Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

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Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:27 pm

I spoke with HOOK recently about someone he was close to to who died unexpectedly. He admitted it shook him. As we get older this happens more and more. Well, it happened to me this time. I visit my best friend usually each weekend. We have breakfast at his work on Saturday mornings. He sales auto parts for a big nation-wide auto parts chain like Autozone. A guy there named John was not only his manager but was also a friend to both my best friend and I. He was often there with us for breakfast and I got to know him very well. I found out that John had a heart attack yesterday on the last day of a week long vacation he was enjoying. They got him to the hospital so I thought he'd be ok but he then passed away a short time later anyways.

My best friend called me up and gave me the news last night. I was shocked but actually worried for my best friend who was very-very close to him. My best friend had also just recovered from a heart attack himself. That brings me to the point of this post: You never know when it will happen to you or anyone. I looked to see what the last thing was that I said to him. Via text message, John had sent me earlier that morning, he called me brother and said he hoped I'd have a Happy New Year and replied sharing the well wishes back at him. I'm glad we left it on good terms because we often fought over politics and each of us thought the other a fool in that realm. Luckily, we both agreed to disagree and leave it there. We knew the greater good mattered being the respect we still had for one another and the friendship we shared. John was a good person and I will miss him. He was about 58 years old. He wasn't married. He didn't have any kids that he knew of. He did leave behind a brother and sister who I suspect I will meet at his funeral if they have one.

My last point is that he and I are both religious. He was a (walked away from the Catholic Church) Christian and I am a hard-core Roman Catholic. I'm confident that he was well aware of the afterlife and I pray he is enjoying it now. Let it be said and written that if I pissed off any of you in any way, that I'm sorry you had to be wrong in our argument. HAHAHA! No, really... I'm sorry I pissed you off. I have enjoyed everyone here for the most part and long forgiven those here worked me over ever in the past. I know I'd rather depart being friends with all of you rather than anything less. Please forgive me for anything you feel I did wrongly to you and pray for me too if you want to that I too enjoy the afterlife when it is my time. Just like my signature suggest : ~Peace~


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Re: Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

Post by a nameless entity » Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:49 pm

I'm sorry to hear the bad news both you and Hook have received recently. It's losses like these that remind us of our mortality, and make us feel old. You don't "get over" something like this happening, but you will adjust eventually.
I lost a long time (since childhood) friend in 1995. He became a chain smoker and it caught up with him when he was 43 years old. He was named after his Dad, so when I first heard the news I thought "no way, it must be his father who died". But it was indeed Junior. I still think of him nearly every day, all these years later. Once or twice shortly after he died I would think of him, and was reaching for the phone to give him a call when I remembered he isn't here any more.
It does get better, but expect it to take quite a while. Sorry.
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Re: Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Apr 14, 2022 4:18 pm

Goddamn, I hope I don't end up following my own experiences all over again.

I just got a call from another childhood friend. It turns out a health problem he was dealing with was caused by a cancerous tumor in his esophagus.
In a way he's lucky things went the way they did, because this way they caught the tumor really early. But he still has to have a lot of radiation and chemo sessions. And then if all that goes well, then they cut out the tumor and replace the tissue with a piece of small intestine.

Of the 3 of us who are left of our original preteenage group, HE was the healthy one. He's a scout leader. He plays golf & racketball regularly. And he goes fishing with friends at least one long weekend a year. He did smoke, but quit the 2nd time and for good before age 30. Like me, he's 69.

Our other friend has had a double bypass, I am looking at heart surgery down the road maybe, and now the healthy one gets cancer? The guy who never let himself get fat like we did?
Life is weird. He has an excellent chance of long term survival, but
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Re: Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

Post by Kelly » Fri Apr 15, 2022 9:32 am

It's probably HPV that caused his cancer, not the smoking. Have him get a GOOD doc/surgeon with history of treating this. The quality of his surgical team is going to have a direct and profound effect on his quality of life after treatment is over.
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Re: Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

Post by Hermskii » Sun Apr 17, 2022 4:01 pm

Kelly gives good medical advice. I am in a group at my church that is set up for active male members at my church to do lots of volunteer work for the church whenever our Pastor asks for it and we have our own very busy schedule of things we do to make money for our church and charities of our choosing. I am the top dog now of this group I'm part of which started at my church about 25 years back.

Sadly most of the group which is about 150 in total, are old. I'm one of the younger ones at 54. I go to about 3 funerals each year for members who have passed on. We just lost one at the age of about 86 last week and he and I were very close. After he passed I realized he might be one of these angels on earth you hear about. I never some him ever say or do anything wrong. He was kind and loving to every single person he came across as best i know. I have decided he motivated me to try to be better myself. I'm hardest on my own family because I expect as much from them as they expect from me and often feel like I'm getting the short end of that stick. People have brought my short temper to my attention more and more. I have to do better with my family first and then I will work on everyone else.

I'm tire of typing. Been on this forum for a while today. Talk to ya'll later. Peace be with you and God Bless Your Day! Happy Easter! RIP my friend Raul.


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Re: Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

Post by a nameless entity » Thu May 19, 2022 4:02 pm

It's Thursday May 19th 2022, and my friend finished his chemo on Monday, and had his last radiation treatment yesterday. So one checkup and one scan, then if all is well he will go in for surgery. They now plan to just do a resection, so that is more good news.
The side effects are very mild he reports. So he's off to his cottage up north tomorrow. He feels well enough to do all the work with the plumbing and etc to de-winterize the cottage. I'm hoping he gets to kick back after that.
The news has been good all along, so we're hopeful. I've told him about my mother's experiences of exactly 20 years ago, and we've compared notes and commented on the medical progress since then. I am encouraged.
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Re: Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

Post by Hermskii » Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:52 pm

As if losing my mother 13-years ago wasn't bad enough and it was certainly the worst pain I've ever felt in my life, yesterday my older sister passed away. She was only 59-ish but had a merlad of medical conditions that made her miserable. She finally decided she had -had enough and declined all further treatments and to be removed from life support that she had been on for e few weeks after just another of many medical mishaps.

The family was there when she took her last breath and moved on. She left a great boyfriend who took care of her like she was pure platinum, 3-younger siblings and 3-grown children along with 3 grandchildren. She and I got along very well through most of our time on this planet together. I love and miss her.

I hope and pray everyone here has something to fall back on like I do with my Catholic religion when this craps happens. Thank God for God I say! I also hope everyone makes sure to take a moment and be grateful for all who they have while they can. Todays is a perfect day to call them and let them know how important they are. Please accept this message from me to you in lieu of that call. I have been through many things with many of you and appreciate you being here to help me and others through the trials of our lives. God Bless All of You! Happy Thanksgiving too.


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Re: Talk about a punch in the gut...Death strikes again.

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Dec 01, 2022 4:52 pm

Herm, I regret that I didn't notice your post about the loss of your sister earlier. Please accept my sincere condolences.
I'm a man........but I can change........if I have to........I guess

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