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Re: Disgusting!

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:11 pm

You want disgusting? Fine!

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Re: Disgusting!

Post by a nameless entity » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:31 pm

Hermskii wrote:(cricket sound)...

(cricket sound)...
True. Too painfully true.
George Carlin wrote: Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant.......
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Re: Disgusting!

Post by a nameless entity » Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:06 am

Two straight talking Americans I can admire.
One is a Republican from Texas. Why am I not surprised about that? :mrgreen:

How come I have to stumble across these things while I'm surfing YouTube for other stuff? How come I never hear about straight talking American politicians during a news report? Why is it being ignored or suppressed by the mainstream media?

Re: the second video:

Remember how I said that similar things are happening up here, and that was one reason why I was posting this sort of stuff? WELL, the Harper Conservative federal government up here used their majority in Parliament to ram through a so called "Omnibus Bill". The opposition parties screamed mightily against it, since it was so large it was impossible to read or comprehend everything that was in it. Even the Conservative back benchers who voted for it didn't know what was in it, they just did as they were told.

So it turns out that if the FBI decides for whatever reason, to arrest any Canadian citizen still in Canada, they can now come up here and take that person away even though technically they are in a foreign country, and therefore have no authority here. I do not know yet if the person so arrested still has the right to an extradition hearing or not.

Considering that it takes only an accusation down there in the USA nowadays to get people into deep trouble, I find this rather scarey. :o
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Re: Disgusting!

Post by a nameless entity » Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:44 am

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Re: Disgusting!

Post by Dr.Flay » Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:59 am

I noticed something recently I was not aware of.
Something so common in America, it is not seen as an issue, so does not even come up in conversation.

Exclusive rights to a news story.

I have been shocked by local news stories that stay "local" due to having an exclusive deal.

For example, in the UK when a police-officer is found guilty of an offence, the whole UK gets to know about it (and the rest of the world).
Whereas in America a story involving a Police officer beating, molesting or raping a hand-cuffed woman, can stay very local news.

Sites like Youtube are going to be the only place you can get a fuller picture.
Unless it becomes against the law to have an exclusive deal over a public-interest story, I can only see the news becoming more self-interested.
Youtube needs its own news channel (except that it is a commonly blocked site).
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Re: Disgusting!

Post by Hook » Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:49 am

It depends on the circumstance.
Some instances go viral and are on every news station in America - others not.
Main thing? - which ever news story makes the most money. :roll:
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Re: Disgusting!

Post by Hermskii » Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:41 pm


Where are you again Doc? One reply you can't see people's info. Regular reading you do. So you are in the UK then.


Funny. I pictured you being here and Evil Grins being there. Discuss!

I now have to agree with Nameless. Where is the spell checker. I'm on google now looking tathis and there is no correcting...


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Re: Disgusting!

Post by a nameless entity » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:37 am

Dr.Flay wrote:I noticed something recently I was not aware of.
Something so common in America, it is not seen as an issue, so does not even come up in conversation.

Exclusive rights to a news story.

I have been shocked by local news stories that stay "local" due to having an exclusive deal.

For example, in the UK when a police-officer is found guilty of an offence, the whole UK gets to know about it (and the rest of the world).
Whereas in America a story involving a Police officer beating, molesting or raping a hand-cuffed woman, can stay very local news.

Sites like Youtube are going to be the only place you can get a fuller picture.
Unless it becomes against the law to have an exclusive deal over a public-interest story, I can only see the news becoming more self-interested.
Youtube needs its own news channel (except that it is a commonly blocked site).
One could sometimes wish that a story would stay local, especially when you live in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) and almost all that you get to hear on the news is more about the Mayor Rob Ford scandal. I was at the dentist office on Wednesday and the young lady that was cleaning my teeth asked me if I'd heard about it. I told her that I had no choice in the matter. We had a chuckle about that. Then she told me that a friend of hers is from Switzerland, and had just returned back to Canada after visiting family back home. The story is all over the front pages in Switzerland. :?

Hook is correct. It has all become about money. The fracturing of the media hasn't helped this situation. There are too many channels, all competing for viewers and advertising revenues. Perhaps the reason things were so much better in the old days was due to the fact that in the USA for example, there were only 3 networks. They had lots of money coming in and could afford to support large news organizations.

I cannot afford to subscribe to cable TV, so the only way I can see Bill Mahr's rants is via You Tube.

I'd like to reiterate [and I could sure use a spell checker for that word!] that the whole point of this thread was about income disparity [and again here!] and the ultimate stupidity of the situation. Mr. Mahr gets to the point I have been trying to make here at around 2:45 in the first video above, and at around 4:00 in the second.

As he says, squeezing people economically so tight that they go "all Jango unchained" is ultimately not very bright. People are waking up to the fact that everything is rigged to direct as much of the wealth of the nation as possible into the hands of the top few. And they're not happy. The natives are restless. Big trouble is coming if this stupid greed is allowed to continue.
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Re: Disgusting!

Post by a nameless entity » Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:23 pm

There are no wise few. Every aristocracy that has ever existed has behaved, in all essential points, exactly like a small mob. -- G. K. Chesterton
I'm a man........but I can change........if I have to........I guess

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