333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

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333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by Hook » Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:28 am

OK, this 333Networks Master List is a really good set up!
There is more to this than first glance reveals. :wink:
If you notice, the listing and each server are color coded for different parts and for certain reasons.
Here is what the colors represent...

Server Colors in Main List... (Colors shown here are Not Exact)
The Color of the Server Name represents the amount of players.

grey = no players
yellow = 1/3 of maximum players
green = 2/3 of maximum players
blue = server is full

And, in Play/bot number, the Player Number...
red = server empty
yellow = less than half of maxplayers
green = more than half of maxplayers
blue = full

The Webmaster is going to Make a Legend on the listing or site now because I asked him to. :P
I will probably add a legend to the HUTP 333Networks page also! :wink:

More Info...
EDIT: I see that MEAT, Hermskii and All CROSSBONES servers have joined it now - now we have 2 good server lists to look at...
Here :arrow: HUTP's Good UT99 Servers <-(I Added an "INFO" button!)
and now also...
Here :arrow: HUTP's 333Networks Master List

IF You want to Add YOUR Server (and YOU SHOULD!!!) to this list, do the Following...
ADD the following line in your UnrealTournament.ini file under [Engine.GameEngine] section along with the others...

[code]ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.333networks.com MasterServerPort=27900[/code]
You will see YOUR server show up in the List (above) within minutes! *
All "CROSSBONES" Server group members are already on this list!
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by Hermskii » Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:27 pm

All HOH servers are on the list! I think that is true anyways. LOL


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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by Hook » Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:15 pm

Hermskii wrote:All HOH servers are on the list! I think that is true anyways. LOL
AMEN!!! :P
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by *POTS* » Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:43 pm

Hook wrote:This is IMPORTANT!!! - DO This!!!
Here is *POTS*'s reply... - And Mine!!!
*POTS* wrote:OK Hook this is what I get using only that master server for UT:
http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/1089 ... rowser.jpg

and this is what UT Turbocheck shows me:
http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/6631/3 ... ocheck.jpg

I guess Turbocheck shows also the UTdemo servers while the UT browser does not.
Yes, I read somewhere that UT only shows a certain UT Version and UP in its browser.
I think it is the setting in the UT.ini file of the lowest version to connect to. (something like that) :wink:

Anyway - IF You Run a UT Server - DO the following ...

IF You want to Add YOUR Server to this list, do the Following...
ADD the following line in your UnrealTournament.ini file under [Engine.GameEngine] section along with the others...

[code]ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.333networks.com MasterServerPort=27900[/code]
You will see YOUR server show up in the List (below, AND in your UT Browser!!!) within minutes! *
OK here is OUR "HUTP" Page Just for the 333Networks Master Server Listing...

:arrow: HUTP's 333Networks Master Server List *
All "CROSSBONES" Server group members are Already on this list! :wink:

AND, to View this list in YOUR UT Browser, ADD the following line in your UnrealTournament.ini file under [UBrowserAll] section along with the others...
* Note: Add to the next available line and put in the appropriate number! Examples: ListFactories[1]= or ListFactories[2]=, etc.

* Also do the following (according to *POTS*) ...
Change the following setting to "True" (no quotes) under [UBrowser.UBrowserMainClientWindow] in your UnrealTournament.ini file... (It is supposed to HOLD the New Masters so they don't revert back)

[code]bKeepMasterServer=True <- ###Important - Do NOT set to the default-> False!###[/code]

Thought it was better to move this post here so people can easily find it. :wink:
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by Hook » Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:20 pm

NEW Master Server Information and News!!! :P
333Networks UT has Upgraded and Diversified its Master Servers now!
They Separated out there List into 3 Main Master Server Lists - ALL derived from the One Main Master.
So, If YOUR Server is Already Using this Master Server, you will not have to Change Anything! :wink:
Note: This Master CAN be Used in your UT Player Install Server Browser also.
When Other Master Servers Go Down, (think EPIC), This one will STILL be Working!

HUTP's 333Networks Master Server Lists ...

:arrow: HUTP's 333Networks FULL Version Master Server List

:arrow: HUTP's 333Networks DEMO Version Master Server List

:arrow: HUTP's 333Networks ALL Version Master Server List

These are Also Handily Under our LINKS Section on the Left Side Column on our Portal Page at HUTP... 8)

* HUTP/333Networks Master List (FULL)
* HUTP/333Networks Master List (DEMO)
* HUTP/333Networks Master List (ALL)

Also See here for More Information!...
More Master Server Info!
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by gopostal » Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:00 pm

I don't know much about the 333 guys, though I have emailed them to begin a discussion. One thing I think needs mentioned is that using this server did cause the new MHM3 server to hard crash. Now, I am unsure as to why this happened and that is part of what I want to discuss with those guys but nevertheless care should be taken when altering the master server listings.

