Google Street View

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Google Street View

Post by a nameless entity » Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:11 am

Ever since Google street view has come out I've had mixed feelings about it.

Pro's- It let me check out the house my cousin moved to when he went to New Zealand to live with his NZ born wife a couple of years ago.
It also let me see the house where my uncle (other side of the family) moved to on the north island in 1978, with his NZ born 2nd wife. I have to admit that it was pretty cool to be able to see both of those places.

Con's- Privacy concerns.
Example: I'm not happy that any developer can easily check out my house on the corner, and see both the front and back yards. If you could see how they're messing with this area with their fugly monster homes that don't visually fit into the neighbourhood in any way (by laws needed badly here on that issue!) you'd understand. My place would be an easy tear down as it's on a corner lot. Hence I get many offers from realtors to sell my house for me. :roll:

BUT on the plus side tonight....
I have some photographs taken in Toronto during the war years. I knew from old letters that my mother lived in 3 different places from 1942 to 1945. Google street view allowed me to figure out which address she was living at and narrow down the time the photos were taken by matching the houses across the street with the photographs taken 70+ years before. How cool is that?
A tree in the front yard of the one place across the way is still there. Much larger but still recognizable. The houses have been gentrified a lot, but are still there. Here in my town they would have been bulldozed by now. :x
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Re: Google Street View

Post by Hook » Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:59 am

Yes, I LOVE Google Street view!!!
I found a lot of things using it - Fun little "road" trips too! :wink:
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Re: Google Street View

Post by Hermskii » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:27 am

It is a great cheap trip down memory lane. Very cool really.


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Re: Google Street View

Post by Hook » Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:47 am

I sometimes like to take looks at very remote places like Northern Canada, and other places too. :wink:
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Re: Google Street View

Post by Dr.Flay » Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:18 am

Privacy implications are understandable but think of it like this;
Google street maps only show what anyone can see from that position, so if you have a problem with someone using the roads and looking at your house, you need to be living somewhere else anyway, or build tall fences.
At that point you may as well live in a gated community or up a mountain.

Google have made some mistakes, but they mask all personal details such as car licence/number plates and faces.
Door numbers are on doors so that everyone knows what number the house is, so Google do not have to change that as it is also available from the post office, local council, and various other methods.
To personally avoid door identification in street maps, you would have to remove all the numbers from your neighbours or people can simply work out which number is missing.

Sorry to say but I actually use street and satellite maps to do the very thing you are worried about, "find out where an individual lives".
Thankfully I do it for good reasons :mrgreen:
When I am asked to check the validity of a company or person, I will use it to help.
eg. Many people pretend to be a company (even have a registered name), but when you trace the address used to register and pay for their site, you often find things don't add up.
1 easy case I investigated was a fake company with an address that placed them in a fresh block of apartments (looking at the satellite images I could see the site had been built recently.
They had been using the same credit card to register the web site for several years, even though that address no longer existed.

Several crimes have been solved due to the random and unbiased nature of the cameras, and many ended relationships when people have seen someone else's car out front of their home ! (That also happened with MS flight sim when they used real photography).

My biggest problem with street cameras is the fact I live in the UK, the surveillance capital of the world and joke of Europe.
However as it turns out running that many cameras is too expensive in rural Cornwall, many are not used at night.
Leading everyone to ask "Why are they there if they are off during the time they would be most useful ?"
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Re: Google Street View

Post by a nameless entity » Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:33 pm

Dr.Flay wrote: Privacy implications are understandable but think of it like this;
Google street maps only show what anyone can see from that position, so if you have a problem with someone using the roads and looking at your house, you need to be living somewhere else anyway, or build tall fences.
At that point you may as well live in a gated community or up a mountain.

Several crimes have been solved due to the random and unbiased nature of the cameras, and many ended relationships when people have seen someone else's car out front of their home !

My biggest problem with street cameras is the fact I live in the UK, the surveillance capital of the world and joke of Europe.
However as it turns out running that many cameras is too expensive in rural Cornwall, many are not used at night.
Leading everyone to ask "Why are they there if they are off during the time they would be most useful ?"
1) You make a good point. But I would rather a developer be forced to at least come by my place instead of just scanning neighbourhoods for potential profit opportunities.
-There isn't a single street in this whole town it seems, that hasn't had at least one tear down "renno" inflicted upon it. I've been getting out for walks in my greater neighbourhood lately on streets that I haven't gone along for years. There have been no unaffected streets I've seen yet. Bus rides around town and the word of the drivers assures me that no place has been "safe" from the attentions of the developers.
-I got an offer from a realtor to sell my home recently via the mail. He just used the tax rolls to hit on everybody it seems. :?
At least all of the others drop by and leave a card in my mail box instead.

2) You remind me of a funny story my mother told me that happened on my street in the '50's. The story was verified as true by an older chap that lived here and that I used to work with.
It seems a cement mixer driver got suspicious that his wife was cheating on him with a new car salesman. He verified it as true when he found the salesman's convertible parked in front of his house.
After the tryst was over the salesman came outside to his convertible to find it completely filled with fresh cement! :lol:

3) Why indeed?
-I have to admit that if only the technology had existed back in the '50's, that I would love to have seen a video of the incident in #2 posted to Youtube. :lol: :lol:

p.s. I was originally planning to post the photo that google street view helped me to figure out which house it was that my mother was living in at the time the picture was taken, and therefore when the picture was taken too. But it seems the images were lost during my massive data loss due to my storage hard drive failure.
However I did make a print of the photo, so perhaps I will eventually scan it and post it here.
My uncle's car is visible in the photo, perhaps a classic car buff can tell me what make and model it is. I know it must have had a flat head engine, because my cousin once told me that during war time rationing her dad would add 1 gallon of coal oil to 8 gallons of gasoline. And as flat heads were very forgiving of shoddy fuel, that's probably how he "got away with it". ;)
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Re: Google Street View

Post by Hook » Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:36 pm

That sounds logical - about the Flathead! :wink:
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Re: Google Street View

Post by a nameless entity » Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:57 am

Well, to take this thread into the not as distant past:
I went onto google maps tonight and had a look at the house on Dorchester Street, Pt. Charlotte, FL that my parents rented from January to the end of April every year, for 8 years from 1988 to '95. They rented from the Canadian owners who lived near us and got to pay in Canadian dollars, which was a nice break.

