A Pet - not really an option

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A Pet - not really an option

Post by Nelsona » Sun Jun 19, 2016 2:54 pm

When you are losing your pet you might be sad.
I was thinking at a crow because that one have a much longer life.

Oh well... Because here was a nasty rain with big pieces of ICE falling (bigger than a pidgeon egg) I could see such birds killed... Not even a crow can be survivor - so no more pets.

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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by EvilGrins » Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:34 pm

What was your pet?

Got lots of crows in my neck of the woods... they seem to like the rain.

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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jun 19, 2016 7:49 pm

I have a beagle and a pointer mix. I recently heard of hail so big that it killed neighborhood dogs. Sad.


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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by a nameless entity » Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:24 pm

We used to have a clothes line that ran the length of our long back yard. My mother didn't want our two cats to wander off, so she rigged up ropes on rings that could slide down the length of the line and were just long enough to let the cats reach the edges of our property.

I wouldn't dare do something like that now, because coyotes have expanded their range to Ontario, and are known to wander around at night even here in the centre of town. Every now and then the local paper carries another story about keeping your pets inside because another cat or small dog was taken away by the coyotes.
Last edited by a nameless entity on Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by Dr.Flay » Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:31 am

A seagull is tougher than a crow.
You can shoot a Herring or Common gull at close range with a .22 air-rifle, and it will bounce off.
I swear they are armour plated.
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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by KellyD » Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:01 am

There's a real pecking order around here and the birds follow it without fail. If you are feeding the birds and an upper rung bird enters the party the lower rung birds will give way to them.

The lowest rung is the common songbirds, finches, sparrows, etc. Right above them are the common ducks. Next rung up are the crows. They will chase off the ducks and songbirds. Next step up are the common geese like Canadian geese. They will pretty aggressively fight off the crows from a food pile. Next up are the seagulls. They are badass and don't take much from any birds. They only answer to the top bird: the swans. Swans are mean as hell and they will absolutely DESTROY the other birds without hesitation.
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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by Nelsona » Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:51 am

I've been speaking about birds, but the facts were a bit different. Birds have just... suffered. After a double round of heavy rain with ICE as an egg, a lot of cars, roofs, trees have been damaged. Today I had to fix roof after that bombing session at my company. Boss has bought a few materials and I spent a couple of hours on the roof... I'll see next days if something still needs revised... That crow... died pretty nasty.

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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by Dr.Flay » Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:48 pm

Maybe we should be discussing how to fit helmets on birds and animals.
I bet there is something available in Japan.
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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:33 pm

Dr.Flay wrote:I bet there is something available in Japan.
ANYTHING is available in Japan.

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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:23 pm

Because of all of the ditches and bayous in Houston the seagulls and some sort of blue stork looking thing have started to be everywhere along with the Blue Jays, Cardinals, Sparrows, Crows and lastly there is now a pair of some sort of Hawks that kill all of the other birds around here.

I came down my driveway the other day and thought ash like from a volcano was falling on me like the slow motion snow. I looked up and saw the hawk in my neighbor's pine tree which hangs over my driveway de-feathering a sparrow it had pinned under its claw. It was amazing how fast it removed all of the tiny feathers from the sparrows chest before it tore into it for lunch.

The same hawk killed one of these big sea going herons the other day and left the body up in the tree by the nest the heron was in. It stinks badly now. I wish it would fall out of the tree and get eaten by ants or something already. STINKS!


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Re: A Pet - not really an option

Post by a nameless entity » Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:20 pm

A long time ago I was awakened by a whole family of Blue Jays making a huge fuss of calling and cawing the way they do when they're really upset. It was about 6 or 7 in the morning, and they were all in the trees of my front yard. It turned out that a small hawk had captured one of their family members, but not killed it yet. It was swearing and struggling inside the talons of the hawk, as the hawk stood on a tree branch on its other foot. And every time the Blue Jays heard that it was still alive, they started screaming at the hawk, trying to intimidate it into releasing its prey. The hawk flew off with it's catch still alive, and the family loyally following and bellowing at the hawk the whole time.
I thought that it was pretty cool that they didn't give up on their companion.

Three or four years ago a hawk caught a squirrel in back of my brother's house, and hung it up on a tree. It took almost a year before the carcass fell down to the ground.

I wish we had more hawks around here. For some reason during the last decade cotton tail rabbits and chipmunks have invaded this subdivision in large numbers. I've got chipmunks living under both my front and back porches. And the cotton tails destroy most of my tulips every spring. Out of 40 plants they left me 7 blooms this year. They ate the stalks of the other 33 plants.

Maybe I should fence off my backyard and buy an aggressive breed of terrier. There's a cat that drops by once in a while for a chance at the chipmunks, but he doesn't come by often enough. No one lets their cats wander anymore, because we've got coyotes now, too.

On a more positive note, as I was warming up my bike for a ride this afternoon, I saw a robin's egg shell lying on the grass. This means they're in the catalpa tree in my back yard again this year, and that they may well have already started on their second brood by this time. :D
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