2020 Election

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Who are you voting for or who would you vote for if you could?

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2020 Election

Post by David » Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:38 pm

I know we did this 4 years ago. I am not a political person and I do not care for politics but it is the reality that I need to surrender to. I am not a fan of either person, so for me, it is the lesser of two evils but either way it is choosing evil. If I selected a 3rd party, I know that person will not win; not in the USA at this time.

I know there are people who believe in politicians and in the system, I am more skeptical about everything. Many people just vote for the party and not for the person or what that person stands for.

So I might be sorry for asking this, but who are you voting for or who would you vote for if you could?
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Re: 2020 Election

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:11 am


The prevailing argument for Trump is that only he can bring us out of this chaos we are experiencing, that what we're seeing in our country now is what living under Biden would be like... but everything we're seeing in our country now happened during a Trump presidency and if Trump is really the only person who can stop this kind of insanity, then why didn't he?

Biden is clearly the saner choice.
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Re: 2020 Election

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:39 pm

I repeat myself again four years later, but in this outsider's humble opinion you need more than two choices of political parties. This either/or situation where neither choice is palatable to a majority of voters begs for more choices to be available. You need a political party that espouses the views of people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. A Green Party like many other countries have wouldn't hurt either. Perhaps even a "Tea Party" to keep the far right voters happy, and to shut up those dangerous alt right airheads would be a good thing too.

The wheeling and dealing that already happens in government would be enriched, and perhaps forms of legislation that please a good majority of the people would result. It couldn't hurt at this point, I speculate.

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Re: 2020 Election

Post by Hermskii » Fri Sep 25, 2020 3:52 pm

Muhahahaha! With all things being said meaning with me knowing all of the for and against arguments on and for both sides and knowing all third party options, I'm totally voting for Trump.


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Re: 2020 Election

Post by David » Fri Sep 25, 2020 4:29 pm

Hermskii wrote:
Fri Sep 25, 2020 3:52 pm
Muhahahaha! With all things being said meaning with me knowing all of the for and against arguments on and for both sides and knowing all third party options, I'm totally voting for Trump.
Hermskii, I was waiting for you to respond. haha

I am a conservative and I tend to lean towards the republican party, but I cannot say that I will vote for the republican at all times. I want to vote for the person who claims that they lean in the same direction I look at things. I have lived in conservative states and liberal states. To me, for my experience, I would rather be in a conservative state. I sort of snicker when people of liberal mindedness who lives in a liberal state but then they want to leave their state. As someone's mother has stated, you made your bed now live in it.

In my opinion, Biden has been in politics too long and does not have anything to show in a positive manner. I cannot stand Nancy Pelosi.

Do I think Trump is the best for the Republican party, I hope not, but again the rest are politicians.
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Re: 2020 Election

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Sep 26, 2020 3:34 am

Hermskii wrote:
Fri Sep 25, 2020 3:52 pm
I'm totally voting for Trump.
That is disappointing. One would think that upon seeing what a mess of things he's made, any option would be better than Individual Cheeto.
David wrote:
Fri Sep 25, 2020 4:29 pm
Do I think Trump is the best for the Republican party, I hope not, but again the rest are politicians.
Regardless of what he's compared to, Trump is always worse.

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Re: 2020 Election

Post by Hermskii » Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:03 pm

My little sister is for Biden. She is ready to stop talking to me over it too. Sad. I asked her about the mayor allowing people to camp out downtown on sidewalks and such and she has no answer. She has no answer for anything she argues about for that matter. I would post what Trump said he would do and accomplished but I don't want to go over my max size limit on this forum. I get that some folks just can't look at both sides of the argument. What I don't get is how they keep arguing with me when I do know both sides and know they are wrong. I watch their liberal news daily. I know what they are being fed by the biased liberal media. They will not watch conservative TV shows at all. They refuse totally. That is their weakness. That is my strength. The liberals here reading this right now know that I'm telling the truth and yet they will reply and continue to argue. LOL.

Hey liberal folks here! I have a challenge you wouldn't dare take because you know I'm right again! i dare you to take it. I should ask that you explain why you won't too when you don't take the challenge. Here it is: I will park my car in front on my house. I will put a sticker promoting Biden/Harris in the middle of the top of my back window and put up several Biden/Harris yard signs in my front yard too but you have to put a sticker promoting Trump/Pence in the middle of the top of your car's back window and put up several Trump/Pence yard signs in your front yard too!. To this day, not a single liberal has taken the challenge and all of you know why. That thing you know is why I know your folks are messed up! Please, go ahead and tell me now why you won't take the challenge.

