A new MH is coming

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by Blood Asp » Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:33 pm

it certainly sounds good, and if your making this for regular MH addition/replacement, does this mean you wont need any custom maps with the package?

Also i had a small idea for the SkaarjTroopers, i dont know if its possible but if anyone could make it possible it would probs be you... If you could maybe make a skaarj trooper have ALL weapons *except super weapons unless its set as their main weapon* That way they can act similar to players and switch weapons around making them more realistic.

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by gopostal » Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:10 pm

Skaarj are basically pretty simple. They have code to allow them a simple inventory, but switching and having more than one weapon is much more difficult, not to mention you'd need all new code to tell the AI what and how. It's a doable mod but I'm really only interested in fixing MH as it sits. My hope is that if it gets a makeover, more people will maybe take a look and perhaps make more servers and mods.

A bit ago I had a nice online test with POTS and KillerBee (thank you again guys!) and I am happy to report that most things are looking very good. We stressed the server but it did well, monsters were notably more aggressive, probably due to the improved server side code letting the AI of the monsters have more cpu. Ping issues aside, the server just "feels" better, more like a LAN match.

Things we confirmed as good: F5 no longer cycles the skaarj. No more dropped invis weapons, scuba works correctly, but red team still defaults. I'll fix on that tonight and barring some unforseen problems or something POTS may find, I can see a beta release this weekend.

Once I finish this you can rest assured that any custom mod scripting I have done for anyone will be upgraded to include this code.

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by *POTS* » Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:36 pm

gopostal wrote:Config line added for the MH trans. Should have added this, it was an oversite on my part.
What's the line? I still have the old INI...
gopostal wrote: Yes you can disable the antiboost I made and use your own. In fact I'd encourage it to make sure I did everything correctly in coding mod compatibility.
Problem is I don't have a copy of the HermMod. Herm are you there?
gopostal wrote: POTS I cannot thank you enough for all this. Damn in an evening you advanced me a week!
What about a can of beer, some hot chicks pics and a MEAT-proof pants mutator? :wink:

As gopo already said most things have been fixed already, but I've still found some minor bugs:

1 - Nali and Cows give you a positive score instead of a negative one (blame Biomech for this, I was thinking of him when I tested this :lol: );
2 - The server-side antiboost doesn't work properly, that is you can not boost yourself but you're still able to boost other team-mates (tested with bots, not sure about human players), plus the deemer shockwave can boost both yourself and the others;
3 - The "mover exploit" can still be used, even if I have to say some maps have movers coded so badly that you may need this cheat in order to finish a map;
4 - Not sure if this is related to the NoPlayerCollision thing, but you can actually block lifts with your body (haven't checked with teleporters yet);
5 - Checked again the tentacles in MH-Arden and I took 2 screenshots this time:

With Mayhem mod

Without Mayhem mod

Not sure why it happens, could it be a map-related problem? :?

Now the good news:

5 - The (nearly) everlasting boots are not broken by the mod

6 - The Unreal1 buggy boots are replaced with the UT_boots

7 - The Queen works great: can teleport, is more agile and does use the shield if low on health and/or attacked with a powerful/amplified weapon

Also I noticed the monsters are tougher and more reactive than before, the buggy rifle is gone, the enhanced light works good as well as the Scuba and the biased score for insta and redeemer has been fixed. The INI should be fine as well: I tried to disable/enable most of the things and they worked fine for me.

Just two oddities: if you grab the Jumpboots and DoubleJump is enabled you can really fly up high! :mrgreen:
Also a Pupae with a negative health HUD (-11) was attacking a bot and the bot was ignoring it. A random glitch I guess (one out of a million). :shock:
Last edited by *POTS* on Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by Hermskii » Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:25 pm

Hmmmmmmmm! I just came across this and mere minutes before I had the thought of wondering about if GOPO was ever going to try to revamp all of MH from the ground up. This will be very neat to see while leaving the orignal code still functional. Nobody tell EPIC about GOPO OK? He's ours.


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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by gopostal » Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:10 pm

*POTS* wrote: What's the line? I still have the old INI...
I'll send you an updated mod zip tonight when I go to bed. I'm still struggling with the red team issue.
*POTS* wrote: Problem is I don't have a copy of the HermMod. Herm are you there?
I'll include a copy of antiboost for you, just in case Herm doesn't send you his first.
*POTS* wrote: What about a can of beer, some hot chicks pics and a MEAT-proof pants mutator? :wink:

*POTS* wrote: 1 - Nali and Cows give you a positive score instead of a negative one (blame Biomech for this, I was thinking of him when I tested this :lol: );
2 - The server-side antiboost doesn't work properly, that is you can not boost yourself but you're still able to boost other team-mates (tested with bots, not sure about human players), plus the deemer shockwave can boost both yourself and the others;
3 - The "mover exploit" can still be used, even if I have to say some maps have movers coded so badly that you may need this cheat in order to finish a map;
4 - Not sure if this is related to the NoPlayerCollision thing, but you can actually block lifts with your body (haven't checked with teleporters yet);
5 - Checked again the tentacles in MH-Arden and I took 2 screenshots this time.
1) This is by design. No offense to Bio, but one of the biggest complaints I ever got was negative scoring on them. I'll add the option to lower score by mod after this is all done but for now (and for the sake of server speed) all monsters will score the same.
2) Fixed. It's now rock solid even with a deemer. However to speed things up I did not include bots into this. So few people play with bots I think it's not an issue. Am I wrong?
3) Fixed. Added the check into each map.
4) This one is a judgement call. What I did was set all movers to NOT "crush on encroach". This means if a lift comes down on top of you it won't kill you (mostly, some movers are so badly done they will anyway). Instead the mover cycles back away from where you are. I realize this gives a certain ability for people to block maps but overall I think it's a positive thing. Being accidentally crushed because you weren't in the EXACT center of a lift always drives me up a wall. Some lifts are notorious for this, and I tried to smooth this out some. To be honest, I've had this same code in the MH mods for some time now. I'm surprised no one really noticed yet. I think thats a good thing because stuff only seems to stick out when it's "bad".
5) OK, I think I see the issue on this. When Shrimp released MH he purposely broke one of the tentacles so you couldn't compile his mod. I have the complete version and I'll try to hook to that and fix it.
*POTS* wrote: Now the good news:

