How do you play MonsterHunt?

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How do you play MonsterHunt?

Post by EvilGrins » Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:11 pm

Yesterday paper played one of my map edits and said he was quickly overwhelmed, which got me to thinking. Map in question averages about 10 to 15 minutes playtime and while it's got a nearly endless legion of foes, eventually the counters wind down and their troops run out of supplies.

I've seen this edit of mine played on someone's server before, and when I played it with other players what struck me odd was they all cowered in their base and tried to snipe the legions of BetaKrall from a safe distance... which seemed weird to me.

· More often than not I play MH with the Excessive health/ammo regenerator on, which keeps bringing me back to 300 health.
· Very rarely go the sniper route. With any monsters I fight I'm usually fighting them nose to nose, with a rocket launcher or minigun or pulse gun. I fight in very close quarters against most every monster type.
· I have backup in the form of bots, usually 4 and sometimes 8 depending on circumstances.
· Not one to use limited lives in MH. I've got an unlimited amount so I'm not terribly worried if I get killed.
· Tend to cruise the redeemer about 10 feet above the heads of my enemies and explode it above them, gibbing dozens at a time.

Playing without bots or other human players makes little sense to me in MH. If I wanted to fight on my own against overwhemling odds I'd do SP; Single-Player campaigns.

How do you (whoever's reading this) play MH?

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Re: How do you play MonsterHunt?

Post by Hermskii » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:24 pm

Great question!

Sadly, the regen mods broke or at least splintered MH in a bad way. I many discussions with Kelly about this in the past. Way back before he made his most famous MH mod. Several maps were already out there that required these regen mods and not only required them but mandated them and mandated that they be very generous with the ammo and the health.

I always felt this game should be a challenge; that you should have to duck around a corner or retreat often if you were to have ant chance to survive. I feel that {MHM} runs the regen mod the most fairly of all of the MH servers out there. Note that {MHM} is off-line right now but the server itself is fine and will be put back online soon along with the rest of the {HOH} servers.

Keeping this shorty I can tell you the players made the final decision for us. They wanted to charge ahead with little to no fear of dying or losing for that matter. The regen mods were made to be able to carry a few players through some of the toughest maps. Actually, it was not the players but the mappers that made regen mods so mandatory. The maps finally started getting better but when they did, they got bigger and harder too.

I think any player on any MH map should only have a 60% chance to complete it. To do that MH would have to figure out a way to divide maps up by being able to determine how hard they are and apply that against a formula taking into account the amount of active players. The regen mod would have to be able to adjust on the fly to all of these things to work properly across the now massive choice of MH maps. Only two people that I know could create such a mod.

Wow! I haven't given any part of any UT mod this much thought in years. Like I said, It was a good question!


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Re: How do you play MonsterHunt?

Post by Nelsona » Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:18 am

Agree with Herm at regen part.... however I have removed all those "maps" regen and jump based - I don't recognize them as MH maps and I state on this 20 years if it needs to.
But... I run 2 MH types one simple and one with a "traditional" regenerator. The fact is A.I. in regen type MH2 is more insane than usual and in some maps monster simply sh!ts into your regen - sample: map MeltTown whatever fix. Monsters are capable of surrounding players in start area from the helicopter and happily murdering players multiple times - you cannot get an ended game without 20 deaths, which is different from Original MH where you can win without a single death if you are moving well. Such an ambush situation is a challenge - you will need to run away quickly regarding to regen else you are slaughtered. There I have developed another... "SpawnProtection" (hang on here)
Player can crouch like on a toilette and then will dump a grenade exploding with 300 damage in certain radius (monster has melee attack but player not that much), usually you die and monster will no longer kill you because you are so dead - but you do damage and you can finally evade somewhere for sniping, in such case you don't have other options.

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Re: How do you play MonsterHunt?

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:00 pm

The regen I use doesn't heal very fast, or restock my ammo that quick. It's fairly basic and even when using it, especially the powerful monsters I tend to collect and fight against, I still get killed a lot.

Most powerful regen I've got I would NEVER use for MH. It's called Otium and it increases the health of everything with health on a map, including the monsters. That would be very bad.

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