I have been silenced...

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I have been silenced...

Post by Hermskii » Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:40 am

You know, I used to never go anywhere online really as far as UT goes. It was only in the last few years that I have really started visiting lots of other UT sites. I have enjoyed being the King here where whatever I want and decide is pretty much how it is. Over the years I have had to silence a few folks for reasons I felt were good enough to take that action.

I have been quieted on some other forums out there. Some a while back and one as recently as today. I have to admit I don't like it but at least I let people rant for a while and either thoroughly explain their behavior or nuke them and explain why I had to do it. I've had people request for me to remove their posts and I have done so on some very rare occasions and I have not on far more.

For me though I am not banned where I either have posted or am trying to post to. I'm not banned but I'm having admins on other forums actually modify what I have written and or remove parts of what I have said or removed my post entirely with out so much as a hint they were going to do it or a explanation as to why they did it. So Far, in this most recent example I replied about religious sign somebody posted. A sticker to be more exact. I got home tonight to find my post is gone and an admin is there in my place telling everyone to get back on topic. The funny thing is he nuked my post and replaced it with his. He did not mention what he did or say sorry for it or anything.

I also have a buddy who tried to join the religious discussion on a differnt topic that was about religion. His post was never allowed to be posted by the moderator though the moderator says he approved it. It never made it to the forum. I'm starting to wonder if the other admin saw it and nuked it too.

Some of the people I'm talking to are the kind that would pee on a statue of Jesus in public if they could. They hate religious discussion and invite people to go to the hell they say they don't believe in.

I just wanted to mention this because what comes around goes around except I did let people state their case provided they paid their dues first for breaking the rules. I don't recall anybody saying they were silenced unfairly. They were just always mad that they had to wait 30 days before they could defend themselves. Did I go overboard? Possibly but I did what I needed to do to get control and set the stage back to where it was in the first place. I don't like not being able to say my thoughts or at least I don't like writing them out to have them nuked before anybody has even a chance to see it. Tohave others like me discriminated against in the same way sucks extra bad.

It is what it is I guess. I know I was far more fair and I never modified or totally removed what somebody said unless what was said was strictly against the rules. These guys are deleting my stuff soon after I post it but leave up their posts about how there is no God and all of that.


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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by EvilGrins » Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:03 am

Somebody needs a hug!

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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Sir Mandrake » Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:08 am

I'm no lawyer or anything but isn't there a law stating that you can be liable for infringement of a persons rights of free speech if you operate a public forum and start Nuking posts? I think Admins need to be careful of what they censor in America. I know they own the forum but they are also messing with a persons Rights.

I could be wrong.

They could at least make an area on the forums specifically for religious topics and move it there instead of deleting it, especially if its going off topic. And have the professional courtesy to tell the offender why it was moved or deleted and allow the person to appeal the action.... Its what I would do.
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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Hook » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:51 am

I think it also depends on what the forum's Rules state.
Also, IF the public can post or not - must be registered and abide by the forums rules? (making it a private forum? even though the public may view it)

A thought...
There is a huge amount of evidence that supports God's existence - and virtually none that supports that He doesn't exist. :wink:
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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Hermskii » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:58 am

In the end, whatever you put on someone's forum belongs to them and they can do whatever and I understand that. My biggest issue here is having my stuff deleted before it ever makes it to the press. My friends stuff too. I understand that the admin may hate me and everything but he lets everyone else say their piece except me and my buddy. That is sorta wrong. My answer will be to mention this and then move on and not come back if it continues. I have my big boy pants on and I got a hug this morning.

there is just something so wrong about it and I feel it is two fold:

1. I have made conservative statements there.
2. I have made religious statements there.

This should force me to think the person doing this to me is standard "Liberal Atheist" right? LOL. Funny thing is how mad they get when I point these features of theirs out to them and how easily they are stereo typed by them. Tehehe.

About what HOOK said and God and proof and stuff. i read a great saying the other day about how Atheist don't believe in the bible's story of creation. It went on to say they do believe that a long time ago there was nothing and then it exploded into this huge something and yet nothing made it all happen. Funny!


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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Feralidragon » Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:17 am

I won't join this kind of religious discussion, specially since I have a very strong position on that and is the total opposite of yours, however I didn't get something: did this happen in a UT forum or another public forum or something?

As of right of speech, any admin of a board has all the right to remove your posts if he wishes to without giving you any reason at all, specially since he's the responsible relative its contents. It's not nice, but here right of speech does not apply, because basically you're in "someone else's" territory of sort to speak, and you're pretty much just a guest who must abide by their rules as long as you stay there.

I'm no lawyer either and I don't live in USA, but I am pretty sure it's that way.