UT will function just fine without altering your master servers and in the end this really accomplishes nothing for you. Now that's not to say it's not a freaking great project, because it is, but for now it's not a vital necessity. There will come a day though when pirate master servers like this are all that keep the game going, so support them whole-heartedly.

I'm not trying to disrespect your guys advertisement of the server, but many admins read these sort of boards and a good portion really don't understand what this stuff is or how it works, or even if they should alter their lists or not. You would do a huge service by altering the first post with an honest pros/cons explanation of what is being proposed.

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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by Hook » Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:21 pm

gopostal wrote:I don't know much about the 333 guys, though I have emailed them to begin a discussion. One thing I think needs mentioned is that using this server did cause the new MHM3 server to hard crash. Now, I am unsure as to why this happened and that is part of what I want to discuss with those guys but nevertheless care should be taken when altering the master server listings.

UT will function just fine without altering your master servers and in the end this really accomplishes nothing for you. Now that's not to say it's not a freaking great project, because it is, but for now it's not a vital necessity. There will come a day though when pirate master servers like this are all that keep the game going, so support them whole-heartedly.

I'm not trying to disrespect your guys advertisement of the server, but many admins read these sort of boards and a good portion really don't understand what this stuff is or how it works, or even if they should alter their lists or not. You would do a huge service by altering the first post with an honest pros/cons explanation of what is being proposed.
I think I better Clarify a few things here though...
I have had a lot of discussion with 333Networks.
They are really just a humble site like any other Good UT site, but they are pretty much dedicated to the UT Demo version.
*POTS* found this group, and I went in and did some homework there and also became a member of there group.
The reason I did is because there hasn't been much done in the line of Alternate New Master Servers for UT.
I believe we should be "Ready" if the usual OLD master servers decide enough is enough and pull the plug for real.
Also, we need alternate REAL Master Servers that will be there even when the originals go down as they do once in a while.
Well 333Networks has an Excellent Master Server already going, that is far more informative than the old ones and work very well.

That said... Here is some history...
We set up MHMIII orignally as a Multi-Game Type server with the intention of adding MH to it also.
MHMIII was running very well to begin with.
We also added the New Custom Master Servers, including 333Network's Master.
The server ran very well with no problems.
I set the server up from both experience and also according to what Gopo has instructed me to do with rental servers and also what I have learned running them on 2 prominent, popular Server hosts in the past and present.
At this point POTS took over with adding the New MH2v1 by Gopo and NexGen because I am not very knowledgeable with MH or NexGen and I haven't been a fan of NexGen either.
True - MHMIII did crash After we added MH and NexGen to the Server.
We didn't know why it was crashing.
POTS and I both called in Gopo to take a look.
POTS and Gopo worked on the server and found out there were some settings wrong for MH and Nexgen and also later discovered that even after they redid a lot of settings the server still crashed.
Also, Gopo said that it should Not be a Muti-Game Type server as MH doesn't run well with other game types in the mix.
Took out all those other game types - still a problem.
After some time they took out the New Master Servers (there were a few) and it all worked - it didn't crash.
So Yes, these were the apparent Key to the crash it seems.

But, I am Not convinced that the Alternate Master Servers were really the "cause" of the crash.
Logically, everything points to some other reason, but this only "opened the gate" for it to happen.
And, I MAY very well be wrong but Here is why I think this...

This is the ONLY server that I have seen this problem with - using the custom master servers.
The only other server that used NexGen that I know of was KillaKeller's {CKD} - but it ran great using custom master servers both on GameServers.com and on KillerGameServers.com hosting.
There are quite a few servers using these Custom Master Servers now and they work very well.
I still think it is a setting in NexGen or something. (Just a gunshy feeling after seeing NexGen cause a lot of hard to find problems)
Hermskii uses the Custom Master Servers for BOTH his servers. MH and Redeemer.
I use them on 3 servers other than MHMIII that I admin.
MEAT also uses them.
Sir Mandrake uses them on his MH2v1 server.
A lot of servers use 333Networks Master and for quite a long time now.
See here :arrow: 333Net's Master listing - ALL
Also, Usually Master servers being down do not crash as server.
When Master Servers go down, UT just skips them (without errors) and goes on to the next.
The UCClog even says "No Error" when it finds a bad Master Server.
Down Master Servers do Not crash servers that I have ever seen - never.

