Interesting attack...

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Interesting attack...

Post by Hermskii » Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:48 pm

So I log in to get my email and find a message from my ISP. They suspended the account which turned this forum off. I won't say how my site was being attacked and I won't say who either but I have to admit, I never thought it would be so easy to take down a website. Now I too know how to do it.

I'll chalk this up to another lesson learned and I have already placed a script to prevent it from happening again. Sadly this happened just a day after after I got CG and MHM back up. I'll give you guys the IP in a few days since I know it will change at least one more time by then do to me having to take down the network again for some equipment upgrades.

Until then, please test your connection on the servers and let me know how it goes with your PING and all of that. I have a slightly better connection here and a brand new router and firewall. Peace all! BTW, you should also see the forum here speed up a whole lot and not because of the commection here but rather the script to prevent the attack that was happening here.


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Re: Interesting attack...

Post by David » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:28 am

I noticed the forum was down when I was checking on an update on a thread and I tried to come here and it would not allow me. I then went to and it then advised me that the account was suspended.... I chalked it up to you moving your equipment to the new house.

I am glad you found the kink in the amour.
Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

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Re: Interesting attack...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:03 am

Yeah. Thanks. I'm just happy that everything is worked out again and the forum seems to be really moving again now. Not busy moving but pages load much faster. The busy part will come again as it always does.

I had another setback today. My UPS died completely. I got home and everything was off which means it broke so bad it would not even pass regular good electricity through. I bought a new one tonight. It is getting its 8 hours of unused charging before I hook it up. Once it is hooked up, I'll send out the new IP address the servers are on and I'll even update the official webpage with the correct IP as well as at . Peace all.


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Re: Interesting attack...

Post by Hook » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:23 pm

Weird thing, because on MY comp now this is what is driving me nuts...

MY Computer seems to be having a lot of problems Online in the past 2 weeks or so.
My internet is very slow most of the time! :roll:
Seems to get worse the longer I am online.
I have had very high pings (300 to 700) and my screen keeps flashing at times.
I could hardly play =Klownz= and SUPA_ANGEL or anybody else very well this past weekend on CLD or the whole week or so for that matter. - SUCKs! :|
Seems to come and go but mostly it stays bad on my Comp! :roll:
I played for a bit last night on CLD again and my ping started out at 620 or so.
After a while it got down to about 250 to 300 or so, with occasional spikes up again.
CLD is in LA, but I usually used to see pings in the 100 to 130 range mostly.

I don't get it. :|
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