This game-type can be called in any line of server or whatever call using MonsterHunt.MonsterHuntArena.
Even is a subclass of MonsterHunt - child game - There are a crapton of errors spaming both: server and player until one of them or both will crash. Being a mess, some guys found ideea to map some ... "maps" being even totally noobs and misunderstanding that a game full of errors won't run well ever and even the worst UT99 admin won't mess with it. Sooner or later as I noticed ideed I could find an ON-Line server runing MA (just in Mapvote as alternate game) - not played of course.
Default Points - without scanning intensive this controller I just can presume how works a child VS parent because it looks like a joke:
Code: Select all
// ============================================================
// MonsterHuntArena
// ============================================================
// === Monster Hunt ===
// Copyright 2000 - 2002 Kenneth "Shrimp" Watson
// For more info,
// Not to be modified without permission from the author
// ============================================================
class MonsterHuntArena expands MonsterHunt
StartUpTeamMessage="Welcome to the ultimate arena battle!"
StartUpMessage="Work with your teammates to overcome the monsters!"
StartMessage="The battle has begun!"
GameEndedMessage="Arena Cleared!"
SingleWaitingMessage="Press Fire to enter the arena."
LeftMessage=" left the arena."
EnteredMessage=" has entered the arena!"
GameName="Monster Arena"
- And empty class child of MonsterHunt - copyright Shrimp - we have to ask Shrimp if we want to develop null games he wanted to be owner of a null code - this is his point of view - good, good... Original technology in how to develop a totaly VOID belongs to Epic if we check quadshot. That one is an original NOTHING not this crappy game-type. So for this point permission should go to Epic.
- GoalTeamScore = 500. Woow, Why Was necessary this bullshit, being a subclass of MH which has nothing to do with that value ? This one can be destroyed being useless.
- FragLimit = 500 . I'm asking again myself where was debated FragLimit in these messed craps.
- Subject .... GameReplicationInfoClass=Class'Botpack.TournamentGameReplicationInfo'. Aparently is an innocent line. Problem ... MonsterHunt has other custom GameReplicationInfoClass called in HUD. In our Game HUD automatically is coming from the parent game named MonsterHunt. So, this "replicationinfo" has no link with MH or MH has no link with this one speaking about new data undebated and bad called. We should modify this properly to call "Hunters" and "Monsters" strings correctly. Here is simply called a replicationinfo uninitialized in GameInfo. Being a stupid code I don't think is logic to debate permissions for using it since need to be entirely reworked not used as it is.
End of Introducing original.