The Big Bang Theory, gone bust?

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The Big Bang Theory, gone bust?

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:09 pm

Over the last few years I've really enjoyed watching The Big Bang Theory. I didn't watch it for the first few seasons, but was glad to catch up quickly thanks to syndication.

But I must ask this question: Just what the heck is going on with the direction of this TV show? The current season is so dark in theme, and it is NOT funny. The comedy quotient has fallen to undetectable. I really hate it.

What is up with the writing? Did they hire and fire a lot of staff? If so the new guys suck.

Can it be that one of the directors or producers has deliberately decided to have this show live up to its title and blow itself up?

Tonight's episode was awful. Penny gets a good part on NCSI that is cut from the show, and becomes depressed. And all Leonard can do is make her feel worse? Right to the end of the show?!?
Sheldon is his usual self, but even the brilliant acting of [damn, I can't recall his name at this moment,] can't redeem the terrible material he is given to work with in this episode.
And the writing used to be so brilliant. I looked forward to watching a new episode every week. But now it seems like this show has died inside.

I don't follow the kinds of TV programs that have all of the inside information on popular television shows, so I have no idea what's up. Can someone here that does give me even a hint as to what is going on? I'd like to think they're leading up to something cool, but other than a way or an excuse to end the show, I can't think of what it might be.
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Re: The Big Bang Theory, gone bust?

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:05 pm

I'm still trying to catch up. I watch about 2 shows a day and have been for a long time. Sadly they don't show the reruns in order so one show Leonard is with Raj's sister and the next with penny and the next with neither and the next meeting Penny in episode 1. it jumps around real bad. I can still put it in order in my head though.

I'm not liking how gay they are making Sheldon's girlfriend toward Penny. Raj cracks me up bigtime especially when he knowingly makes one of the others mad. I haven't seen any real recent shows so I can't say I have seen the darkness. The astronaut's wife is hot. Penny is too but now that she has married in real life I think the show is done. I don't know why I think this.

I know the first few times I came across the show I hated it. I hated all of the actors that came over from the Roseanne show. The guy that plays Leonard and that other chic from Roseanne have both won me over. I have really learned to enjoy Big bang but I have seen a few episodes that sucked. They can't keep it totally awesome forever.


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Re: The Big Bang Theory, gone bust?

Post by EvilGrins » Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:18 am

I've seen most of the old episodes, usually don't catch the current seasons while they're running... but a bad episode every here and there I can't judge it by.

According to statistics, BBT is still gaining hundreds of new followers/regulars. This is highly unusual for a series that's been going on so long.

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