Bot pathing

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by EvilGrins » Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:58 am

Nelsona wrote:Mhm, How's pathing EG ? Did you worked on this ?
I've been a bit distracted by work, life, and an X-Men skin I've been working on. That and another lil' skinning project I'm doing for MEAT.

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Hook » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:19 pm

EvilGrins wrote:
Nelsona wrote:Mhm, How's pathing EG ? Did you worked on this ?
I've been a bit distracted by work, life, and an X-Men skin I've been working on. That and another lil' skinning project I'm doing for MEAT.
Funny he would ask now isn't it? - just as I re-skin my bots on CMM. :roll:

Well, I had a request for you in over at my forum for several days now - a hem!
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Re: Bot pathing

Post by EvilGrins » Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:35 pm

Hook wrote:
EvilGrins wrote:
Nelsona wrote:Mhm, How's pathing EG ? Did you worked on this ?
I've been a bit distracted by work, life, and an X-Men skin I've been working on. That and another lil' skinning project I'm doing for MEAT.
Funny he would ask now isn't it? - just as I re-skin my bots on CMM. :roll:

Well, I had a request for you in over at my forum for several days now - a hem!
Really? I was just there and didn't see it.

MEAT wants me to reskin the Sabbath Cat so it's darker, and harder to see for Redeemer battles. Kinda like this guy:
MEAT loved it but wanted me to edit a version without the team colors. Did that last year, keep putting off the Sabbath edit, to get a clear idea what I wanna do, but I'll hit it up next week.

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Hook » Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:42 am

Hint - it is in the CMM section! :roll:
Has the word "Bot" in the subject line. :P
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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Nelsona » Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:41 am

I did an alternate option for MH (if Waypoint is a bit far from path - not in contact with paths), somehow works, unfortunately is not very usefull thanks to mappers.

Just a (or more) FYI:
- lifts without tags will deliver nothing - I don't care if anybody is feeling guilty - later a dispatcher has event "stupidbots" - I'm wander who is stupid since I tested things done normally and WORKS;
- PathNodes placed too far causing broken paths even declared blue paths in Editor won't help;
- Waypoints placed to be touched maybe by a Manta flying won't help;
- Other waypoints placed out of any path at 400 500 distance (or more ?) from paths won't help in a map with thousands of paths - LOL;
- Pathnodes placed higher over water not half colliding water are also obfuscating A.I.;
- Maybe doors need to be TriggerControl like in CTF-Coret but some mapper never heard of this stucking Bots at doors in some instances - very confirmed - at least Shrimp did some good settings in Trials even he messed paths...

When someday you'll see a private server with Bots and maps modified (also other names) you don't have to ask why were modified - just remember this topic - LOL - next time all trashes are about to be set back to normal :P, because quality is the target in purpose...

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Nelsona » Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:33 pm

Moment please, I forgot to tell you something for MH in Bot pathing chapter.

Do not use for Waypoints aditional TriggerEventX. I studied today those "default examples". Never been worst.
Cool features in Bot touching might be doubled by some human player performing a double triggering. Bad for counters, new playerstarts which are about to be unexistent in such cases (being turned on and back off :( )- double triggering in TriggerOnceOnly is complete bullshit - check this deeper - I was wander a few years ago how is NaliVillage - why I was trapped sometimes, why Bots added (even recommended in default help) made a mess - answer is simple looking at map, hello - the logic has been lost - better do nothing in case of Bot presence and let them to do the job, lol - do not touch anything, just spectate or else REVOTE, damn. I worked at this subject, but I think is uselesss to slap a bunch of lines to set them correctly. Better fix it as you wish - do not forget to change the name to avoid mismatches.

Solution in these cases is very simple: USE NORMAL TRIGGERS and forget stupid TriggerEvent1 to 4 - lol.

Now I have to study how much patience remained for me, because all these seems to do sucks ruining even my local party not only a server.

Cheers !

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Nelsona » Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:46 pm

Speaking about interest in collecting items, MH bot is very loving them if are many and other paths are not a charm. This is a code from TeamGamePlus (DM behavior) which not helps a lot. I reworked this kind of attitude as I considered more properly for MH A.I. requests:

- Map with paths and Waypoints - forget items too far from path and move to your target - do not waste time;
- Suddenly a group of monsters will say: HI, we kill you ! - if are closer fire at full power - also attempt to load nearby ammo to have support, health, armors, any helpfull item - if are far away, say "hi" firing a bit;
- No paths - stay and park;
- There are paths, but waypoints are bad placed or missing and also no way to end - move around, collect items, get ready for any threat;
- We have paths to target but you are throwed in a wild field - if you see pathnodes somewhere go there and recover the hunt;
- You just reached at End. Game is not ending yet ? Good, wait there nice, keep eyes open, randomly run and check what's going on around.

I think these are more proper MH related A.I. requests. If exist other suggestions, I listen.

Was hard to notice well what is about with that byte PriorityObjective. I looked more time at CTF to understand it well.
In CTF, bot runing with flag being under 2000 UU distance from home (pretty close) will almost ignore items being full interested to bring enemy flag at home. Is a nice example in hadling A.I. priority related to his mission. It looks like somebody is saying: "Hey, you are almost home, hurry up, c'mon, c'mon, bring flag here!"
Lol, this is cool, I'll to toy a bit with Bot mind.

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:43 pm

Nelsona, question: If a map has not pathing on it whatsoever and there's a monster on it, and somebody shoots the monster, won't the monster still try to chase down and kill whoever shot it?