I could be wrong but it just doesn't point to the master servers in my opinion.
But, I will say this...
Use them and do this at your Own Risk. :P
But if you have a problem, it really isn't hard to just remove them and any risk is probably very very little IF any.
In fact, no risk that I have seen. :wink:
Let us also see what Gopo finds out with His Quest of 333Networks! :wink:
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by *POTS* » Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:46 pm

Well yes, I found this master server while we were trying to figure out how to fix the official master servers (do you remember when both were down?). I was aware this master server was configured to work for UTDemo, so I asked Hook to test and see whether it could work also for UTfull, since the protocol the official master servers and this "custom" one use looks the same:

These are the lines for the official Game Spy master

Code: Select all

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master0.gamespy.com MasterServerPort=27900
while the following are the lines for the 333 master

Code: Select all

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.333networks.com MasterServerPort=27900
Also unlike some other 3rd-party masters like q-tracker, this one was actually compatible with the UT Browser. It all went fine for a bit and also some other admins started using this, but gopo is right, the MHM3 server kept on crashing, and I have proofs it was not NexGen's fault:

Here's one of the UCC.log:

Code: Select all

Last Console Data (Click to Refresh)TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 25542 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 25550 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 25560 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Resolved unreal.epicgames.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is unreal.epicgames.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master0.gamespy.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master0.gamespy.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master.qtracker.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master.qtracker.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 25571 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Resolved unreal.epicgames.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is unreal.epicgames.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master0.gamespy.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master0.gamespy.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 25596 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Resolved unreal.epicgames.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is unreal.epicgames.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 25607 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 25615 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Resolved unreal.epicgames.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is unreal.epicgames.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master0.gamespy.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master0.gamespy.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 26219 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 26230 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Resolved unreal.epicgames.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is unreal.epicgames.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master0.gamespy.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master0.gamespy.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault]
Name subsystem shut down
Allocation checking disabled
./mlds.sh: line 26: 26279 Segmentation fault      ./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=UnrealTournament.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir
mlds.sh: Server Exited
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds
mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now
mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C
mlds.sh: Starting Server
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?MaxPlayers=10
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Resolved unreal.epicgames.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is unreal.epicgames.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master0.gamespy.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master0.gamespy.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master.qtracker.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master.qtracker.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Server switch level: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Browse: DM-Morpheus.unr?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=?MaxPlayers=10?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
LoadMap: DM-Morpheus.unr?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=?MaxPlayers=10?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
WinSock shut down
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
-0.0ms Unloading: Package CTF-Face
-0.0ms Unloading: Package SkyCity
-0.0ms Unloading: Package ShaneChurch
-0.0ms Unloading: Package PlayrShp
-0.0ms Unloading: Package JWSky
-0.0ms Unloading: Package GreatFire
-0.0ms Unloading: Package utcrypt
-0.0ms Unloading: Package CTF
-0.0ms Unloading: Package Crypt2
-0.0ms Unloading: Package XbpFX
-0.0ms Unloading: Package XFX
-0.0ms Unloading: Package Palettes
-0.0ms Unloading: Package Foregone
-0.0ms Unloading: Package SoldierSkins
-0.0ms Unloading: Package CommandoSkins
-0.0ms Unloading: Package FCommandoSkins
-0.0ms Unloading: Package SGirlSkins
-0.0ms Unloading: Package BossSkins
-0.0ms Unloading: Package MapVoteLA13
-0.0ms Unloading: Package MultiMesh
-0.0ms Unloading: Package EpicCustomModels
-0.0ms Unloading: Package Relics
-0.0ms Unloading: Package TCowMeshSkins
-0.0ms Unloading: Package TNaliMeshSkins
-0.0ms Unloading: Package TSkMSkins
-0.0ms Unloading: Package SkeletalChars
-0.0ms Unloading: Package QFeedBack_v22
-0.0ms Unloading: Package MonsterHunt
-0.0ms Unloading: Package UTMenu
-0.0ms Unloading: Package LadderSounds
-0.0ms Unloading: Package UTServerAdmin
-0.0ms Unloading: Package IpServer
-0.0ms Unloading: Package LadrArrow
-0.0ms Unloading: Package UTBrowser
-0.0ms Unloading: Package MonsterHunt2v1
-0.0ms Unloading: Package Belt_fx
-0.0ms Unloading: Package NoBoostv4
-0.0ms Unloading: Package ActorCLP
-0.0ms Unloading: Package ServerAdds
Garbage: objects: 24501->17046; refs: 282579
Game class is 'DeathMatchPlus'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: MultiMesh
Server Package: Relics
Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Server Package: TSkMSkins
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: QFeedBack_v22
Server Package: MonsterHunt
Server Package: MonsterHunt2v1
Server Package: NoBoostv4
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: ActorCLP.ActorCLP
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Level is Level DM-Morpheus.MyLevel
Bringing Level DM-Morpheus.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=?MaxPlayers=10?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
MaxPlayers 10
Base Mutator is DM-Morpheus.DMMutator1
Mutators MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Add mutator MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Execute default Setting: MinPlayers=5. Property: MinPlayers. Value: 5
Execute default Setting: MaxPlayers=10. Property: MaxPlayers. Value: 10
Execute default Setting: FragLimit=30. Property: FragLimit. Value: 30
Execute default Setting: TimeLimit=13. Property: TimeLimit. Value: 13
StartMutator: QFeedBack_v22.QFeedback
Mutator initialized.
StartMutator: Pheonix.PheonixMut
     ## Pheonix Loading
     ## Version, Contact: 3.1, Clan :[lol]: www.teamlol.com
     ## Mode, Active:     2, True
Execute Setting: MinPlayers=5. Property: MinPlayers. Value: 5
Execute Setting: MaxPlayers=10. Property: MaxPlayers. Value: 10
Execute Setting: TimeLimit=13. Property: TimeLimit. Value: 13
Execute Setting: FragLimit=30. Property: FragLimit. Value: 30
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Resolving unreal.epicgames.com...
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Resolving master.qtracker.com...
Resolving master.telefragged.com...
Resolving master.333networks.com...
ProcessServerTravel: DM-Morpheus.unr?game=?mutator=MapvoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ActorCPL has set game type and mutators
Initiating local logging...
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 3 lines in the list
BDBMapVote: Maps Reloaded. Total Maps = 134
Resolved unreal.epicgames.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is unreal.epicgames.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master0.gamespy.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master0.gamespy.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master.qtracker.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master.qtracker.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master.telefragged.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master.telefragged.com:27500
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved master.333networks.com (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is master.333networks.com:27900
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.