5 - The (nearly) everlasting boots are not broken by the mod

6 - The Unreal1 buggy boots are replaced with the UT_boots

7 - The Queen works great: can teleport, is more agile and does use the shield if low on health and/or attacked with a powerful/amplified weapon

Also I noticed the monsters are tougher and more reactive than before, the buggy rifle is gone, the enhanced light works good as well as the Scuba and the biased score for insta and redeemer has been fixed. The INI should be fine as well: I tried to disable/enable most of the things and they worked fine for me.

Just two oddities: if you grab the Jumpboots and DoubleJump is enabled you can really fly up high! :mrgreen:
Also a Pupae with a negative health HUD (-11) was attacking a bot and the bot was ignoring it. A random glitch I guess (one out of a million). :shock:
Yeah the jumpboots will make a frikkin huge jump for you with both on :D and the negative pupae is likely a result of the MH health adjustments I was explaining to Bio. If it's a continual thing or pops up I'll add some check for negative health and kill them outright.

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by Ice » Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:21 pm

Not really sure if it is a mod problem or just a server problem but sometimes when Gasbags attack or anything with fire you may get "Server prevented you from dying"
Is there a way to fix that or is it a server thing?

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by gopostal » Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:00 pm

That's an issue with nexgen. If you have the teamdamage off in it (or something like that) it can bug and reset you with certain damages. I posted about it at UA where the maker posts but got no response. I'll figure out the setting and post it here so others can keep it disabled.

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by gopostal » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:24 am

@ POTS: You are right about Arden. Offline there are 66 monsters, online there are 63. The tentacles in the houses are being destroyed for some reason, but only in that map. I'll spend a bit more time finding out why.

One thing you might do is choose a few varied maps, spawn into them offline, note the total monsters, then write that down. Once you get a selection, go online to the test server and mapvote them and see if the totals are the same at spawn. If you see any variance, let me know the map involved. I think this is a collision thing specific to Arden, and the tentacles are not attaching right to the house, but it needs further review. I'm going to do this myself tonight too.

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by Blood Asp » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:50 am

Numerous possibilities from a mappers view:
1) There isn't enough space for on-line settings, sometimes if a monster wont fit it will just delete it.
2) The tentacle is attached to a buggy brush, and the server is seeing it as not attached to anything therefore deleting it
3) Monsters have been fighting and the tentacles killed each other (This ones low chance but still possible)

gopo did you happen to make some kind of script in this new MH about the tentacles and their attachment? Or something about collision radii? I think either the dodgy brush or oversized collision is most likely the problem here

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by gopostal » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:52 am

Yeah me too. I'm gonna look at it when I get home. If it is indeed that, I'll fix the tentacle attachment so it doesn't need a brush.

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by Blood Asp » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:54 am

Hmmm tho doing that could screw some stuff up as well :/ if a tentacles got nothing to attatch to its gonna just hover in the air :/ Hmmm, we may need to make a tentacle with a jet pack :lol:


It depends, look at some maps, Is it only Arden or whatever it is you said it was again getting this problem, average servers have around 100-300 maps so for sake say lets say only tentacles are broke in arden 1 in 200 maps of the server, theres no real point in fixing it, We will have to check if theres any disappearing in other maps as well, i think the view should be focused on tentacles in small area's like small/box corridors/air ducts, i am pretty sure that it would be the colision messing it up so that would be the best way to go.

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by Fuzz_Ball » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:59 am

This is cool stuff, Gopo!
You've covered so much in such a short time!
Congrats on another stellar project!
Once you're satisfied with it, I'll be glad to try it at the Fun House.
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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by BIOMECH » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:12 pm

gopostal wrote:
*POTS* wrote: 1 - Nali and Cows give you a positive score instead of a negative one (blame Biomech for this, I was thinking of him when I tested this :lol: )
1) This is by design. No offense to Bio, but one of the biggest complaints I ever got was negative scoring on them. I'll add the option to lower score by mod after this is all done but for now (and for the sake of server speed) all monsters will score the same.
One of the biggest complaints you ever got was people losing 4 points from killing a harmless animal? When you can get 25 points a shot just from a pistol? They actually complained about that?
I'm really not insulting you here, (You're kind of inhuman to me) but my contempt for the average player seems to grow by the day :shock:

Ah well, I can live with it, they're only pixels after all :P

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by gopostal » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:20 pm

It wasn't so much the cow/nali as it was the loss of any score at all. You are right, it's not hard to score 20,000 points but people would email about losing 4. It was actually that WEO map that only has Nalis and cows in it that I got the most from. There was no way to complete the map without a negative score and it just infuriated some people.

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Re: A new MH is coming

Post by BIOMECH » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:33 pm

They play a map which revolves around slaughtering friendly enemies and then complain about the mod?

That's like saying all slith should have their immunities removed because someone made a map with only bio rifles.

Oh well, we live in strange times.

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