Asking due to this new map ·

Haven't played it yet. Just learned today that the map has no pathing of any kind.

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Hook » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:44 pm

Nelsona may know better, and I am no expert, but my experience with Bot AI and Creature AI comes from years back.
In what I have seen is that creatures (monsters) in UT will respond to line of sight within a certain distance.
Just as Bots do.
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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Kelly » Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:41 am

There is code within both monsters and bots called "SetEnemy" and it does pretty much what you would think it does. In monster code if you hit (bump, shoot, etc) a monster you immediately are it's 'enemy' and it will run it's AI program and do whatever it's programmed to do when attacked. A nail will cower and try to defend, a krall will attack, a queen will stop teleporting and begin her attack sequences, etc.

So you can see there is no hard and fast rule concerning monsters but generally speaking you could say that yes, if you shoot a monster it will begin attacking you specifically.
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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Nelsona » Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:51 am

Assuming you have a pawn (computer controlled entity), you are joined in game, map doesn't have paths (because of noob mapper or other dumb reason - Epic never did maps without paths - is a reason engine related of course to balance functionality), but in that map if you have a monster or some freaking Bot or other animal with basic combat codes implemented, if is too far, it won't see you (assuming is older), this is not really so bad. Monster can detect the direction of threat and will attempt to respond with projectiles if has such "inventory" firing in that direction after previously he tried first to find a path to enemy, or a more brainless creature will attempt to develop hunting. Hunting state means runing in threat direction in hope to find enemy over there. Before these, of course very quickly is analizing if is not about a lost projectile or if not a friendly creature just fired around - will help a friend if possible. If cannot do too much in any of these cases for other different reasons (stupid geometry, blockmonsters, doors, ect.) will develop last resort because is frustrated, will simply change position moving a bit in hope to be out of enemy aiming direction.

Indeed here we can talk about that thing (function) named SetEnemy, this one might have only 2 cases: True or False. Related to this chapter I studied what is about in a few cases monsters vs bots and why some monster might develop accesed nones. We can talk about this chapter more if you think is interesting. Declaring a pawn for a monster as enemy is a bit interesting, we need to first to take care if monster is not ignoring pawn by default, is not really about attitude ignore, is about complete ignorance comparing pawn with wall, more exactly no attitude. Here I don't think I can solve too much but I'm still working at this.

1) I know these because it happens very often - trash mapping of course.
2) You know what I tested last time ? Paths for pupae... read again. A group of angry pupaes developed a nice assault racing to destination following a few special paths done by Nelsona. Of course is not interesting to develop a war with pupaes because they cannot fire any... was just a test to show to myself what I can do.

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Nelsona » Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:58 pm

In other ideea, I used a modified mindreader to see what's going on with a monster lost in map and player shooting it. Even being out of sight it will attempt to respond and hunting in the same time.

Yep, my problem was last time a Titan who got mad at me and I've just seen 155 hunting paths (I don't think in that area are so many... lol) - I think he just shortcuted the normal travel in hunting state coming directly at me and ignoring NavigationPoints but still counting them or doubling - grr, some code is not acting normally I guess. I don't know what he did, once killed any enemy will attempt to wander or to follow an order (bad configured of course). In timer I have something slow to keep them in roaming (and works fine) but this one really bugged me. I need to give myself an explanation, maybe this will help me to develop other interesting things. Yeah, I'm using even bugs to make a good game.

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by Nelsona » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:18 pm

Let me proudly present some work found by a friend...

An assumed MH map ported from Assault in a desperate attempt to have some Bot support and succesfully ruined to work ONLY without Bots, hosted just to be hosted, not to have a local party, is doing only a nice crash at loading some A.I. If you need a real fixed version of this map to be played with Bots, just contact me in private, do not download any assumed FIX version from any place, because that fix is not any FIX is just a work by some retard or a dude on drugs... Let me show you a small crap:

Code: Select all

Critical: APawn::breadthPathFrom
Critical: APawn::findPathToward
Critical: AActor::ProcessState
Critical: Object TFemale2Bot MH-GolgothaAL_fix.TFemale2Bot0, Old State State Botpack.Bot.Roaming, New State State Botpack.Bot.Roaming
Critical: AActor::Tick
Critical: TickAllActors
Critical: ULevel::Tick
Critical: (NetMode=0)
Critical: TickLevel
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: MainLoop
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: UGalaxyAudioSubsystem::ShutdownAfterError
If you need aditional info let me show ON-SCREEN results for that "FIX".
Don't worry, I have fixed more things than you can dream about. Let me drink a beer for my old work enjoying a good map not any _FIX or FIX2 or... FIX1235748123, just the real fix.
I'm just following engine's rules and is awsome. At least for others, I'm not bother to explain what is about.
Just a note: If you work like this in real life and you have a boss like mine, I'll bet you can receive a kick in butt... in less than 2 seconds. In security we aren't kidding... 8)
Done, any questions ?
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Re: Bot pathing

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:41 pm

Nelsona wrote:not interesting to develop a war with pupaes because they cannot fire any...
Are you sure there isn't an option under Combat for them? Most monsters have something.

Which reminds me of a chat I had on where I asked if you could attach voicepacks to monsters.

I sense an experiment coming...

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Re: Bot pathing

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:08 pm

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.


Picked my 2nd smallest map, put a pupae on it, and gave it a projectile attack... but it refuses to shoot with it.

Not sure why.
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