Those dancing, confused bots. Hmmmm......

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Those dancing, confused bots. Hmmmm......

Post by a nameless entity » Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:38 am

Well here's something I've noticed with this mod:

Once in a while a bot will start running back and forth along the same small piece of ground. It's like they hit an invisible wall, bounce off and head back the way they came only to hit another one and head back in the original direction. At first I wondered if it was some sort of dodge move that they were doing, because it is dang nigh impossible to score hits on them when they do this maneuver. Tonight I ran right up to a bot that was doing this odd dodge move, back and forth sort of dance move. I had the chaos sniper rifle and the relic of strength. One hit and it should have died. But even at point blank range and with careful tracking, I just about emptied the rifle of all its ammo before the game let me score a hit. :roll:

It seems to be fairly random as to where it happens. There is one map where it happens over the same piece of ground every time the map is played, but I cannot recall the name. (Something along the lines of Tex-Mex?)
I am wondering if it is just the mod + bad bot pathing that causes the symptoms to manifest, or if the mod affects the bot paths in some way. :?:
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Re: Those dancing, confused bots. Hmmmm......

Post by Hermskii » Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:02 pm

Very interesting indeed. I wonder now too. I mean I wonder how to copy this bot dodge move! LOL.


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Re: Those dancing, confused bots. Hmmmm......

Post by a nameless entity » Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:52 am

Once I get around to reinstalling I will be curious to see if this behavior remanifests.

I see I didn't mention how they moved in my original post. The term dancing meant just that. They didn't run or walk normally. The animation looked like they were doing a bent legged drunken dance/walk as they moved one way and then suddenly changed to the opposite direction over and over again. It was very weird to watch, and even weirder that they couldn't be hit. Or were too drunk to feel it. :lol:
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Re: Those dancing, confused bots. Hmmmm......

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:03 pm

I'm not a master in bot-pathing by any stretch of the imagination, but I've seen this behavior a lot... especially lately as my current keyboard sucks so I've largely been doing bot-matches.

It's gotta be a side-effect of bad bot-pathing.

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