Last Console Data (Click to Refresh)
Look, there are no Nexgen entries at all in the logs but look also how many errors and crashes are there.

I apologize for the troubles this master has caused, but it was totally unpredictable, plus I still have no freaking idea why it used to work well with the other servers. :roll:

However I posted a message also on the KB forums:
This is really important. Quoting gopostal:
One thing I think needs mentioned is that using this server did cause the new MHM3 server to hard crash. Now, I am unsure as to why this happened and that is part of what I want to discuss with those guys but nevertheless care should be taken when altering the master server listings.

Now I really had no idea this custom master server could cause server crashes and this is really the first time it happens (it used to work fine for many other servers), so if you're gonna use it, use at your own risk, I mean there's a chance the server could start crashing with no apparent reason. I'm sorry for any inconvenience but it was totally unpredictable.
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by Hook » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:05 pm

Still - WHY did this Only happen to MHM3? :roll:
One out of ALL these servers.

There is something Unique about MHM3 that causes it to crash with other than stock master servers.
That is still my feeling. :|
I really want to find out For Sure what it is because it is still a mystery I believe.
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by *POTS* » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:10 pm

Hook wrote: There is something Unique about MHM3 that causes it to crash with other than stock master servers.
Must be a female server (no offence to the ladies) while the rest were stupid males and/or is running on a femputer. :P
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by gopostal » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:46 pm

This probably falls under "figure it out later". You may or may not find out why this happened but the bottom line is it did and it's something to bear in mind. I'm glad POTS posted that log, that's a pretty clear example of why I feel like I do, and not taking anything away from 333. It's great they have stepped up, but I'd like to have seen this from a major group.

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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by Hook » Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:16 am

POTS wrote:Look, there are no Nexgen entries at all in the logs but look also how many errors and crashes are there.
I never said that the server didn't crash - I just have different suspicions based on experience with NexGen, etc. :wink:
In a current UCC.log, When the server starts up normally, NexGen doesn't show until about Exactly Where the Error had occurred before. Hmmm :|
After the Master Servers were Successfully Bound. Hmmm :|
When the Alternate Masters were included, and it crashed, Nexgen never loaded. Hmmm :|
Food for more thought LOL :lol:

Yep, I think it is quite inconclusive indeed and pretty unclear as to why MHMIII had problems with alternate master servers.
And I say that in plural.
I will continue to use the alternate master servers along with the stock ones on nay and all servers I run.
More people do see the server that way.
And I think 333Net's Master is superb! - Very nicely done!
And it will be there when the stock one goes down or just plain goes.
I will continue to promote it unless some one shows me concrete actual proof that there is something very wrong with it.
And if so, at that point, we can maybe go to the author and get it fixed! 8)
He is very open and willing to chat.

