Who would you want to meet in real life?

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Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Hermskii » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:23 am

You know, over the years hundreds (just over 2 hundred) have logged in here at some point and some many more times than others. We have had what I would call a full spectrum of folks come through the welcoming doors of the "House of Hermskii {HOH} forum and 1,000 have come through these servers and {HOH} associated servers like HOOK's.

I was reading another very interesting post and it dawned on me to start this thread. So here it goes. These are the rules: There is no wrong answers or reasons supporting your answers and you don't even have to give reasoning behind your answer or fill out the list completely and you can go over 5 too. The doesn't even need to be in any particular order. Here is the question:

If you could meet anyone from this forum or from HOOK's in real life under the best of conditions who would the top 5 people be and why?

I'll tip my hand with a few now and a few more later and more as I think of them or meet them in the future.

1. Hook - Just to confirm he's exactly what I imagine him to be like.
2. Nameless Entity - Because I'd like to see what I'd be like as a Non-American Liberal who is still like by everyone.
3. Dr. Flay - Because I find many of his topics and replies to be fascinating and so thorough. I want to see him buzzed drunk though too.
4. Nelson - but with a universal translator so that we could share ideas and concepts at full speed with no loss in translation.
6. Silent Bob - He may actually be the most interesting man in the world!
7. Kelly - Because when kelly is within spec he just sounds to me like he is the nicest guy ever. I bet he would have made a great teacher for high school kids. I bet he could have made math or history come to life.
8. Blonde Hottie - Just kidding! But I've spoken with her before and know she's a wonderful person.
9. Scify - Just to talk about the old days.
10. Schwantz - That would be like meeting the maker of the Matrix to me like in the movie when Neo meets that white bearded guy who made the Matrix.

I'm sure I will add to this list often. you can too!


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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by EvilGrins » Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:14 pm

I've been told, by the man himself, that MEAT lives roughly in my neck of the woods... so I wouldn't be surprised if we crossed paths. Then again, no clue what he looks like so we may've met or at least run into each other unknowingly already.

Might be nice to meet Kelly... at some point when he's not mad at me. We seem to have a few things in common.

Gank from ut99.org:
KeeperUTX wrote:
EvilGrins wrote:
KeeperUTX wrote:@EvilGrins: OMBFGG, please give me a link to that akimbo mod!
Can't, the website I got it from doesn't exist anymore and I haven't seen it anywhere else... so I'll attach it to this comment.
JackGriffin wrote:The more we talk EG, the more we seem to have in common.
I'm not going to marry you.
Firstly, thank you very very very very...... very much. :wink:

Secondly, lol @ the marriage thing. :lol2:
Kelly = JackGriffin, for those that don't know.

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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Hermskii » Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:24 am

You know...

I knew I'd forget several folks and there it is: EG

Yeah, you be fun to watch show off your UT collection of stuff and how you do things.


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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Dr.Flay » Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:22 am

I simply hope inspire :mrgreen:

Well over all the years of sites changing and dying, there have been a few ever-shining beacons in the night.
2 of those beacons are Hook and Hermskii.
They always gave me a bearing to steer by.

I would love share some brews with Hermskii as we discuss how "anything that is not Chaos, is not worth wiping your sword on".
We would raise our glasses in salute to Flag and Q66 over at the Chaos site, for also keeping our blades wet and chainsaws revving.

Mostly I would like to meet the Captain, and hand back the key to the rum-cabinet... that i... have been guarding.
Then once we blow the (suspiciously fresh-looking) dust off a fine bottle, I can set about the task of teachin' 'im ta speak like a proper Cornish pirate :mrgreen:
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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Hook » Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:43 am

I want to make this happen.
I posted it before.

I met Fuzz_Ball and it was so much fun.
Sometime some of us should plan to meet somewhere.

I would like to meet with all of you.
I am for sure going to meet with Hermskii sometime. :wink:
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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Terraniux » Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:06 am

I'd like to come over to America and meet each and everyone of you in one big group. Especially Hook and Hermskii. We could organize that!
We could go to a restaurant first and have a LAN party for next few days (just an idea). And like to teach everyone the mapping aspects , on a beamer screen. :D

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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by EvilGrins » Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:14 pm

Hook wrote:I met Fuzz_Ball and it was so much fun.
Sometime some of us should plan to meet somewhere.
I thinking we all meet up for pizza or pancakes.

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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Hook » Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:18 am

EvilGrins wrote:
Hook wrote:I met Fuzz_Ball and it was so much fun.
Sometime some of us should plan to meet somewhere.
I thinking we all meet up for pizza or pancakes.
Great idea!

PS: I will be in San Diego CA end of March 2014 - just sayin' :wink:
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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:05 am

Hey and I'll be right here in Houston for basically the next 1 - 30 years or so! I will likely visit Florida again before I die. I like the beaches there.


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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Hook » Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:02 pm

I was born out in CA, just north of LA, so it'll be fun to go back after all these 54+ years.
I agree, the Florida beaches are FAR better than CA beaches! :wink:
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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by a nameless entity » Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:40 am

In many an in game chat with members of both this community and the Excalibur community I have spoken with people about how cool it would be to meet up in real life sometime, somewhere. I've pretty much promised my European friends to come visit them if I ever win the lotto, and it becomes possible for me to do so.

So I hereby make the same pledge here. Pick a place and I'll be there. Florida is fine with me. Especially the west coast. I loved it there.

Who would I like to meet? Anyone who would care to show up, and especially some of the old time members we don't see any more. And all of the ladies who played for sure. They were such rarities in that testosterone fueled game.

I'd also like to meet Mahatma, just to find out for sure, and for myself. In one of his/her last posts that I can remember (s)he spoke of tearing pretty badly during childbirth. And the post was in the 1st person. But Blonde Hottie said no, that was just him being a smart-ass again. I know that some of the members know for sure, but so far the secret is safe from me. :|

In order to increase my chances of being able to attend; I have therefore put winning the lotto on my "bucket list". Just in case that helps somehow. ;)
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Re: Who would you want to meet in real life?

Post by Hook » Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:22 pm

I was actually thinking of meeting whoever can make it, at a central USA location that I could drive to, like Kansas, Missouri or Nebraska or ??? - one of these summers or whenever.

Like I said above, I am going to be in San Diego CA end of March 2014 ...
(I think AverageJoe lives there ???)
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