This can't be good...

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Re: This can't be good...

Post by Hermskii » Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:57 am

I would almost sticky that POTS. Very well said. What was that part about girls may change their mind? Really? LOL.

All I can do is dido all of that and stress that it has to be fun or you are doomed. Yes, it sucks sometimes to be an Admin but if you like it and don't try too hard or work too hard it can be a great hobby.

Thanks POTS!


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Re: This can't be good...

Post by Sir Mandrake » Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:12 am

I pretty much have been doing what Pots described and things go just fine. Theres no fixing MH completely so if a map gives me trouble it gets removed. There are plenty of other maps to play and removing one bad apple isn't going to be noticed. People dont play my server much anyway, they would rather hang out and play on the busy ones for some reason. If I get rude complaints about the server I ignore them. Any intelligent communications about the server I try to comply when I can. Running a server is not a job... its a hobby and I treat it as such. If I shut my server down it will be cause I decided too not because someone drove me to it.

I have 3 Admins and one is a Female: Me, Skitzo-Kitty, and SmackHolio.
I do all of the backend server work and MH / MOD code setup and changes. The other two know how to reset the server, travel maps, Kick/Ban and throw a few bones to the players to liven things up. Players that report things, get reported to me by the Admins.

Things couldn't work any better.
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Re: This can't be good...

Post by Nelsona » Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:51 am

Eh, girls, women. I don't have anything against them because they are beautifull by default generally and I really love them. But, as leaders I just noticed their "issues" they need a patch to be able to lead because of incomplete hardware :D. Look at HOF how they dealed with constructive criticism, I'll just copy-paste such a topic about a player (old UT99 person), with some knowledge, but banned for telling the truth (funny ban anyway in UT, :P):
We did it by design on purpose to be the way "we" wanted it.
Not to be a rip-off copy of brand-x with million point scoring for shooting a wall, or custom "remade"
and was a mature woman at avatar (now picture is changed). Of course I really want to see that mod which give you score for shooting walls and I want a MH-Brand (MH is a custom mod - programmed outside of Epic suggestions anyway). In this subject this person is a bit lost in this UT99.
And even some men not only women are very smart:
amazing how many "experts" there are about how to fix problems with a server without actually knowing a thing about servers.
Really ? When someone is informing people about a default file mismatching players, this means that man don't know servers and problems even is an old modder, mapper? You must be a retard Mr. (some crappy malformed name proving a kid with less brain). I saw 11 years old kids designing maps with more logic than this guy-staff. Another 12 years old kid told me some tricks, and so on. This funny technology to use malformed names to not be called easily, sometimes is pissing me off (I ban players like this). The man maybe consider himself as being a very important person, and no need to talk with anybody even in a team-game ? This means is not a team-player since has stupid tags and malformed characters in name = for Nelsona this means HOST banned not UT ban at least for 2 months (maybe is enough time to learn some team-play) and can be good to make butterflies to go out of head. Once I renamed such a "cool dude", I gave him the name MH_Bot (better to see "MH_Bot is on a killing spree" than "_-=[hkj]=-_¤&/¤#Warrior is on a killing spree").

So, Mr. Mars, be wise ...

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Re: This can't be good...

Post by EvilGrins » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:45 am

Fact of life:
You can't make everybody happy.

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Re: This can't be good...

Post by Hook » Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:30 pm

Yeah, I don't understand it.
I listen to players too - but...
I do not sweat it - I do things on my own time and what I see fit.

Actually, I just do not get any real complaints - rarely anyway. :|
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