MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Posts about Nelsona's findings in UT!
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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:36 pm

Today is Octomber 30 2015.
So what ?

And I think I'll drop some noobish dumb creativity outta living room.
Example ?

Take a look >
And ?

The spam >

Code: Select all

ScriptWarning: Fly MH-ForbiddenMansion.Fly40 (Function UnrealShare.Fly.PlayWalking:0033) LoopAnim: Sequence 'Flying' not found in Mesh 'Rabbit'
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-ForbiddenMansion.Fly41 (Function UnrealShare.Fly.TweenToFighter:000D) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Flying' not found in Mesh 'Rabbit'
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-ForbiddenMansion.Fly41 (Function UnrealShare.Fly.TweenToWalking:0047) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Flying' not found in Mesh 'Rabbit'
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-ForbiddenMansion.Fly41 (Function UnrealShare.Fly.PlayWalking:0033) LoopAnim: Sequence 'Flying' not found in Mesh 'Rabbit'
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-ForbiddenMansion.Fly4 (Function UnrealShare.Fly.PlayDying:0028) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Dead' not found in Mesh 'Rabbit'
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-ForbiddenMansion.Fly7 (Function UnrealShare.Fly.TweenToRunning:0029) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Flying' not found in Mesh 'Rabbit'
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-ForbiddenMansion.Fly42 (Function UnrealShare.Fly.TweenToFighter:000D) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Flying' not found in Mesh 'Rabbit'
Fixable ?

Probably yes:

Code: Select all

function SetPawnDifficulty (.... //useful thing after all...
	if ( S.Mesh != None )
		if ( S.Mesh != S.Class.Default.Mesh )
			S.Mesh = S.Class.Default.Mesh;
		MSH = Caps(S.Mesh);
//		log ("Mesh stored is "$MSH);
End of spaming "creativity"... by Luke Gentle (!SD0!.Luke)

And now the best things from SkyWalker:
-Map is small and simple having a lot of... probably 3 textures in 2 battle zones (including water-zone) so it needs a new file for download...
-Map has the most straight ever lines done in editor...
-Nobody was messing movers so nice as in this cute Level.
-Bot support is the best - you have to support Bot constantly else they do nothing...

I was expecting a remake which seems to never come. Perfect... spam removed.
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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:26 am

Continuing thoughts about new things...

I have revised several projectiles. I'm not interested to see them playing sounds or trying to render effects in server - I don't say MakeNoise(x) which is an authority thing forced sometimes useless in client. Effects, playing an animation, playing an explosion sound are part of client, I really believe that MH suffers a lot at stability chapter as long as the most of projectiles fired by monsters are trying work in server which is dumbness. A couple of them have Net codes, others have NONE net stuff. I'm moving to see them accessing Client's Renders (Audio/Video) rather than pushing server into this useless job. Now I think I know why Place-Holder files are not an option - whoever made them seems to don't know that UT is bad (time wasted for nothing) at Net stuff so place-holders = HEADACHES + crashes. Server while is trying an effect based on a texture which is not Original for sure will crash instantly. These player specific files shouldn't be accesed by server in a pointless way but they are.

While I was trying to remove a double-decal bug which I have seen in ASMD (replacement) stuff, as a revenge because I wasted too much time, I have added a new look for Combo when weapon is getting amped by "Amplifier". MH version I think should be like this (or not?)
I think is not so bad as long as I'm trying to deal with these only where Renders exist and not a lot in server, damage is known and server is not interested to "see" or "hear" anything from these, because are CLIENT specific stuff.

Now make me happy telling me how many "news" are properly done - authoritative control in server, rendering in client only... Btw, some file version of so called <mrl.u> was "amazing"...
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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:30 am

I think I wanna try something, a MH more simple as I did with DM, I'm not sure how much will work properly or not but at least a try won't hurt.
As follows:

Code: Select all

class someMH expands MonsterHunt.MonsterHunt config(someFile);
Will attempt to use original stuff as much as possible but hijacking functions with errors. In such version for sure "Search and Destroy" won't be very available...

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:24 pm

Until to test new deals, an old MH2 I tuned up in order to detect if new stuff "XC_Engine" is part of action. If things able to be handled by C++ natives faster, code will go to be managed in that way, old "Push-Type" stuff Uscript based will get loaded if XC_Engine is missing. Looks like monsters have a more normal behavior toward Bot and Player in the same way, having the same type or reaction "native" without to load too many CPU cycles in MH2 controller.
Simply Bot code is decreased letting faster stuff to run.

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:51 pm

Let's see if we can deal with faster solutions in high loaded Levels - supposed challenging.

In random Moments of high combat, tick-rate - even clocking with UScript might go down badly, It's simply causing warping (yes one of warping causes is SERVER itself rather than player) because is under-resourced when more pawns are looking for a reachable way to enemy. Then triggering Pawns using a normal range will be nasty if this thing occurs for a massive bunch of creatures. I was looking for a solution which seems pretty well writing some formula tick-rate based.