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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:27 am

Well said IMHO Feralidragon. Yes, this did happen on another forum but let me go ahead now and clear it up since it was made totally clear to me yesterday what was happening.

I took my political discussion to another forum because I found myself being the minority here and didn't want to upset the folks who I appreciate that spend their time and effort here. Yet, I also felt like I needed an outlet. I went over to another place and shot off off my mouth way too fast with way too many inaccuracies with way too much slant on my views and upset a whole group of folks.

They think I was doing it on purpose which I wasn't but they are mostly (in my opinion) liberals. Real left leaning liberals which I struggle to properly communicate with apparently.

Example: I say not a single illegal alien should be in this country and none of their illegal families should be here either. I say enforce the law that already exists that says that if they do what they have done by coming here illegally they must be charged with the crime and dealt with properly.

Liberals will go on and on about they provide too much to this country and what about all of their kids that were born here? What will we do with them? It just keeps going on and on like that.

So I have made lots of people mad elsewhere at that forum. I referred a conservative friend to the topic and he had to register to post. He did so and posted and told me he did. I searched for all post by him and it never showed up. After several days I mentioned his post never showed up. Someone finally said that they had seen his post and it had to be approved and was approved to be put on the forum. This is a practice they have for new members with less than 10 posts I was told. OK. I can understand that except several more days past and his post still never showed up and I searched pretty hard for it. A few days ago at that same forum I noticed something. I noticed that there was a topic about funny pictures. It had gone well off topic with a rant between several members there over a something religious as I recall. I then replied with a well thought out post that was in line with the religious (off topic) subject. A day or two later my friend's post is still nowhere to be found and I was still searching for it with no luck. I also noticed my post in that off topic religious discussion had been replaced with a admin's post about getting back on subject. Nobody told me my post was being removed and I never saw any post after mine that remained off subject.

I then mentioned that I was being silenced there and that I felt it was well withing their right to do so since they own the forum but that it would have been nice to have been told I was being silenced and why for instance. I was also mad my friend's post was not allowed somehow to be posted.

Finally, yesterday or the day before an admin there came forward after several others had already chided me for making this accusation and admitted that yes they had approved my friends post but that it had gotten hung up and a anti-spam holding folder waiting to be approved by an admin there before it would actually post to the forum. Well, they approved it there what felt like a week or longer after it was originally posted and naturally it went into the forum in date order as it should have. Sadly, that date was already 2-3 pages back on the forum so nobody ever saw it which they also admitted.

Then, another admin or possibly the same one admitted that yes he had indeed nuked my post I had made on that religious topic which happened to be part of a topic that had been high-jacked from funny pictures and was now and for a while been going religious. that is fine but the interesting thing to me was he said he nuked my post with many others but he didn't go back and nuke them back to where the topic got high-jacked, he started at my response. I never saw any others so to me it looked liked mine was the only one removed and again, nobody posted this was going to happen or that it did happen. Nobody admitted any actions taken whatsoever until I accused them of doing stuff like this. Lastly, a moderator or admin tells me he is sorry I have a complex that I'm being attacked.

I pointed out that everything I said was as true as it could have seemed to me at the time. Can anybody argue that? I doubt it. It all happened just like I saw it and claimed it was happening BUT it has been rectified I suppose. That topic is back on topic. My friend's post is now there too. Everybody there has been able to see the truth now about what happened in the background and why it would seem like my friend and I were being silenced.

I blame this on me being a active conservative who practices religion and openly discusses my opinion. People against that would be active liberals who either don't believe or don't like religion being discussed right? who is someone who realizes I need to be far more cautious in the way I post and be ready to back up every single thing I say since I'll be targeted more by these lefties. I could also shut my mouth about my opinion but that is exactly what liberals want right? Anyways, it is all good again I suppose. Sad it has been such a rough ride in this one forum so far. I'll settle down and try to be more respectful but it is hard when everything you say is attacked.

For the record. I no longer feel that I am being silenced. I do understand entirely how my friends post could show up that much later based on the process they have there. If they nuke people's post they should say so and not just nuke them and say let's stay on topic without mentioning the posts were nuked or at least nuke them all the way back to when the topic derailed.


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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Sir Mandrake » Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:43 am

Hermskii wrote:
This should force me to think the person doing this to me is standard "Liberal Atheist" right? LOL. Funny thing is how mad they get when I point these features of theirs out to them and how easily they are stereo typed by them. Tehehe.
Sounds like a snot nosed Kid that doesnt care or appreciate the value of ones opinion....whether or not they agree to it or not. Any level headed adult would.
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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Sir Mandrake » Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:48 am

Feralidragon wrote:I won't join this kind of religious discussion, specially since I have a very strong position on that and is the total opposite of yours, however I didn't get something: did this happen in a UT forum or another public forum or something?

