The real Hermski is in the house!

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The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermskii » Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:44 am

I got an email and a new account activation request from my namesake today. Talk about OMG!

I have searched the original RedeemerInsanity forum and this forum as well trying to find where I explained how I came up with the name Hermskii. In it, I explained how way back in the very beginning for me on computers around 1998 I cam across a site that offered many of the old arcade games in a way that they could be played on regular computers. There was a program called MAME that let you play the actual code on your PC thus you were playing the actual game. This site offered the ROMs to each of these games. I spent countless hours downloading these roms 1 by 1 to pc via my superfast 33.6 fax modem! the website had a picture of the avatar I use and that you know me as called "Hermski" and on each side at the top sides was animated fire. It was so cool. One day I looked and it was just gone. I searched for years and never found the guy who was the original Hermski. I recall I didn't want any legal trouble so I added a "i" to the name so Hermski went to Hermskii and I posted that I had done all in my power to request permission to use the image but never got a response.

I just found this while doing some more searching. It is back from a partially deleted post but it says it pretty much:

That is how I ended up with the name of Hermskii. I had found that I could play all of the old games on my PC like Donkey Kong, Joust, Centipede, PacMan, Asteroids, Defender, Stargate, and about 900 other old games by using a program called MAME. It stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. There used to be a site called Hermski's MAME site or something like that. I added another I at the end of the name and thus I became Hermskii. My avatar is even from that old site which just up a disappeared several years back. Hermski is either the name of the artist of the Hermski Jester or it is the name of the Jester himself. I never figured it out. I still have MAME on my PC to this day.

and then I found this too:

I don't really care if somebody uses my name on other servers I don't ever go to. I do care if they are on my server as me though. Yes, that is the same Hermskii BTW. Someone pointed him out to me on that server a long long time ago. Maybe I should contact the admin there but really, I don't care enough.

When I first got into computers about 10 years ago, I found out about a mod that allowed me to play all of my old favorite arcade games from the early 80's like Asteroids, Defender, Donkey Kong, Pacman and all of those games. The mod was called MAME which meant Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. I found a site called something like "Hermski's MAME Archive" At the website which is long gone now, there were columns of fires and a picture of an evil court jester that I instantly liked. That is the exact same picture that my avatar is. If you look close enough down in the bottom right corner it says "Hermski". I liked the name so I asked if I could use it. I never got an answer. His site up and went away. I never new if it was supposed to be the name of the artist or the jester in the picture. I added one more letter I at the end to get Hermskii and have used it ever since.

Let me try to get back on point here: The guy who as far as I know is or was the first to use or possibly even knows where he himself found the picture of what I use as my avatar which is signed with the name "Hermski" contacted me last night AND registered here too. I am hopeful that he will come in and introduce himself and fill in lots of the blanks I have for answers when it come to where did this picture come from? Is the Jester in the picture named Hermski or is the name of the artist who drew the picture? If it is the name of the jester is there more to know about him like id he evil or what? LOL! I can't wait to see what we learn!


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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermski » Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:00 pm

This brings back all those memories. I took the name back in the 80's during the Amiga days in the UK. Somehow I picked up the name from college days. When I laughed as was always told it sounded like Herman Monster, and the name transpired to Hermski.

The emulation site helps support the public domain, and ran for 7 years. over 1000 hits a day, so I could not get back to everyone who wrote. I just remember having the Guns and Roses Sweet Child of mine plating in the background which I guess probably was annoying to others :mrgreen:

The jester got used for my site and became a recognised icon. The was public domain, samples used to demonstrate art on the early PC's. Art work along with others that have been lost over the years. I still have the Jester :) I put the Hermski tag on it myself and it just stuck. Puzzles solved I hope.

As far as I am concerned the artwork is public domain, and happy for the Hermski name to be shared, used and kept alive.

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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermski » Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:03 pm

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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermskii » Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:48 pm

If everyone could just see the smiles this topic has produced for me. This is a huge closure thing for me personally. I have wondered about so many of these things for so long that I chalked them up to "I will never know and will just have to live with it".