The images date back to March of 2011. So that's only 3 years after the 2008 bank fiasco. But the house must have been sold at some point since 1995, for it was all nicely fixed up and painted a new colour. I was surprised at how few new houses there were in the neighbourhood. Granted there may be a lot more by now, for it is five years later, but probably there are not.

I took a cyber walk through the old neighbourhood and noted the changes. I had feelings of instant nostalgia, for my Dad and I used to enjoy going for walks all through the area and we'd look at the houses and vacant lots. I had my dream retirement home all picked out. It had lots of pine trees on the lot for lots of shade, and was built in the modern Florida way on top of a berm to prevent flooding. All that place lacked was a swimming pool in the back yard.
I took note of a few new houses, then realized that most of the older folks we got to know in the neighbourhood were probably gone, the same as my parents, and the couple across the street that they befriended. Almost certainly gone too is the odd fellow who only built a double garage on his property and lived in it. The garage and his property are now part of the mini estate built next door. They must have merged his lot with theirs, for a large fence encloses his old corner lot and butts up against the north wall of their "mansion". Perhaps those people were "keeping up" the the family that lives right across the street. The place across the street really is a mansion. And it still looks like some mafia boss owns it. :lol: Maybe the family grew, and expanded across the street. :lol:

Money was spent by the town in the intervening years. The bridge crossing over a nearby drainage canal was fixed up really nicely. It was much wider than before, and even had railings. And "Danger No Tresspassing" signs. I guess aligators still live in the canal. And holy baldy ! They even put in a sidewalk along Quesada Blvd! Man, it used to be so dangerous to walk along that road with its narrow grass verges! We stayed off it as much as possible. I wonder if they had to expropriate a little land to make enough room for the long overdue sidewalk?

A last thought: I guess you really can't go back again. Because I just went for a cyber walk in the area of where my dream retirement home was located. And I couldn't find it. :lol:
Either someone cut down all the trees and changed up the house, or it was on a different street. It was a bit of a hike from the place my parents used to rent, and it's 21 years since I've been there, so I'll have to cyber walk the rest of the streets some other time to see if I can find the place.

It's all a moot point now anyhow. The idea was that I'd let my brother and his family use the place whenever they wanted, or come visit any time if I was in residence. But the kids are all grown, my brother's passed on, and my sister in law can go stay with her sister and brother in law who live in the Bradenton area any time she wants to.
And Pt Charlotte had grown a lot too. It's a huge city now. It still had a small town feel to it when we first went there in '88. But that's all gone too, by now. :(

Edit: I was up really late last night cyber walking Pt Charlotte. So I decided to hell with it, and kept cyber walking in the area where I knew my "dream retirement home" was located. I think I found the lot. The lot I found was in the right place on the street, a corner lot, and configured correctly. But there's no house there. There's a cut-off-midway part driveway in the right place, but no house. There's a few pine trees still, but if I was at the right corner, many are gone. So it seems the house is gone, (it wasn't new back then) and most of the trees are gone. There's a chain link fence around the property that is new. SO..... it seems you really can't go back again.

I must check back again some time to see if there are newer google images available. I bet someone has built a new house there since they were taken in March, 2011. They certainly have a nice spot. The lot faces West, so the lanai in the back of the place will be out of the sun in the evenings. And it's in the middle of that section, so it should be nice and quiet without too much traffic.

I used to sleep so soundly down there, and realized that it was due to the location. At home there is more traffic, highway noise sometimes seeps down the river valley and spills over to my place, and I have a major airport witin 30 miles of my house, so there is often the racket of jets going by. You don't realize how it all adds up until you go some place that is truly quiet. :?

Sorry for the long and boring post. (Sorta. :mrgreen: ) Perhaps I should be "blogging" this stuff somewhere instead?
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Re: Google Street View

Post by Hermskii » Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:32 am

I have a buddy that moved from a highway rich area into a quiet neighborhood. he is amazed at how quiet it is at night. I have a highway by me. To me it is white noise. It is much louder in the winter too. The best background noise to me is a swampy forest area. I love the sound of a insect,frog rich environment at night.


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Re: Google Street View

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:25 am

I'll bet your friend has found that his quality of sleep has gone way up too, now that he is in a much quieter area.

Another thing I liked about west Florida was the clean air off of the Gulf. During the first week there I'd hack and cough up phlem and my sinuses would drain. Then when it was all gone the warm salty air would slide in and out of my lungs so easily that I was always shocked to realize again just how much more work it is merely to breathe the filthy air up here. :o

One thing I didn't like about Florida was its narrow roads with no shoulders. And most roads are boringly straight. They're not great for motorcycling. So I have been rethinking the ideal location for my dream retirement home should I ever win the lotto.

Perhaps the American southwest? I just saw some nice photos of North Texas in one of my HOG magazines. Do many people retire to the northern part of your state? Is the air nice and clean up there?

Some place with good roads is what I'm day dreaming about. Preferably wider roads, because I forsee an HD Trike in my future*, so that I can keep on riding well into my sunset years. :mrgreen:

*(Lotto Gods may you all smile on me!) ;)
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