The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review!

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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hook » Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:56 pm

Again, I used to be very active on the old Nali CIty - it was THE place to be in the early UT99 years.
Nali City was pretty great in its early years.
I was one of the registered Nali City Mappers there.
Then, a lot of the Nali City crew went South as they say and took the "Low Road" - they got pretty idiotic and self centered, etc., so I quit going there altogether.
I knew way back then that the end of Nali City was near and I wanted NO part of the later end of that site gone bad.
When the subsequent site came out of the Nali City ashes, they were Not much better, so I never really went back much at all, and eventially quit going there at all.
There was absolutely Nothing to gain by being involved with Beyond Unreal anymore.
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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:06 am

Beyond Unreal Forum (BUF) Off Topic User BIO (All information stated here is guesswork on my part except for my own BIO! I have asked for specific information before but usually the members at BUF refuse to be specific about themselves while being more than pleased to specifically attack anything that anyone says. Again, everything I state below is a guess and I will try to update as the member I describe corrects me).

Username: Al
Location: Philiadephia, PA
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 20's at time of this profile creation
Education: High School.
Political stance per USA's terminology: Hard Core Progressive Liberal Democrat
Religion: Doubtful
Marital status: Very doubtful
Sexual tendencies: Straight angry male.
Employment: Totally don't know.
Positive features: He is funny sometimes. Good at one word responses. Not afraid to speak up. Likes his family or at least his brother. Is now (07-25-14) a 507 day recovering heavy drinker. Anyone honestly trying to beat alcohol has my respect.
Negative features: Loves his Obama. Easily confused with Big-Al. I'm a old Houston Oilers fan. Did you see where he lives? Did you see his political affiliation? Have you read many of his posts? Enough said right? LOL. He'll get lots of my tax dollars. Dumb tats.
BUF History: He is a wing-man. He is secondary attack squadron drone. He is actually pretty nice when he isn't attacking or being too liberal. Reminds me of people I met who escaped Pittsburgh. I hope he escapes too someday. In a fight to the death; I think he could take FireFly.

Example Post: No good examples at this time. maybe he'll provide one to me.


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:56 pm

This is just a place setter for me to do TWD next. he is very smart and interesting. Nothing bad to report on him.

I need to hurry up and get in a few more of these quickly because a foreshadowing has occurred there just a day ago or so. It describes the ending of another formally popular forum that was let to be posted on way to often by many of the people that I have described here in this topic. Behold the topic they are discussing there now:

I had to put in my jab quickly and I even remembered to put in my smilie at the end of it which to them signifies immunity from recourse no matter what was said. Yes. You can pop in and say whatever you want and so long as you have a smilie like this one ( :D ) you can basically get away with anything you say.

TWD. You are next!


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:51 pm

Darn! I changed my web-host and lost several posts here. So be it. The BUF - Off Topic Forum section is in full form this month.


The people there that don't live in the states and complain about us folks here in the USA have opinions that I struggle to recognize because I live here and they don't. Thus they can't truly recognize how hard working Americans live and expect to get to live based on their work ethic. Capitalism is simple. You get to work as hard as you want and get to make as much money as you want. Some are crooked in their methods and most are not. I work hard for my money. I deserve the things I worked hard for and got on my own.

Then there are some people over at the BUF - Off Topic forum that live here and you would swear they aren't American. I'm too tired to go into details but go ahead and look at the topic I posted. I'm betting not one of them served in the military. They seem to defend this traitor who left his post. They even think the whole deal is a done deal as if the 5 terrorists we traded for our traitor won't go back to the drawing board to attack us. These few over at BUF I'm describing will even go as far as to say it was our fault that these guys will attack us again when they do. Just read it. It makes me sick.

I think at this point I can count on one hand the people on that forum who's opinions I respect. There are even a couple whom I have made famous here who even though I disagree with them I can respect them for other views I share but just a few.

Over the years I've had about 15 like minded people write me and suggest I give up over at the lib-tard Politico-fest that is the BUF - Off Topic Forum. I'm starting to think they are right but instead, I will sound off here and let them copy and paste stuff over there. At least here it won't be modified to suit the admin's needs over there. Yes, that has happened before on more than one occasion as I already described here in this topic before.

I'd say I'll keep on with the BIO's but I haven't done any in a long time and am unsure I still have the stomach for it. Yet, I want to preserve some of these views I catch these anti-american mentioning so when there is no doubt that they were wrong as hell about virtually everything they have said I can remind them!

So Jan 25th of 2013 was the last BIO I did. A year and a half ago... I guess they are getting restless and wan't to be immortalized. Maybe I will make it so.


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:24 am

In my opinion the Bill Ayers interview by Megyn Kelly posted here reminds me of talking to some of the anti-American seeming folks at BUF's - Off Topic Forum. Even when definitive evidence is put in his face he denies it. I especially love how he denies quotes in his own book that he wrote. LOL.

This may be one of the best interviews I have ever seen. She even gives him credit for coming in at the very end or at least she said she did on her show that I saw this on. ... 2378864001 ... 2378865001 ... 4307086001 ... 4267012001


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hook » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:09 am

Yeah, they see movies and think that all Americans live in super luxury etc. :roll:
They got a LOT to learn. :P
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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:14 am

Yeah, these folks live to fight. In this instance Kelly voiced his opinion and sure enough, there are two - four of the BUF folks who can't simply disagree but disagree and attack while doing so. This one is extra funny/awesome to me because these morons even turn on each other while they attach him.