Cycling for A.I. triggering will happen similar to this graph:
It goes as follows.
If tick-rate fall under 80% from normal then a stepping variable will have a value increased + time-rate for aggressiveness is decreased for pawns from entire Level.
If tick-rate comes back, slowly stepping variable is decreased doing full cycles through all A.I. In Windows (at least in my systems) server seems able to recover a normal tick-rate. eg: 30 - I'm using even rounding, 29.7 is considered a 30 by machine itself because I declared it an Integer. Then more pawns are queried if tick-rate stays well. If a sudden load shows up, stepping variable suddenly grows back and cycles are decreased in queries. Purpose is maintain a game playable even if we play stupid levels with 1000+ creatures. At this moment results are better than a very lagged an warping game.
If you will ask why I needed this, it's because in maps with monsters having a good visibility to player won't sleep lazy and I won't wait until engine awakes for a "SeePlayer". Due to this new load, in maps full of creatures I could figure bad reaction from server so I have to find a solution to prevent laziness but to not ruin game as well.
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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:01 pm

Due to some map idea about Counters broadcasting "X More to go" for All Players, I have added this into MH as a default option. It's simple, if any player (or bot) kills a monster counted, this is shown to all hunters in order to figure how much longer it takes to eliminate that wave not only at Player Killer (Instigator).

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Terraniux » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:10 pm

Been reading quite a bit of this topic now Nelsona, but could you explain what you are implementing and creating, in like child works, as in : words a even a child of 4 could understand? This is all hocus-pocus and too difficult stuff for me to understand. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Looks promising though. :wink: Keep it up.

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:52 pm

Last spoken first answered and some of the rest after...

100 More Pupae to go >> Message used to be seen by only guy who killed a creature counted - MH hunters knows what I'm saying.
The rest of hunters don't know how much longer need to eliminate in order to complete that "map Step". So another counter might hook the job and firing Messages for ALL hunters.

MonsterHunt is using a function somehow loaded to trigger Bot and Monster to fight. Normally Monsters don't very react at Bot due to their default "code" (aka crap). XC_Engine coded in C++ is able to put monster in the same situation as for player when is facing Bot or other "Player". Simply has the same reaction. Due to new stuff, old heavy code is excepted. Mod is able to see if XC stuff has been loaded and will discard some old and heavy operations to gain speed.

I did a sort of "respect" for teleporters when Bot enter the game. Bot running in teleporter will kill everything around, Let's say that Bot can wait a bit for pawn closer to get into Teleporter and then move - they killed me more times so I went mad with this. XC contributes to prevent collision crashes occurred in such cases.

As long as I have new resources I did an extra visibility for creatures. A number of creatures can be triggered to see "players" native forced as long as tick-rate is still stable - yes mod is testing tick-rate preventing to operate less important things if server has a heavy load - more battle. Example: If tick-rate fall at 80% Monsters Number from screen won't be updated until server reach at normal CPU load.

A few days (or more days) I took a break from MH because I was interested about some DM tweaks with Monsters as well. Those were time consuming.

WoodenBox - hosting UT_FlakCannon. Destroy Box - Flak shows up, Players are able to gain that. This won't happen with old stuff replaced by default MH, they won't respawn EVER. Oh.. well in my version and even 5.04 if I recall, they respawn normally as should. I think it's important to have weapons in a shooter game, right ?

Hey, that Player/Bot was collecting all ShieldBelts. Woot ? Now I'm not so protected as he is (no teamPlay), Oh... well Player won't get 100 Shields or 200 ScubaGear in spot, ONLY ONE / PLAYER - Player being ANY type - yes we have anti-abusing and A.I. code for normal items.

Some stupid stuff - weapons lagging full of errors (not all of them) are properly destroyed - my server is not an UT trash-box, Good bye with that stupid MB stuff and the rest of manure added in MH-CanyonSE and similars.

I might write full pages also about A.I. hunter. Not sure if there are candidates to check stuff. Last time seeing lousy things I was giving up to some interest in deals. Also a high number of codes operating Level won't lead ever in a smoother game, for me looks like I have to quit tweaking even if I can do more and more. Will push engine at boundaries and this won't be good.

I prefer questions related to whatever old troubles, example: Is razorjack available ? Answer: Yes.
Q: Hunters are able to trigger monsters and get info location before starting game in order to have an advantage ?
A: Not very much. Monsters are morphed in a formula staying hidden until game starts. No spam if game doesn't run yet.

Q: But original stuff it's usable ?
A: Yes. We have "Push-Code" and no pushing if XC_Engine manages old stuff.

Q: Sublasses of Bot are supported In this MH ?
A: Yes, I'm using MBot (currently in working phase) which is a sort of Bot following the same directives.

Q: Does this MH uses creature decals as for player? Blood, smoke.
A: I think yes, perhaps even a little loved.

Q: Does this mod support monster replacement for no errors ?
A: Yes, can be used delayed replacements and you might play with your monsters (example my NsMonster which I'm using) - total friendly with themselves and haters at any "player".

Q: Does this mod fixing Items placement the way like A.I. see them ?
A: Not... yet. Might look messy.

And so on...

