NW2 vs =Food Fight=

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NW2 vs =Food Fight=

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Oct 30, 2019 4:05 pm

I've been debating editing these maps over · https://unreal-games.livejournal.com/99808.html

Different weapon placements, move the UTDMTs to a more pro-active spot, etc.

While I was mapping that out in my head, I had 1 of my silly notions.
- Take a CTF map.
- Swap weapons on each team's side with a different weaponpack.
- Give 1 side =Food Fight=.
- Give other side Nali Weapons 2.

Going by skill over weapons, just to see which side would win more times than not.

Why NW2?

Nali Weapons 3 is FAR TOO POWERFUL for a fair fight against fragging food.

Toying with using this map for the test · https://unreal-games.livejournal.com/113496.html


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Re: NW2 vs =Food Fight=

Post by Hermskii » Thu Oct 31, 2019 9:39 pm

No opinion here really. I never did the food fight thing. I heard lots about it but I felt it took away from game. I know, I know. I'm an old fuddy-duddy as they say. Monster Hunt made sense to me. guns shooting food makes no sense. Chaos weapons make sense. Deadly food not so much. many years ago I removed gravity control and everybody freaked out. I said it doesn't seem or feel real to me and I wanted the game to feel more accurate. They shot back at me that it was called "Unreal" and yes, they were right.

Go back and read the part where I'm an old fuddy-duddy when it comes to stuff like this.

I also never did Nali weapons. I played with them a little bit here and there but they just seemed too much too. The redeemer itself is nearly too powerful sometimes. Yeah, I'm getting old. I did love the look of the weapons and thought the guy did a great job on them. What was his name again? Did he ever make it in the gaming world as if NW wasn't enough?


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Re: NW2 vs =Food Fight=

Post by Hook » Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:38 pm

We have a small section of Food Fight maps on CMM.
There are 2 "weapons" I love in Food Fight - and other players Love them too.

1 - The Saucer (not sure of name), but anyway, it shoots hot sauce out. :P
When it hits a player, that hit player dances all over the place with flames on him until he ashes out LOL
Hilarious actually.

2 - The Fry Pan - now THIS one is a favorite of players on CMM. (in arena mode)
We had a Fry Pan Arena going for a while, (gotta bring this FP arena back because the players want it), and it was a BIG Hit!
It is so hilarious to see everyone swing fry pans at each other with that "pang ping pong" sounds when hitting players.
Believe me, you have to experience it to know what I am talking about! :lol:

The Fry Pan Arena is by far the CMM player's favorite though!
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