There was a lot of work around Engine if I could see well. For me are important game things too. A sample:
Stinger. Using that in Off-Line and ON-Line with push codes reacts different, all I have to say that ON-Line is ugly and crappy while it fires - doesn't look as a weapon but it looks as a torch. Alternate fire in a BSP with no projectiles = Accessed Nones.
Question: Why I have to accept these 20 Years ? For sure not. It's not my intention to spread files, it's an... advice which is good to be in account.
By example conforming UnrealShare into another giant package I cannot say that things will go perfect (player has original files bad files) but server might develop a small push replicating some animation more natural and "server action" can be pretty clean.
Evilized side: If I'm not mistaking 2 years ago people were asking about a remake - needs for a remake.
In my opinion Epic should stay away giving resources and docs to a few community members and letting them to deal with things. If UnrealI and UnrealShare are a bit "primitive", things went crazy trying to do some changes at BotPack - ORIGINAL SCRIPTS from this trash cannot be compiled because are Wrong written. For me is hilarious as a horror story how the heck did they compile Botpack - there are a bunch of problems trying to do some stunts. Bad LodMesh, some UWindow things missing, some Effect whatever texture not found (compiling with full internal UScript resources). I'm wondering if they did not screwed scripts for protection purpose or bugged file from outside.
I just dropped it v436 on a "UE Explorer" tool - I see red classes claiming serialization errors related to some buffers. I really don't get WTF they did with BotPack, simply it is far from perfect and it looks protected in coward manner. Meh, UnrealI and UnrealShare were not that hard to fool, I got operational files with good monsters with less issues - just doing bunches of tests.
I did some cubes with tentacles firing different projectiles
. I passed over a shock when I saw that not only "quadshot" is a nothing, we have stupid "peaceRocket" - killing closer pawn - OWNER who fired it, "energybolt" pretty much doesn't do much battle - Net code=0, "plasma" - nothing like a damage but addicted to dispersion ammo for some reason, ON-Line has no purpose, etc. If these have been solved somehow (except quadshot which has a mesh rammed and it's impossible for original player to have it as it is without an XCGE replacement) these originals were a bit turned into operational stuff, the normal client player (no XC_GE or such) is able to play properly in such a tweaked machine "server". I'm still thinking and seeking solutions for BotPack... The most disturbing problem happened when I was touching codes from challengevoicepack - speech errors - I got a muted game, but client playing on such BotPack do works normally... I don't trust that BotPack right now, by reverting changes things were still muted - something was lost in Editor. Trying to compile/work with UCC resulted in a obsolete BotPack (compiling decompiled codes). I'm stuck and shocked because I don't get what mess they did - I'm not surprised to see Engine stuck in other games (MH, Survival, etc.) As an old coder said in a comment "no BotPack's deal here" by overriding stuff as much as possible. I think the old man was right... and that's why my monster games custom DM CTF runs much improved - now I know why in big parts.