GOPOSTAL? I'm sorry. I mean MEAT's forum. LOL. By the way, it is at this time that GOPOSTAL is worse than MEAT by a long shot. MEAT is just a lying through his teeth, take anything he can get and take credit for it too liberal who doesn't mind destroying other peoples posts. Oh and like GOPOSTAL, he can act like a vandal on the way out the door once he's exposed.

I would use MEAT's own forum on GOPOSTAL's web space as evidence to continue to prove that they have not only joined forces but that they continue to this day to slander me and my forum and servers and other friends of mine and their servers as well. After I BANNED MEAT from my forum I sent MEAT an email giving him a week to copy all of his server files off of my redirect server where they had resided for many years for free. Pretty cool of me huh? I then bet a friend that MEAT would line up with GOPSTAL which did happen as predicted. As soon as they got together, the attacks began. They attack anyone with any association to me unless they can be made to pay for it by doing so. Their forum is too locked down and contains too much smack-talk for them to open it to the public quickly or possibly at all but it makes you wonder what else they are hiding there. I guess that was something else they copied from me (forum lock down) and I suspect they'll unlock soon too after they have done some cleaning up of their own over there. I'm humored that I see where they have gone with many of the concepts I ran with being trying to keep members from cussing outright and openly attacking each other on the forum, they are or were dividing the forum up so that others can use the forum for their own efforts granting them permissions and everything just like I used to do! like i said before...imitation is the best form of flattery! Thanks! LOL. I suspect people will start fading out from over there soon. I know I would not want to have the association with them anymore. Roaches run when you turn on the lights you know! Take a look at this message sent to a new member of my forum. I was told by others too that they got similar messages or emails but not all new members got one of these. Only the folks that GOPOSTAL thought had something to offer like in this case a mapping expert. Like his M.O. he starts off all nice with politeness and ends with compliments compliments but he got around to what what he wanted which in this case is to have a new member of my forum join MEAT's forum instead. That way, they could tell their story in privacy with no way for anyone to know they were talking smack. They are very proud over there of their ability to lead former members of my forum over to theirs. Now those members that took the bait must feel like total morons being they fell for everything they were told by MEAT and GOPOSTAL. I'm sure many of MEAT's forum's newest members got an message or email just like this one:

"From: gopostal (Offline)
To: Terraniux (Online)
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:52 pm
Subject: from Kelly (gopostal)

T, you made a post at Hersmkii's about MEAT and how you wish you had known about him:

I'd openly invite you to mine and MEAT's forum:
where I would like the opportunity to speak our side. I have no interest in a war of words with them but it does irritate me that they are lying such as they

are. Mostly I just ignore it but you are a long-time UT community member and I enjoy your work.

You need to know the entire story."

Terraniux was banned from their forum when GOPOSTAL found out he had mentioned this message to me.

At least GOPOSTAL got it right in saying he needed "to know the entire story". I say that because I have read their forum and it is full of nasty discussions and lies. GOPOSTAL is
misinformed. He didn't even know I built MEAT's server until yesterday! I wonder how MEAT tried to cover that one up once GOPOSTAL approached him about it. MEAT is using GOPOSTAL too the best that he can while it lasts! LOL. Poor GOPOSTAL. Since their forum is all locked down, feel free to view mine as a guest and see for yourself that everything that I have menetioned is true. It is all there for your viewing pleasure! I have ways to read forums that are locked down in case you were wondering and no I won't share that information with you. LOL. Speaking of sharing info, GOPOSTAL's MH2 mod is widely based on the mod I had gotten made for my Monster Hunt Mayhem server. A guy named BIGI made it for me many years ago. I shared it with GOPOSTAL so he could tweak it. We worked on it for a very long time. It then morphed into the HOHMHMMOD which I still use today. He took that mod and added radar to it and several fixes to issues I helped him identify and added in tons of other stuff we liked. I don't care that he released it a couple days after I banned him from the forum without ever mentioning me but it does bother me that he loves to say his work is free for everyone to use and he does admit that his mod is pieces of many other mods but he did not ever get permision from BIGI to use his code or at least give it away for free. I have to admit that I'm not totally sure he used the same code from HOHMHMMOD but he did often say that everything he had released since was based on it at one point. I'm just saying...

I'll lean into those who used to be part of my forum but left or were banned based on all of the fun stuff that happened on my forum at the end of last year but I will post that in Episode 4. I also want to see what kind of talk comes out of their mouths going forward after I have released this. I may have to unload more and I may keep my mouth shut. We'll see. My money is on that MEAT will talk some more smack and when he does GOPOSTAL is going to have a fit when he sees my next release. Let's all hope Episode 5 doesn't need to happen but do stay tuned in for episode 4 which I should write up in a day or two.

I have won several bets already in regards to GOPSTAL's M.O. (routine behavior). No. Really! I swear! I have been able to forecast GOPOSTAL's routine for a couple of years now. Don't be fooled either by his discussion of taking a break from UT. He has never done that yet. Usually, this means he's sick of everything and everyone and is ready to find his next project which he is actually likely already working on.