David makes a great point about the libs hating what their liberal states are becoming or have already become and now they are all moving out like mad. It infuriates me to see a California plated car here or a New York plated car. I know they are very likely liberals and will vote that way if they stay.

I really don't want to be ugly about this but it's true. I don't think we should talk much more about it until after the election. Everyone still says that Biden is going to win and if he does, I, like a grown-up republican will recognize him as my President and will pray for him daily to do his best for all of us as I did with Obama even though he was the biggest piece of crap President since Carter! I won't go outside and yell at the sky, or cry and take time off and hire a shrink because I'm mental about it. I won't go running around burning down stuff and destroying the lives of people who worked hard to create their own businesses that provide jobs for other people too.

Someone tell me what Obama did as President that was good. I'll say I loved that he killed Osama Bin Laden. Yeah, that is about the only thing that comes to mind but I didn't go freaking out about everything he did that I hated.


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Re: 2020 Election

Post by EvilGrins » Mon Sep 28, 2020 1:09 pm

Okay, first off I can't take your challenge as I don't have a car... although I likely wouldn't regardless as I wouldn't even for the sake of testing something want to even slightly hint an impression that I support that monster.
Hermskii wrote:
Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:03 pm
I would post what Trump said he would do and accomplished but I don't want to go over my max size limit on this forum. I get that some folks just can't look at both sides of the argument.
The amusing, though not in a funny ha ha sort of way, problem with PROMISES MADE PROMISES KEPT is literally it only means he had to accomplish more than 1 thing and it's accurate. It's based on his campaign promises, and the fact of the matter is Trump has not, as you say what Trump said he would do and accomplished because he promised a great many things and he's done far less than a 3rd of them.

That's not an empty claim · https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-mete ... umpometer/

I'm particularly interested in the things on that constantly updating list that Trump promised to do and still hasn't even started on. Though the numerous other things he did start on that either stalled out, never got anywhere, or completely failed are one of the many issues I have with what Trump said he would do and accomplished.

To be fair, Trump did do good things. Economy was good, before it wasn't, but it was ridiculous that he had to lie about how bad it was prior to him. Unemployment was way down across the board, but he didn't need to lie and say it was the best it had ever been. Also, he's not done more than any other president before him... not even close.

Anytime anyone cites the good things Trump did, they cite those 2 things... and sometimes divide the 2nd thing into sub-categories to make it seem like more things.

It's hard to take Trump seriously because even if you don't know that he's a compulsive liar, it's seemingly ridiculous that he claims every single thing he's done is better than anyone ever had done prior to him.
Hermskii wrote:
Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:03 pm
The liberals here reading this right now know that I'm telling the truth and yet they will reply and continue to argue.
Since we got stuck with Trump, the worst president in the history of the planet, we've had to deal with understanding there is truth and then there is "your truth". It's a complex thing to have to determine, despite being appallingly simple, and I largely blame that on Trump too... because he was a well known compulsive liar long before he ever became president, and he actually campaigned on the notion he would only speak the truth, which not surprisingly was a lie.

My Dad says Trump is never wrong. I had to get him to explain that statement because I couldn't believe he said that, though his explanation provided clarity. Trump will adamantly support any position he holds, been doing this long since before he got into politics, but the moment he finds out he's wrong about something he will change his position and then go to great lengths to make it seem like he never believed the thing he previous believed.

Trump only hires the BEST PEOPLE. He will go on at length about how wonderful they are... up until he fires them. At that point he goes on extensive smear campaigns about them, which are interesting as he says they were losers long before he hired them... you know, back when he initially claimed they were the "best people".

Prior to Trump we never really had a president who openly and frequently attacked the American People... and this is the big reason I wanted him impeached. His first trip to China as PotUS he did something that gave me hope maybe I was wrong about him. American Students had gotten into a spot of trouble and Trump went to their rescue. He got them out of a situation that would've landed them in a Chinese prison, and he brought them home. Now these students were from 3 different families... but 1 father from 1 of the families wouldn't thank Trump. Do you recall how Trump responded to that?

This is how Trump really is · https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/sta ... 8146892801

Trump only cares about himself, he only helped those students because of how he hoped it would make him look. The moment 1 family member of 1 family wouldn't praise him the way he felt he should be praised, he said he should've left all of those kids in a foreign prison.