As of right of speech, any admin of a board has all the right to remove your posts if he wishes to without giving you any reason at all, specially since he's the responsible relative its contents. It's not nice, but here right of speech does not apply, because basically you're in "someone else's" territory of sort to speak, and you're pretty much just a guest who must abide by their rules as long as you stay there.

I'm no lawyer either and I don't live in USA, but I am pretty sure it's that way.
Yeah Ill have to agree with Ferali on this... but any good admin would respect a persons word as long as it follows the rules he set forth. Many admins fail to do this.
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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:07 am

Thanks. These guys aren't young I don't think. They are too smart to be young. I haven't helped my case at all in regards to some of the lame things I have said over there. I deserve some of this trouble I'm sure. the only bad taste I still have in my mouth is having a post nuked and never being told it was going to happen or did happen. I should not have to hassle people for the truth to come out.

Feralidragon: Sorry to hear you oppose me in several topics as you mentioned but I'm glad we (you and I) don't go head to head on anything. Let's just continue not discussing these topics!

By the way, it was a UT forum that all of this drama was on.


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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Feralidragon » Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:08 pm

I think political and religious discussions should be left from UT forums anyway, but that's just my opinion and for instance we over at ut99.org don't even allow that kind of discussions there (even in offtopic), things get heated very quickly, it doesn't matter if 2 guys are civilized enough to talk about it very well, it just takes a 3rd element to nuke it into a ball of flames.

Yeah, it's wrong to remove those posts without even explaining why, but it's their right nonetheless and the max you can do is just stop posting about that or posting at all in that specific forum.

And btw, when I said that I have an opposite view relative yours, I meant the religious one alone, as for political one things are more complex and I think both sides are right and wrong in several things (for instance I agree that an illegal family should be dealt with properly, but I also agree that their children have no fault on their parents mistakes and their families get explored enough to get some people rich which then makes the country go richer by extent, but in another side they are pretty much stealing jobs since they are "cheaper" leaving country natives without a job, but even in another hand many illegals take the jobs no native actually want to do anyway.... so as I see this is a very complex subject with no direct simple viable solution).

Now as for religious views (yours and Hook's in those posts), that's what I meant as "opposite view of things", as I could perfectly counter-argument you both with strong arguments (specially since your both arguments are completely inaccurate anyway), but religious talk never leads anywhere therefore is pretty much pointless.

However, sometimes I talk with my own mom about religious stuff (she's a god believer and all btw), but when I presented her some facts and made certain questions, I let her seriously wondering about many things. She's still a believer anyway, but we can have a normal conversation about that theme or any other themes without any heat.

My younger brother, like me, does not believe in god either for instance.

But, as a last note, I would advice you to leave that sort of discussions out of an UT board, either they allow it or not, it's better to have those discussions in the proper places around the web imo.

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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:02 pm

Fair enough to everything you said except the HOOK part. He wasn't in the conversation at all that I'm talking about. I'm sure you did see some discussion though where he and I both mentioned God. No matter. My friend in the post that I mention is a member at my forum but he never ever comes to my forum and I doubt he'll be back to the one I'm talking about either. LOL. I think your advice is solid about leaving God out of it except once again, that is exactly what they want me to do is stay quiet. I will compromise. I won't start the God discussion and likely won't end it but if it comes up, I'll make my opinion known. Now I'll do to you as I enjoy doing to them and say Thank you and God Bless You! LOL. that should only bother you as much as me throwing invisible fairy dust at you while we talk on the phone being miles away from each other. It can't hurt. It is only a good intension but biy does it drive some people nuts!

I won't bless you anymore OK. Take care all.


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Re: I have been silenced...

Post by Feralidragon » Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:16 pm

I never saw what you posted, I was referring to the bits in this exact topic lol

And btw, I don't feel bothered at all when people say stuff like "godspeed" or "god bless you" to me, although I don't believe god or anything like that, I take that as "take care" or "good luck" and such expressions, because that's actually what they mean as a human being to a fellow human being, although they are just adding their religious bit.

I may not believe in such things, but I respect everyone. The very rare occasions I was literally forced to go to church (weddings, funerals, and stuff like that), I always respected the place I was at and behaved accordingly (hats off, silence, and wait for it to end). Again, not a believer, but that does not mean I will get offended or rip a bible apart lol, that would be just childish (although there are people that way, but those just bring a bad image to atheists imo, like any "extremist" of and to any of both sides).

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