Lastly, I'll give him some well deserved props. As it "used to say" on my website, I feel GOPOSTAL when in stages 1 and 2 of his M.O has done more for Monster Hunt than anyone short of Shrimp the maker of Monster Hunt himself. GOPOSTAL is a very likable person when he isn't plotting against you. I truly am saddened that he chose to cut ties with me but I don't regret the result being he is stuck with MEAT now. They deserve each other for sure. I'll even give a few props to MEAT. I can say that for a guy that is an self admitted idiot when it comes to using a PC, MEAT listened and learned and utilized the information I gave him. He worked hard on getting his server set up the way it is now as did GOPOSTAL since I'm sure he got GOPOSTAL to do all of the actual work once GOPOSTAL took it over. MEAT seems to be a very nice guy too when you talk with him but again, I'm glad the result is that they have found each other. I suspect they will be around in UT as long as I will be. It will be fun for me to see what happens! Any questions yet?


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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Terraniux » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:53 am

Well, after reading all this history about betrayal, lies and what the real truth is....
I am kind a shocked. I know that certain persons not always are what they appear to be on the internet, but this is really crazy. Hermskii did nothing but helping people and this is what he gets from MEAT and GOPOSTAL?. Wow they must be really stupid to go on with this.

But I do have one question though:
What they trying to archieve with all this?

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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Hook » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:11 pm

What they trying to achieve with all this?
Not sure, except one things seems to stand out like a sore thumb.
They do it for their egos.
They both are on Ego Trips - BIG time!
MEAT always posts that he is the BEST, BEST, of the BEST at everything. :o
Gopostal touts that he is Way More intelligent and knowledgeable than anybody that ever came down the UT tube. :o
Ahuh :lol:
One thing that Mister Gopo-intelligent swallows is the "jpeg-snoop" software that tells you if a digital pic is original or altered.
What a farce!
He checked a pic of mine of MEAT's Alias evidence with "jpeg-snoop" - he said it was "altered" with LOL photo shop like software.
What Mr. airhead doesn't know (or can't even grasp) is that ANY pic, ANY, especially a screen shot, uploaded to a forum IS Altered, by the forum software AND the screen shot capturing software!
Why, just Cropping a pic will register that it was altered, and screen capture apps do that!
That is a FACT! Forums always alter pics uploaded to them!
Oh, and get this - that "jpeg-snoop" report of gopo's also said that my screenshot was taken with a "Canon" camera! HUH???
He has done this with a LOT of people (he touts) - routing out the "altered", "false" pics and screen shots. (he thinks) :lol:
Well, there are a LOT of false accusations by gopostal floating around out there, no doubt.

Most of you can easily figure out what other intentions they have in mind - a no brainer when you read there twisted and lie filled posts.
The lies are SOOO Obvious it is Funny! :lol: (see above)
There are many more Lies to list, but no time at the moment. (maybe later)
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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Terraniux » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:17 pm

Not sure, except one things seems to stand out like a sore thumb.
They do it for their egos.
They both are on Ego Trips - BIG time!
Hm.... ok. Thanks for clearing that up!
Well, if this ever was a 'war', they certainly lost it.:wink:

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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:18 pm

Ahahaha! This is funny. I found this while looking around today on other forums:


It is one of the many examples as I described that he often does where GOPOSTAL speaks of leaving the UT community. This is from about 18 months back I think. I also enjoyed all of the profanity but beware if you your ears can't take it. There are a few of these type messages from him here too! I think I have about 3 or 4 here in total. Search for them!

I wonder what happened in that link above that GOPOSTAL had to type up such a message. This is another example of another forum where GOPOSTAL's mouth got him in trouble and another example like my M.O. description says where he bows of of UT. This is another example that he didn't do he said he was going to. LOL. Will the real slim-gopo please stand up, please stand up. LOL. Sorry. I just could not pass this up. I think I will check other forums too for these types of messages from him. This makes me wonder how much trouble he got into everywhere else.

This is just funny to me since I had never seen it before and it happened so long ago. So many of his behaviors were nailed in one post.


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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:41 pm

I will be adding to this section soon. Killa and Hook, if you don't mind I would like to remove your posts so this flows better but I want to keep those posts of Terraniux since they do prove much of my point so well.

Yes, I will delete this and all other non-my posts in this one topic with permission from the posters not including Terraniux. I'll even pull his out if he wants but he already told me to post them in the first place when I asked him. In it's place, I will put in the section I said I would finish this up with.

I will also go through and prune all of this down to reduce the amount of reading required to simply get the point across that MEAT is a take it all and give nothing son of a mother who is willing to throw you under the bus to make himself look better at all costs and that GOPOSTAL is never on the level and if you don't manage your stuff right, he will copy it all for himself and then try to destroy everything he has ever done for you if not more the second you don't agree with him or his process.