I say this...
Try them!
If they work - USE them! :P
If they don't - take them out. - Simple! :wink: No harm done! :|

Those of you who are currently using them - enjoy and continue!

Try them!...
After all, you have about a 95% chance of it working good for your server. (if not a better chance)
Last I looked, there were about 21 servers using the 333Net Master - let alone other alternate master servers.
Only ONE New server running Nexgen with a history of hard to find conflicts and a fragile game type (MH) that is also fragile and with a history of bugs had some sort of Fluke, Anomaly and/or Conflict of some sort and for some reason didn't work.

Also, Gopo, there is something that I noticed on MHMIII that also indicates something is weird.
I showed POTS this in a PM just before you got yanked into this.
After MH and Nexgen, etc., were installed, the Default Stock Start Up Command Line was Missing from the console at GameServers.com!
I tried to re-post it into its field there and it would not stay!
The server seems to be using the default some how though, but there is something "fishy" about this!
Could this indicate that something is wrong?

EDIT: - I just happened to look just now and I SAW MHMIII on 333Network's Master List!
Is somebody trying to get it to work?
:arrow: 333Net FULL Server Versions
:arrow: MHMIII at 333Net
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by gopostal » Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:33 am

There is no sense in this turning into a contentious thing. I've dealt with a lot of issues in my years as server admin, and all I'm saying about this is that a caveat of potential trouble be added to the posting of it.

If you look at 333's webpage you can see they both have enemies trying to hack/crash them and they also have financial problems. Both concern me about their longevity, so saying they will "always" be there may be premature at best.

I'm done with any sort of work with MHM3 now that it is set up, so unless there is a question I'm going to bow out of this discussion. I can see it going south pretty fast from here. I'm completely comfortable in my views on this.

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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by Hook » Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:01 am

Duly noted Gopo! :D
I will add the "caveat" where I post this - if I post it anywhere else. (just in case)

Here is their website :arrow: http://www.333networks.com/ in case anybody wants to read up about them.
they both have enemies trying to hack/crash them and they also have financial problems.
Some people have tried to crash or hack there UT servers - pretty normal for just about any UT site or any site for that matter LOL. :P
Financial problems? - No more than any other UT site either - it is a private "hobby" site just like mine or Hemskii's or Gopo's.
Not a "company" or anything like that.

Oh - and I just said that they would "be there" - not "always" be there.
If they go down - then they go down - same goes for any other Master Server. :wink: But for now... :P
They do have some good plans for expanding (master Server included) and have outlined what they are doing over the next several months.
Most sites don't know what they are going to do in the next few days. :lol:

Anyway - I am not angry or "contentious" or whatever. :|
I am trying to do good for UT - that is all. :P Nothing is going South I assure you. - I am trying to keep it going North! :lol:
OK - lets leave it and go on FRIENDS! :lol:

IF anybody finds something wrong with ANY of the alternate master Servers - just be sure to let us know!
Or even the stock ones.

PS: see my post above - MHMIII is on 333Net's Server Listing now at the moment - don't know why.
EDIT: I am pretty sure that I know why this is happening.
I am checking on this with 333Net's admin to make sure of what I am thinking.
I'll let you all know what I find out.

EDIT: Oh *POTS* - I am glad you found this Master Site 333Net -
I am chatting with the 333 admin VIA e-mail on all of this. - we will work this all out and make sure of things!
Also, I have asked him that if he ever shuts down that he would let me know how to do the master, etc.
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: 333Networks UT99 Master Server List - News...

Post by *POTS* » Tue May 04, 2010 9:19 pm

Hook wrote:Still - WHY did this Only happen to MHM3? :roll:
One out of ALL these servers.

There is something Unique about MHM3 that causes it to crash with other than stock master servers.
That is still my feeling. :|
I really want to find out For Sure what it is because it is still a mystery I believe.
Mystery solved:
face wrote: Linux has a issue with masterservers if you try to logon to more then 2!
Windows does not.
:arrow: Source: http://www.unrealadmin.org/forums/showt ... 35&page=22

P.S. Someone who is registered at Unreal Admin should tell Defrost to fix the spectator bug related to Nexgen and Monster Hunt (if you join a MH server running Nexgen as a spectator and then try to reconnect as a player all of your lives are lost). This is an old issue and AFAIK only Bob's MHNexgen is unaffected.
Last edited by *POTS* on Tue May 04, 2010 9:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Plain Old Telephone Service

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