The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hermskii » Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:55 am

The short answer for the request of the list of words not to say here is NO. If anyone needs a list of words they should not say here, they should not be here. This is gradeschool easy people.


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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hook » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:10 am

Hermskii wrote:The short answer for the request of the list of words not to say here is NO. If anyone needs a list of words they should not say here, they should not be here. This is gradeschool easy people.
Yes, I just don't see what the problem is here with people not understanding a simple rule. :roll: :wink:
I guess that "Some People Just Don't Get it" - as MEAT used to say and in his banner. :|
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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by ZippityDooDa » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:16 am

Hook wrote:
Hermskii wrote:The short answer for the request of the list of words not to say here is NO. If anyone needs a list of words they should not say here, they should not be here. This is gradeschool easy people.
Yes, I just don't see what the problem is here with people not understanding a simple rule. :roll: :wink:
I guess that "Some People Just Don't Get it" - as MEAT used to say and in his banner. :|
There just trying to push your buttons hermskii, I just sit back and laugh at it LOL its amusing and sad at the same time, till they get banned.
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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hermskii » Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:20 am

It's OK. I'm totally cool. Trust me!


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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hermskii » Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:49 am

Killer Klownz has done everything by the book and has been reactivated. Welcome back Klownz!


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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hook » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:57 am

Hermskii wrote:Killer Klownz has done everything by the book and has been reactivated. Welcome back Klownz!
Hey Great! :wink:
Not hard at all is it. :P
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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by David » Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:14 pm

Hermskii wrote:Killer Klownz has done everything by the book and has been reactivated. Welcome back Klownz!
I was going to be witty and use 3rd person as Klownz does and say somthing prophetic... but nah.. Welcome Back Klownz!
Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hermskii » Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:45 pm

I decided not to list the folks with permanent bans anymore since I was running out of space! LOL. I needed to make more space for future deactivations. LOL. No really, I needed more space because I'm not done yet by a long shot!

I'm also considering permanently banning the folks who are on the deactivation list more than 60 days. I figure the first 30 days is the temporary ban as explained in the rules. That is just the right amount of time for a deactivated member to consider what they have done and whether they think they deserve the ban or not and time to consider if they want to return ever. The next 30 days is plenty of time for anyone request to be reactivated should they have decided they were going to return. I don't want to keep a bunch of names of members on the deactivated member list especially if they might not ever come back. How would I know when they plan to come back or if they plan to? What would the point be in keeping them advertised on the list forever?

I'll make a reply in this topic explaining what I have done when I permanently remove them so years later when someone does come back and wants to know what happened to their account because they have forgotten, I can just look it up. For some folks, there will be no history at all because I will know for sure what they did and I won't ever forget it!


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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by LePoLoo » Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:37 am

As I (perhaps) have been such long time without being able to connect stop by (only emails on phone), will there be an email to tell 30 days are coming soon ? :?:

I think I don't stay that long without passing by but I wouldn't like to register with another name or pwd. :|
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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hermskii » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:38 am

I'm only talking about the people who are on the deactivated member list. You are not on that list so you should not need to worry about it at all. You are all good my friend.


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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hermskii » Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:02 am

ShawdowOfDeath posted something claiming HOOK posted a HOOK-edited form. I saw the original web form with my own eyes on several occasions long before it was edited recently by MEAT or whoever he is today. I know HOOK can't log into GameSpy as MEAT just as I can't. Only MEAT could have logged in as all of the aliases it showed he logged in as and only MEAT could have edited it to hide his shame. Yeah....SHAME. I have plenty of logs here on this forum showing him doing the same here to cover his tracks back when I mistakingly gave him moderator rights over his former forum here. ShawdowOfDeath is either a alias to a former member that has been banned from here for good or is a sympathiser to that "sad" and "shameful" person. Either charge is a 30 day ban at least!


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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by 5i1ent/3ob » Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:04 pm

I too saw the original page long before it was conveniently edited and I also took a screen grab at that time. Someone is indeed lying, but it's not Hook!

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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hermskii » Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:24 pm

I added to the above last statement I made recently so I'm reposting it to make sure you folks see what I put:

ShawdowOfDeath posted something claiming HOOK posted a HOOK-edited form. I saw the original web form with my own eyes on several occasions long before it was edited recently by MEAT or whoever he is today. I know HOOK can't log into GameSpy as MEAT just as I can't. Only MEAT could have logged in as all of the aliases it showed he logged in as and only MEAT could have edited it to hide his shame. Yeah....SHAME. I have plenty of logs here on this forum showing him doing the same here to cover his tracks back when I mistakingly gave him moderator rights over his former forum here. ShawdowOfDeath is either a alias to a former member that has been banned from here for good or is a sympathiser to that "sad" and "shameful" person. Either charge is a 30 day ban at least!

Now that is said folks, please just drop it. What part of this don't several of you understand? I personally don't care what MEAT and his supporters do or say so long as it isn't here. For me, it is that simple. to discuss this is like scrathing an itch that has been scratched so much it hurts more than it relieves to scratch it anymore. MEAT is a lost cause and I really don't want to keep revisiting what he and his buddies are up. I don't care about anyone elses opinions about it either. He has to LIVE WITH HIMSELF EVERY DAY and that has to hurt him enough in my opinion. It hurts everybody that surround him too. let them hang out with him and do and say what they want. I'm just glad I have cut the relationship and I have shamed myself that I didn't do it soooner. Stop the suffering. Stop talking about MEAT here!


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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by 5i1ent/3ob » Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:59 pm

Argh. I just made a post pretty much saying the same thing. We must have been posting at the same time because I didn't see this one until after I submitted.
I can't delete my own post, so feel free to delete for me.
I wasn't trying to bring the issue up though. I was trying to help it go away.
You wont hear another word out of me here about this:)

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Re: The Server Ban / Forum Account Deactivated Log:

Post by Hook » Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:34 pm

OK - let us go forward in truth and HAVE FUN with this Great Game UT! :P
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