OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by Dr.Flay » Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:45 am

Hermskii wrote:OK. Done. What did that do? What does it do?
Now people can subscribe to the site or thread in a browser or RSS reader, and get notified of any new posts (handy in mini Opera on a phone).
Usually you can group feeds so all related sites can all be skimmed in the order of posting.
In most RSS readers you can search all sites in a group for a keyword, allowing you to see common results across sites (eg. Chaos)
All posts viewed via RSS are free from adverts, avatars and sigs.

Actually EG there is no problem with screenshots if you attach them to the post as you are supposed to. The site then calculates a preview that fits.
If you wish to use external links (or have no choice) then you should provide the width or height you wish it to be displayed at.

The rule of thumb is that your desktop size is not fit for web based images.
They should be scaled to fit the place they will be displayed. Some sites and browsers will try to correct this oversight and scale for you, but a good designer knows you cannot rely on that by hope alone.
If you do not wish to upload a full quality image, you should prepare one suitable for the web (preview size) or add the correct size tag

By injecting direct links to large images you are forcing people to download it, even if they do not want to see the full thing. For people browsing over a metered connection, that is not fair.
I always radically optimise my images for posting, and first see how they look reduced to 8bit so I can make an ultra small PNG. (Do NOT use 24bit PNGs for big full colour web images unless you need an alpha channel, use JPEG).

RIOT is an essential tool for anyone putting pictures onto the web and is available as a plugin for GIMP, Irfanview and XnView. Thankfully it is so simple even a child of 5 could use it.
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
Image - @TheChaosMod - Web IRChat - [url=irc://]IRChat[/url]

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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by Hermskii » Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:29 am

RedeemerInsanity forum is back up now! I talked to N6NU who said he had to reboot the server. It was the first reboot in 5 years. Awesome.


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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by EvilGrins » Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:02 pm

Dr.Flay wrote:Actually EG there is no problem with screenshots if you attach them to the post as you are supposed to. The site then calculates a preview that fits.
While I hope it never happens here, forums tend to crash or go away and by hosting my images somewhere a bit more stable (livejournal's been around forever-ish) I can link to the same image to post multiple places...

...rather than having to re-upload such to each forum.
Dr.Flay wrote:If you wish to use external links (or have no choice) then you should provide the width or height you wish it to be displayed at.
...but I'm too lazy!

/end rant

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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by Sir Mandrake » Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:06 pm

Hello Herm and everybody! :D

Sometimes a little revamp or Remodeling of any place can revitalize things, Im sure you will come up with a Grand Theme in no time!
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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:58 pm

Hello Sir Mandrake!

Good to see you come by. I do want this place to be a little bigger but other than that I can stick with this look. I certainly still preferred the old look though. How are things with you?


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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by Sir Mandrake » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:42 pm

Things are good and everyone is healthy!
Work has my hours cut - GRRR - so I'm finding myself with more time on my hands it seems.
Holidaze are over, lights put away and when theres snow on the ground I like me some UT :D

So happy to see my two favorite UT Sites are still around, "Hermskii and Hook"
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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by a nameless entity » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:06 pm

And now to get back onto to topic for a bit:

I stopped by here while not logged in a few minutes ago. I looked at my BN Skinchanger thread and noticed that I cannot download anything posted to the forum if not logged in.

We used to be able to glean files posted here without being logged in before the changes happened here, didn't we?

I suppose it could be argued that that should be a members only privilege. But I like the idea of a totally free internet exchange of ideas and utilities for the benefit of all. (Especially when it's UT stuff!) :)
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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by Hermskii » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:39 am

Hmmm? Good points. let me say the last time I changed anything as far as rights here go it was likely years ago. I think the change was to loosen whether a person could edit their own post within a given amount of time. I don't recall what the setting is now but it doesn't matter I don't think. I do see what you are saying about being able to download stuff without being seen, tracked, noticed etc. About the only think I ever look at here is who has logged in as a admin or a moderator. I'm the only name I should see and I only check it about 4 times a year at best. You could say I'm a relaxed paranoid.

I can certainly look into this setting. Maybe it will remind me why I have it as I do. I won't get to this for several days though. Bug me about this again at the start of the weekend.


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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:02 am

Suggestion for this forum from Active Forums thread on ·

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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by Hermskii » Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:02 pm

I saw the post and it isn't that I can't make it so people can edit. they can edit but only within a given amount of time after posting if I recall. Kelly has forgotten that a while back a moderator here modified and deleted several posts without the poster's permission or mine though i made it very clear not to ever do that.

This forum i"s" running on up to date forum software now and is not broken in any way that I can think of. As it is worth if for Kelly to lose members on his server in order for him to know it is always a good time to play there it is like that for me. I know nobody is going to secretly modify or delete post here all of which I consider to be valuable UT historical data.

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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by KellyD » Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:10 am

Jusy MHO so bear that in mind...

Removing something that many people use because one person abused it is not the way to handle things. You took that away and many posters just stopped coming. It's not the members fault that someone you made moderator screwed you over so punishing us for your mistake rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and they voted with their clicks.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of your site and continued support of UT. I just think very strongly that you should reconsider this. It's nothing to make daily (even a couple times a day) snapshot backups of the DB. Someone does an edit you don't like you just roll the post(s) back to where you wanted them.

I wouldn't make "iron fist" jokes either. That's exactly why so many stopped coming. You view it as joking but a lot of former posters from here very seriously think that.

Again, your forum your rules. I get that for sure and I mean no disrespect.
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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by Hermskii » Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:19 am

This is the only of several posts you posted here today that I just now read. You make a strong a point. I have mentioned to others in private discussions that I would certainly consider post editing restriction changes. How long (in your opinion) should a post be able to be modified after being originally posted? I can certainly understand re-reading right after posting and finding a typo and wanting to fix it right then. I can also understand posting in a rant of rage (as I have) and wanting to take back what was said. But what if you only get one chance to set one setting on a forum for this (as I do), how long do you set it to no longer allow a poster to modify a post after they posted that post? Hours? days, a month? Several Months?

I do want other opinions here too besides from Kelly.



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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by a nameless entity » Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:50 pm

I think the present rules are fine.

Remember this quotation before you hit the "submit" button:
Thumper (from Bambi) wrote:If you ain't got nothin' nice to say, don't say nothin' a'tall.
If you post a rant and regret it later, you can always apologize.

If you do a major brainfart and don't realize it until it's too late, just quote yourself in a new post in the thread, and below that insert your corrections.

I've lost count of the number of times I've shot my mouth off and/or made a major brainfart.
The trick is to avoid the luxury of being offended by what someone else posts, while being willing to apologize and correct your mistakes.
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Re: OMG! The forum took a Xanex!

Post by EvilGrins » Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:16 pm

Hermskii wrote:how long do you set it to no longer allow a poster to modify a post after they posted that post? Hours? days, a month? Several Months?

Just to poke around:, Hook's forum, even Helen's, and most others generally allow users to edit any post they made in any thread indefinitely. Take my "Active Forums" thread in this forum. It really only works if I can update the post at the beginning of the thread periodically, for forums that still exist, don't exist, and new ones that I've found.

Just saying...

Something new? Hmmmm... make a "boing" sound eveytime there's a new post when you login, maybe?

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