Here it is:

The usual suspects have stayed pretty quiet in this one. this seems to be a younger newer gang of people who live to twist and tuck words. Several years ago I had a long discussion with my little sister who like several of these folks over there is a lib-tard. Maybe she can't help being she has lived in Austin texas for the last 20 years. She managed to twist and mangle and misrepresent every point I made to the point of pissing me off. For a split sec I thought maybe I wasn't being clear enough. After having to re-explain to her a concept 5 different ways I finally realized she was just being a moron.

It isn't that I don't love and respect her. It was just that sometimes the people closest to us can be idiots. I almost learned then that lib-tards love to misrepresent what you have said and often misquote you too. I know I didn't learn because at the BUF Off Topic forum I too have recently fallen for this stupidity. Ever try to explain something to someone and they just can't/don't get it it to the point your doing a face palm and uttering silently to yourself that they are a f-ing idiot? Yeah... it is exactly like that talking to these folks over there. Like I said before, I suspect I won't talk to them over there anymore if I can help it. I'll just point it out here when I see it happen over there!


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:23 am

I just saw that Carbon posted again. So far I think I like what Carbon has to say. I see 2 post on page 3. He seems educated and down to earth. He disagrees yet doesn't attack. Gold, and Red Leader could learn from this guy. Maybe I'll make him famous someday too.


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:35 pm

I just found out today that Al is staying sober. As of this post he was on about day 506.

Here is where I learned that:

As explained on that topic I have a sister fighting the good fight too.

I've said lots of not-so-nice things about AL here but intend to try harder to see things through the view he might have. When I started this topic a few years back or whenever I started it I was pretty mad. I still am but like to hope I'm getting a better grip on it.

I am acutely aware of how alcohol effects different people differently. It is no joke when it is problematic for someone to drink. Good luck Al. I'll keep your effort in my prayers for you.


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:29 am

Username: TWD
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Gender: Male
Age: Guessing early 30's
Education: Guessing college grad
Political stance per USA's terminology: Pretty sure a Fiscally Conservative Republican
Religion: Mormon
Marital status: Single and looking I think
Sexual tendencies: totally straight
Employment: Don't know. Financial or computer or both is my best guess.
Positive features: Very informative posts. Smart as hell. He gets positive points from me for being a Mormon because I have volunteered with hundreds of Mormons over several years for tons of charity work and I struggle to imagine there are better people to work with. They always outnumber every other religion there, work hard and are very pleasant to deal with all of the time. He often gives good advice. He makes awesome arguments against the libtards.
Negative features: Doesn't post enough. Gets worked up by the libtards just like I do. Needs to punch harder!
BUF History: He has been there a long time. He is well liked there I'm pretty sure though his post often get mauled.

Example Post:

On another note: I haven't done one of these in a long time. I'm glad I finally did this one and that this topic is getting so much attention! I see there are a few folks over there that are trying to get my attention in the hopes I'll pay attention to them here via one of these guessing profiles I attempt to make about the people of any interest to me over there. I just wanted to say I see right through those efforts to get noticed and you won't get to be listed here. You know who you are. please do keep coming here and reading though! Thanks.

Here is the list of who has been guess-profiled here so far:

Sir_ Briz
Jack's Smirking Revenge
TWD (Just completed)
Next will be either BillyBadAss, Plumb_Drumb or possibly someone else. Might be another year though...

And again, if any of these folks want to clarify any of this information they can simply email me. A few of them already have and I posted the changes and showed the change was made like real forum admins should do.


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:18 pm

I don't know. You tell me. I figure I have these folks pegged. Good day!


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by a nameless entity » Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:36 am

Hermskii wrote:I don't know. You tell me. I figure I have these folks pegged. Good day!
Yes, you do. You may now move on and allow this thread to fall to the bottom of the list.
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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:47 pm

Sorry Nameless but I have to post this link. There will be more in the future too I'm sure as I see things that need to be brought out to be witnessed. Page 3 made this worth it.

Read at your risk but don't say I didn't warn you. There is good and bad in this world, right and wrong and science and religion. There is a lot of gray area in there too blurring when and where the lines get crossed over. Certain folks at BUF have crossed the line many times in the past but starting now I won't be part of that particular forum in the future.

I'm Catholic and I'm trying to be a better one as my life rolls on so you likely know where I stand with this discussion. I already pray for all of the people at BUF at least once a week when I'm at church. For the record I pray for everyone here too including myself every week at church and sometimes more!

I have said goodbye to the BUF forum and won't post there anymore (at least in the "Off Topic" section) but I will post here about what I see and hear there if I think it warrants it. ... ca.203575/


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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by a nameless entity » Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:09 pm

Okay m8, but don't be surprised if your prayers are not answered in the manner that you were expecting or hoping for.

I saw no outright madness in the discussion on that page. Which was almost a pleasant surprise, considering the descent from civility I had seen over there in the past on a couple of subjects under "discussion" previously. I thought both sides made good arguments, without too much heat against those who took the other side.

Getting back to prayers, I saw with my own eyes a couple of weeks ago that one that I had been making for several years had been partially answered. But NOT in the way that I had been asking or hoping for.
I actually had the temerity to be hurt and angry at first when I saw how it was answered.
But I must accept the decision for the obvious reason, as well as the fact that there is nothing I can do about it anyway.
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Re: The BUF (Beyond Unreal Forum) "Off Topic" section review

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:58 pm

Fair enough Nameless but I had heard enough at the point when that one guy hoped that Kelly got cancer and died before he had children. I'm a little shocked you weren't at least a little offended by that.

Call me soft but I struggle to hang out around folks that hope other folks get sick and die because they don't like their opinion. Some of the regular folks over there have asked me to kill myself because they didn't like my opinion. That is how they are.

My religion says to pray for them and I do but I must admit that sometimes I'm weak and have a hard time praying for them and that they will change their ways before they themselves are finally judged by God for their actions.


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