Time to clean up again...

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Time to clean up again...

Post by Hermskii » Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:39 am

Time to clean house a little.

I see several sub-forums that have not been used in years or are only touched every once in a while etc. I will merge them into a parent directory to clean up the place. There are too many sub-forums and most are unused and thus unnecessary.


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Re: Time to clean up again...

Post by Hook » Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:35 pm

Good job!
I am also in the process of doing this over at HUTP also, albeit slowly.
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Re: Time to clean up again...

Post by Hermskii » Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:08 pm

I think I'm going to cut it down all the way. I'm unsure. What I mean by that is just have forums about these servers here. Trying to maintain info everywhere else is too hard and I'm unmotivated to say the least. I look back and see the work I put in back when I did it and am PROUD but at the same time, keeping it up does not seem worth it. Time seems short and my family has better things for me to do than UT stuff. My kids hardly play UT anymore and the servers are slowly but surely getting quiet.

I strongly feel I want to keep them up and running and really-really hope to. I also want to keep this forum up and the web-page. All of the rest of it feels like work to me. I have other things that NEED my work/attention more than my old, out-dated UT servers and forum. Again, I'm all proud as hell of what I was able to bring to the UT community. It just all seems to be losing importance to me compared to the rest of my life.

I know exactly when it all changed too. When my first son was born. All of my priorities changed. I don't regret it either. Family first baby!

If you have to cut my stuff over on your side, I get that too. trust me. While I have merged lots of forum post into other forums, I am not done. I expect to keep on going and I expect to not lose any post. So far I have not lost anything. It is all just in another place.


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Re: Time to clean up again...

Post by Hook » Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:51 pm

Just make sure you keep this place going.
Way too many important posts here. :wink:
=Hook= of Hook's UT Place - Hopelessly Addicted to UT99!
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Re: Time to clean up again...

Post by Hermskii » Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:40 pm


While I live, I hope and expect to keep this place running and will also put it in my will to try to ensure it continues to get paid for until someone takes it over after I'm gone. I agree. This place has a ton of history and good stuff.


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