He then proceeded to engage in a 2-week long Tweet War with that father.

Trump's own tweets are the best evidence of what a scumbag he is.

I could go on, and may well in future replies, and I don't condemn people that will vote for that appalling moron (been calling him that since long before Tillerson made it cool) but nobody in good conscience can honestly say they're voting for him because he's a good president, because he's the exact opposite.

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Re: 2020 Election

Post by Hermskii » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:41 pm

Good reply EG. I will try to bite my tongue until after the election. You made many good points and I can respect that. Unlike my little sister, I can certainly agree to disagree and still respect the other's views even while I don't share them. Just because your vote off-sets mine, I still think you are pretty cool and I am glad you are here and do what you do!

I look forward to the debate tomorrow!

I think Trump is going to LANDSLIDE win the mother. I think he will win with 315 - 330 electoral votes. What do any of you think ? Who is going to win?


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Re: 2020 Election

Post by David » Tue Sep 29, 2020 5:57 pm

I do not drink alcohol but Mike Rowe posted this on his Facebook page and thought it had some humor to it and it is related to the presidential debate.
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Re: 2020 Election

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:28 pm

That's basically how it was.
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Re: 2020 Election

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:38 pm

This quote is attributed to Voltaire:
I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
As long as the majority believe and act on this sentiment, democracy is safe.

But when you get a wanna-be dictator calling on fascists like the "Proud Boys" to stand by and be ready, then you are in deep trouble. Don't forget history: Once Hitler was appointed as Chancellor, he began the process of converting Germany into the Third Reich. And he had 10's of thousands of SA men ready to enforce his bidding.
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Re: 2020 Election

Post by EvilGrins » Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:34 pm

Well, alright!
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics ... election_4

About time we got that Electoral College thang working in our favor.

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Re: 2020 Election

Post by Dr.Flay » Sat Oct 03, 2020 2:47 am

I would suggest that as long as America continues to elect 1 individual who then chooses their government, you have a system that explicitly creates a grand dictator role for someone to sit in.

Many other countries vote for an existing group of individuals who will be the new Government, so you know better what you are getting.
However the positions they get to take up is similarly decided by 1 head honcho, with the most prized positions being those with the most TV exposure so you get used to their name and face, for when they want you to vote for them.

I understand the electoral collage idea as a balancing concept, but so is "cooking the books" to make tax figures more favourable.
In a country still striving for equal rights, one persons vote is worth more than another persons because of where they live.
These means you can never be seen as equals.
"one man one vote" is a simple concept that helps to combat voter fraud, because you are literally counting the individuals expressing their wishes.
Anything else requires massaging the numbers, and then you can hide many things.

Personally I don't see any real progress until we stop offering a supreme leader job as the prize (a prize with extra benefits and possible entry to an elite club).
Quite simply it attracts the wrong sort of people.
We should be picking our leaders based on the same criteria you or I will or will not be hired for a job.
My solution would be to offer the government positions as the things we get to vote on, based on the candidates history in the sector relating to the position.
Instead of offering up a sheet of empty promises that exist only to win votes, they offer up their résumé and their intended goals for their role and how they would go about them (should sound a familiar idea).

When an individual performs badly we get our chance to replace them with each election.
This would allow those who excel in their position to remain, rather than the current model where we throw the baby out with the water each time, and start all over again breaking any sense of continuity.

How well do you think an average company would do if every 4 years you sacked everyone and replaced them with people that have not done that job before ?
Most individuals put in a position of life and death decisions have extensive training and will have got their jobs based on reviews and evaluation by individuals who know about the job.

We choose the most important life and death dealer based on promises, hopes and dreams, and how much less worse than the other candidates they are.
Would you choose your doctor the same way ?
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Re: 2020 Election

Post by EvilGrins » Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:53 pm

I made this for a post I'll likely put up tomorrow on Facebook, Trump's recent statement on Covid-19 sparked this... and is clear evidence he should not be president any longer.

He made the statement today that Covid-19 isn't dangerous because we have the best drugs and he feels now like he did in his 20's. Keeping in mind he's saying that while on drugs and steroids that're making him feel amazing but haven't actually neutralized his infection... drugs which are still not readily available to the average American.

If anything, time travel should be achieved to get him out of office sooner.
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