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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Hook » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:48 pm

Maybe MOVE them? (split them)
I think that these posts are important.
Especially to me is my post exposing gopo's inaccurate and farcical "jpeg-snoop" application that doesn't work. :lol:
Let me know before you do something.
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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Hermskii » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:49 pm

OK fine. I'll keep them.


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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:34 pm

"Truth Wars"

Episode 4 of 4


This forum and it's servers has always had RULES. These rules had been modified over the years but there are two rules that always existed until this month. They are:

1. No cussing period which just recently (this month) was amended to something more along the lines of try real hard not to use profanity.

2. No outright attacks on other forum members.

I figured these were pretty simple to follow. They were posted clearly. Members reminded other members of them when they were broken. I never really had to enforce them because they were hardly ever challenged. Well, that was true until last year. This forum has enjoyed many groups of new members that seem to all come and go over time. It is always sad to see great members decide to move on but I explained many times here that it was the way of UT. People come to servers and forums and hang out for a while and then they leave. Only a few stay around no matter what and they are always greatly appreciated and are also always the ones that stick to the rules without question.

Starting about 2 years back this forum started getting in a new, younger, more energetic, less mature group.They were crazy and fun. they were full of curiosity and competitiveness. they really brought a lot of fresh air into this community but at the same time, they broke the rules. They did this religiously at one point. I often got emails asking me to drop in and clean up the mess they were making. I would here and there and settle everything down. A week later it would all go nuts again. I had plenty of folks offer to become moderators and police this forum but I passed on most of the offers thinking that these new folks might be able to get a grip on themselves and simply stop cussing and stop attacking each other.

There seemed to be an undercurrent to all of this behavior as well. Much of it seemed to be stoked by certain members routinely. Slowly, even though there were well known rules in effect, I was slowly being blamed for the continued bad behavior of a certain group of members because I continued to warn but take no official action against anyone I think I
became perceived as being weak or uncaring in regards to the situation. Neither were true of course but I continued to stand by and hope this group of trouble makers would finally
grow up a little and settle down or just leave for that matter. That never happened. Even after I posted stern warnings across the forums here that I was going to take hard action
against rule breakers they continued the bad behavior. Here are some examples for you since as always I can prove anything I say:




This right here was also an awesome last warning before everything broke out:


Nobody can say I didn't I didn't give the misbehaving forum members here a chance to get themselves straight. Nobody can say that I didn't give MEAT and GOPOSTAL a chance to stop their attacks to avoid this.

So, I was being blamed for not coming in and taking action and then when I did come in and took action I got blamed some more! This was becoming one of those "No-Win" situations. The only thing I could do was fall back on the rules that were always posted and the warnings that came too often and the fact in the end when everything was said and done.....I was the sole owner of this place! I had final say about everything.

The most interesting part of all of this to me was the folks who I helped so much along the way. I gave several members here my help making their servers. I gave most of them redirect space for their server files. I gave them and others forums for their servers. My servers, forum and website was the model that many people used to launch their own sites eventually. I did all of this and never asked for anything in return. here is the real kicker to all of this. Many of the people I just mentioned support the people who attack me
from abroad. I never did anything but help people here unless they broke the rules. Then they got a 30 day deactivation for breaking the rules. I posted what they did and when they did it and who they did it to, how long they were deactivated and everything. they had the option to come back and make their case but you don't get to break the rules here and keep on moving about freely until you make your case. No. You break the rules, you pay for it. Then you can make your case. People who's accounts were deactivated knew this. I let every single one of them off the hook several times in the beginning. Then the reckoning came!

For those of you who I tried to help and did help that moved on just to support people who have attacked me I say so long! I will admit that I'm hurt that you'd turn your back on me when you don't have a shred of anything indicating I have ever done anything more to you than help you. Yeah I punished you for breaking the well known rules too but you deserved that! It does rock me to the core to know that there are folks like you out there that even after reading all of this still support the people who attack me from the shadows. You support these people who never did anything for you. It truly is amazing to me. It is just sad too.

This forum and my servers are all good to go now. Everything was just how I liked it until I was attacked recently and that was the straw that broke my back. I'll consider this counter attack done for right now. I hope I don't have to turn on the lights like this again but I can and will if I have to. Please feel free to post any questions. I'll reply the best I can. Take it easy all. Peace!


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Re: A short time ago in a forum you're reading right now...

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:02 am

Episode 4 of 4 is now complete for your viewing pleasure. This concludes "Truth Wars" and I hope I won't need to defend myself again anytime soon but I am ready. I am armed with the truth and I have plenty more ammo just like above!

I'm very proud of the work I've done in the UT community. I'm proud of the help I've given and the opportunities I have provided. I am ashamed that I had to resort to this entire topic but my hand was forced in my opinion. Next time people who want to attack me should reconsider and go after someone who hasn't proven themselves year after year to be nothing but helpful to others in the UT community. I have a 10+ year history in this community as being nothing but nice and helpful.

If you read all of this and still have any doubt about me and my claims and evidence I provided, you are truly a sad and confused person.


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