Busting makes me feel good...

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Busting makes me feel good...

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:14 am

As I may, or may not've, mentioned before, I've been playing ut99 since it was first released. I may stop every once in awhile, a few months being the longest, but I've kept it on my various computers and always come back to it. However, I haven't always had an internet connection at home for the most part... so I'm still relatively new to forums.

Only been on them since June or July of this year.

As I know I definitely have mentioned, I missed all the drama associated with Kaal"TheSinew"979. I've heard about it but as he's now only on a very few forums, have crossed paths with him on only 2 of the 9 I regularly post to. So, I don't personally have an issue with him. It's just drama. There's a couple of others in the Unreal fandom I've crossed paths with who are major drama·queens so I don't know that whatever it was Kaal did was so bad or if it was just blown horribly out of proportion.

Damned or not, I love his map MH-Brutes][. Clearly as I've edited like 20 versions of it so far.

I was asked by papercoffee why I like it so much. Pretty simple, it's a simple setup. Monsters on one side of a trench, players on the other. It's a battlefield scenario in it's simplest form. You can pretty much see everyone on either side at all times, no real need to hunt. It's open warfare from the moment the monsters pop up.

That's fun!

Kaal's original featured the various classes of Brutes, who aren't known for their jumping ability. So they couldn't come across the trench. Pretty much every version I've edited, or had KeLLeR edit for me back when, involved monsters that could not only cross the trench... they'd overrun the players bases in like 2½ minutes. Up until today all the edits have featured monsters that could only attack by land...


Now by air as well.

Truth to tell, I made this map mostly cuz I wanted to better exploit the beasts in HauntedCreatures.u and I had the theme to Ghostbusters in a umx. Not that these ghost monsters are all that, the only main difference between them and their standard counterparts is you can see through them.

I busted out the MH4ever weapons pack as it's the only thing I've got that's got gear that remotely looks like the Ghostbusters various ghost fighting gear.






Not that I don't edit other maps, and I'm a long way from building one from scratch. Still, MH-Brutes][ is fun to work with. If I ever get better at mapping I might add some underground passages and fill them with water. So I can have monsters attack by land and air and sea.

Anyway, I'm not quite done with this one. Gotta retexture the landscame and sky to something a little more eerie.

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Re: Busting makes me feel good...

Post by Hermskii » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:19 am

Your concepts have launched several map ideas in my head. I sure hope you get into mapping soon. You obviously have the time and desire. I bet you may someday become one of the greats if you just get going after it already.


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Re: Busting makes me feel good...

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:48 pm

Hermskii wrote:Your concepts have launched several map ideas in my head. I sure hope you get into mapping soon. You obviously have the time and desire. I bet you may someday become one of the greats if you just get going after it already.
I'd need some kinda guide on how to even make an environment. I can edit a lot of the basic stuff but to build it? Not even close to that yet.

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