It humors me also how lucky I am that many things like this do come to a close with such a great story line behind them. It would be extra cool if we were actually somehow related too like not so distant cousins. I have a nephew who currently lives in a rent house my older brother rented and lived in while in college over 25 years back. The rent house is in a city that neither of them grew up in and my nephew wasn't even born by the time my brother had moved out. All of this was determined the last time I was in that city of San marcos. During that same last visit I went to one bar I used to go to when I visited a friend of mine who lived in the same town for college. Turned out that 1 of 100's of bars was where my older brother took his wife but then girlfriend for their first date. Small world. Sorry to make all of you read all of that but it paints the picture I'm trying to render.

Hermski I am so excited to have you with us here and I'm already struggling to recall to leave the last i off when I type your name! LOL. Please enjoy your stay!


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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermski » Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:26 pm

Yea, great forum, keep in touch.

Gets u thinking how others on here get their code names.

So lets see some replies, how did you get your nick name ???

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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermski » Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:31 pm

Remember the Fire
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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermskii » Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:37 pm

I do! What was it? Fire in the middle and the Hermski jpg on the corners or the other way. What do you still have from back then? You still have the roms? You still have a screenshot of the site or a backup?


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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hook » Wed Dec 25, 2013 12:11 am

Welcome "Original" Hermskii! :D
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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by EvilGrins » Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:22 pm

No, I am Spartacus!

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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:23 am

Check it out! I was just screwing around at work and came across both of these things: I have never seen such a big and clear image of the Jester picture the original Hermski used for his website AND then I find it on the cover of a magazine too! I'll try to upload and post them here now. I never post pictures here because it is a pain.

I posted them out of order but click on the one of just the jester and look how clear and crisp the image is. Awesome work there!
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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:34 pm

So! With just a little research I have found out that the little Jester I have used as my avatar is not named Hermski but is in fact a dwarf named "Ukko" who is a buddy to a hero of some sort named Slaine.

This was one of the best descriptions I found of him:

and here are an assortment of pictures of Ukko: ... f&tbm=isch

I love how all of this just unraveled the way it has. Funny how everything I thought and guessed about this over the years was wrong. I thought Hermskii was the name of the jester or the person who painted him. WRONG! I thought the jester was just a little evil man of magic. Wrong! Well not entirely. No matter. I know the answers to all of this now and I am pleased!


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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:33 pm

Nay, this is the real Hermskii!

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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:29 pm

I just saw the link to this thread over at Redeemer Insanity. I guess I should peruse the various forums here more often.

This is very cool. Now that I see them again; I do recall those old posts you made. I'm glad to see that this mystery has finally been solved. :D
Should we still address you as Hermskii, or Herm, or would you now prefer Ukko? ;)

And a big welcome to Hermski.

I enjoyed reading the CV of Ukko. I liked the listing of his occupation as "Miscreant". Somehow I've always liked that word. MissCreant would be a great name for a female assassin in WoW or Lineage. :lol:

It also occurs to me that perhaps a bot over at CG should be named Ukko.
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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Dr.Flay » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:58 am

Well the world is full of twisted threads.
This is going to get confusing Herm ;)

BTW. for Herm (up the road from me) here is a clue to my past and current interests, as I too have long been a fan of emulation.
2 Avatars I use.
I too have used the name Dr.Flay since the days a "superior home computer" would do what you asked, as soon as you prodded it.
*Sigh* Thankfully emulation still gives me that option, and the Scalos workbench replacement makes it even better.
:idea: Mr.Flay is a skeleton in ye olde RPG game Bloodwych

BTW. You may be able to find remnants of your old site in the Web Archive
BTW.BTW. Are you just being sociable or do you play any Unreal based games ?
We can get you joining-in with a legitimately free UT option based on the patched demo.

Hermskii, Now you have found a large version of the jester, I recognise the work of my favourite comic artist, Simon (The Biz) Bizley.
I was a huge fan of Slaine, and even based one of my Runequest characters on him.
If you look carefully you will find heavy metal references in a lot of his art.
I have a Slayer poster he did many years ago :D
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Re: The real Hermski is in the house!

Post by Dragon » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:49 pm

nice pics Hermskii:)


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