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Sun Jun 19, 2016 4:42 pm

Getting rid of null stuff in attached MH2 type

Code: Select all

function PreBeginPlay()
	foreach AllActors(class 'Actor', A)
		if ( MonsterShadow(A) != None && A.Owner == None )
			log("Found"@A.Name$"... Removing!");
No more getting items when makes no sense.

Code: Select all

function bool HandlePickupQuery(Pawn Other, Inventory item, out byte bAllowPickup)
	local bool result;

	if ( Level.Game.bGameEnded ) //In this case we don't need pickups...
		return True;
	if ( MH2 != None && !MH2.bStartedHunt ) return True; //And not even before starting game - normally shouldn't occur but...
The rest was something oriented in getting rid of Timer - almighty super regenerator engine. Is this doable ? Yes. Some stuff intend to even discard regenerators, but if I want that due to new A.I. I'll keep it using a NON - MUTATOR controller, and this controller is oriented in work through a state code - state which looks recommended and Engine has in purpose a proper deal with states rather than with a Timer.

Code: Select all

Auto State TickTok
	if ( MH2 != None && MH2.bGameEnded )
Actually I have renamed Timer using "DoTicking()" - called from a very simple state using a not very used time-passage latent function called "Sleep()". Sleep is not seen in common stuff as longs it belongs to state code and cannot substitute timer normally.
As long as I was loving this way, I did changes at more tools used and previously timer based and I cannot see evil things happening.

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:14 am

I gotta work something related to cute game-play when all players are ignoring weaponry because they have "insta" from a "no longer secret place". The rest of campers at redeemer spot are doing the same 0 game-play encouraged by less logic. I think I will code a custom spawner spawning a monster (a little rewritten one). In certain conditions monster will spawn on spot doing a large damage to clown trying to look cool. Not a single time I witnessed such no game where all player was loaded with Insta from a "secret spot" known a month later by anyone. I don't even enter in a server running such things. Things are doable that way:
- keypoint tracker at spot;
- increasing cylinder a bit (80×80 box or dependent on wepsy);
- activate the touch;
- a cool dude just came for getting cool item touching our "spot";
- spawn instantly a bad-ass skaarj firing bRocket type and... getting vanished a bit later.
Now enjoy "secret stuff".

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:28 pm

Hahaha. Awesome.

I added a monster being a Cave Manta and Flies to my Deemer Server once upon a time. I gave them tons of health so they could not be killed. They harassed the players that were camping big time and everyone hated it. I thought it was awesome but did what my players wanted and removed them eventually.


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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:58 am

I was thinking at this due to the same featured game-play when maps has "stuff" for no skill. I was leaving often from such games... Is zero fun in such cases.

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:29 am

Bump here.
By walking through "options" and news brought by Higor, I was adding little modifications to iterators and checkers. Heh... I did not see bugs not even with Skaarj and Old stuff... because they were showing up later using NON-replaced stuff - some bad timing again which I re-fixed :| . Else I have added to HUD a tick-checker. It shows in game current server tick-rate in order to gain info about how much retarded is that Level, this will help in removing non-smoother bad-ass maps leaving game to slide properly - available only for Servers - local games having a different rate setup. I might put up such a mix XC_MH2/NON_XC_MH2 ) at end of year for public testing/changing/lecturing.
I removed Bot code... because I have added other codes... triggering a general hunt in nearby monster range. It forces a monster awaken by a hunter with any matter at 1800 UU range. So monster sleeping in shoes closer to player is not an often occurrence in this case. I switched from asking each monster about seeing player to player seeing a monster because players are less than monsters so iterator goes faster for 10 pawns than for 300 Pawns. Else, if game uses XC_GameEngine, action goes sustained by new iterators which are not loading cycles preventing any recursive iterating crash due to over 10000000 iterations default limit - now days and even in the past machines were able to support more cycles without lagging at this point, so I think Higor was right in his judgement.

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Re: MH the 3rd structure thoughts

Post by Nelsona » Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:16 pm

Bump regarding to 3rd structure.
Let's say I have something like an expanded default MH - using original stuff but... executed different - another execution of scripts is being under XC_Engine control. I've done a XC_MonsterHunt entirely based on XC_Engine.
Because I did not have issues while I used it around 2 months and even more, I believe there might be others which want to feel it.
Here it is XC_MonsterHunt located near older MH504 (which is not part of discussion right now), from where I can quote a few options:
- mover tweaks using a "background" method - trying preventing crashes in maps with 6000+ monsters;
- new A.I. code - Bot might find MonsterWayPoint even if is not that reachable - powered by UE1 and UNUSED until now;
- new Monster A.I. - default artist ScriptedPawn is now angry on everything which moves and breaths around - poor birds might die in time...;
- replacements for weaponry - entirely configurable - no more hard-coded replacements - admin has now full control about replacing crapped weapons, also there are in account decoration drop Vs Pawn killed dropping stuff;
- Monsters are a bit friendly each-other - some config feature is available;
- etc.
A MonsterHuntArena is also available in package with tweaks in old style, MA maps are not that loaded as MH maps (or craps).

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